r/benshapiro Aug 29 '23

On The Issue Of Abortion Ben Shapiro Discussion/critique

The Democrats keep saying they don’t support abortion up until birth. They do. Evidence of this is in the bill they proposed in the Senate that every Democrat except Sinema voted for in May of last year.

Both the general rule and section 9 are important to pay attention to:

(a) General Rule.—A health care provider has a statutory right under this Act to provide abortion services, and may provide abortion services, and that provider’s patient has a corresponding right to receive such services, without any of the following limitations or requirements:

The above means that section 9 is completely legal

(9) A prohibition on abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient’s life or health.

I italicized text to empathize. The term after fetal viability means after the baby can survive on its own outside of the womb - in laymen’s terms this means when it can be born and we can keep it alive. The term health is undefined. What this section means is that even if the baby is able to be birthed and survive, if the mother’s health is at risk it can be aborted. The term health is specifically ambiguous so to include mental health (so if you’re depressed from the baby, you get to abort) and it also doesn’t address what kind of health if it’s physical health so to encompass as many reasons for an abortion as possible without being able to question the legitimacy of the need. Again, there is no limitation on the progress of the pregnancy as noted in the term after fetal viability. That means up to 39 weeks.

There are other provisions in the bill that are also egregious in their own way, but this is the section that supports a 39 week abortion. It’s thinly veiled to act like it’s merely a women’s health issue but is actually a clause to let health care providers perform an abortion for virtually any reason.


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u/FeaturingYou Aug 30 '23

Refer to my previous comment.


u/Nemisis82 Aug 30 '23

Apologies, let me clarify. I meant to say:

Does it say in the bill that abortion is available upon demand with no reason whatsoever, up until birth?

I figured that was part of the context of what we were talking about. You have not provided that. You said the following:

Instead they're saying they don't care about the reason, they don't care about why, they don't care how far along you are.

It does not say that in the bill. It does say, they do not care the reason prior to vetal viability.

If you want an abortion you should get one as long as it's in the best interest of the undefined term "health"

Health has a pretty well-known definition. I also do not think it's in the interest of the population to have politicians what classifies as healthy or not in this case. Trained physicians should be doing that.

The text here supports abortion for any reason no questions asked (see section 11)

Let me show you what section 11 says (emphasis added):

A requirement that a patient seeking abortion services at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability disclose the patient’s reason or reasons for seeking abortion services, or a limitation on the provision or obtaining of abortion services at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability based on any actual, perceived, or potential reason or reasons of the patient for obtaining abortion services, regardless of whether the limitation is based on a health care provider’s degree of actual or constructive knowledge of such reason or reasons.

Again, that section you're referring to is strictly about prior to fetal viability. So your pointing to that is irrelevant.


u/FeaturingYou Aug 30 '23

Hahahaha “health is a well known definition”. They specify definitions in legal documents so they can’t be interpreted. That’s why there are definitions in this document.

You either didn’t read this document or don’t understand the outline or both.


u/Nemisis82 Aug 30 '23

Feel free to refute what I said. You took one piece and responded to that in a pretty poor way and ignored the rest. They do not define every single word used in a bill. Also, I acknowledged that I do not believe that politicians should even be defining what health is, as that can and has changed over time and will continue to do so. Politicians should not define health, physicians should. Agreed?

Please, feel free to point out any point in the text of the bill where it says that abortion is allowed up to birth for any reason whatsoever.


u/FeaturingYou Aug 30 '23

You aren’t offering anything I haven’t already explained and I don’t want to rehash what I’ve already said because you’re either deliberately and stubbornly misinterpreting my explanation or ignoring it entirely. I’m not entertaining this conversation since I don’t see it going anywhere productive and it’s frustrating repeating myself. You can have the last word, my part in this conversation is over.


u/Nemisis82 Aug 30 '23

Ah, so you can't. Got it. And here I was earlier in this thread thinking you were acting in good faith. This sub just cannot produce anything in good faith, it's hilarious.