r/benshapiro Aug 03 '23

This is what at stake Leftist opinion

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u/Drs83 Aug 03 '23

Sounds like the best solution is to vote for someone else in the primary who actually has a chance at beating Biden. According to this tweet, if Trump wins the primary he's going to jail. I mean, DC_Draino is a massive Trump simp, so you have to take anything posted with a massive grain of salt, but whatever.


u/Individual_Holiday56 Aug 03 '23

If he goes to jail it will be after the election. This also doesn’t include appeals. This literally could take years. Dems intent is to drag his name through the mud throughout.


u/Revolutionary_Act427 Aug 04 '23

To the contrary, these are things that Trump did to himself. Defrauding the American Public is a serious crime, on top of everything else he's being accused of.

Going through a legal trial is about hearing the facts, which will obviously result in continually hearing Trump post about how he's being "unfairly treated" and "witch-hunt". ..it is literally the only way he can fight these accusations and strengthen his political base.

...so, I don't believe it's the other guy working to drag his name through the mud, more than the accused "playing victim".


u/Individual_Holiday56 Aug 04 '23 edited Aug 04 '23

Very serious huh? There is no law called defrauding the American people 😂. Quite listening to CNN! The actual law they are skewing is “Conspiracy to Defraud the United States”. that law is based on property and money not on protected speech. For instance Hillary Clinton and Stacey abrams both claimed the elections were stolen from them. Should we charge them too? Trump has a right to say the the election was stolen from him (whether it’s true or not is irrelevant). If we were to charge politicians for lying we would arrest almost all of them. Hell Joe Biden has been lying for 40 years. Get real kid you are talking nonsense.