r/benshapiro Aug 03 '23

This is what at stake Leftist opinion

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u/manliness-dot-space Aug 03 '23

Plus he can be impeached and removed from office, a criminal conviction would be pretty basic justification for impeachment


u/Individual_Holiday56 Aug 03 '23

It’s not based on the constitution. If it doesn’t follow the constitutional requirements republicans won’t vote to remove him.


u/manliness-dot-space Aug 03 '23

Any party can only win by swaying the middle to their cause.

Dems are fucking themselves right now because they are trying to convince the middle that "MAPs" are an orientation, dudes in women's clothing with raging boners should be allowed in women's changing rooms, and kids should be able to decide whether or not to sterilize themselves.

GOP basically just has to run any regular person to be the better choice.

Going whole-hog on Trump is the most likely way to fuck it up...he's already lost once to Biden, and he's only got more legal problems in the way, and the only thing average middle voters will walk away with is "something something criminal record something something GOP wouldn't replace a crook"

Ron or Vivek could run circles around Biden, and the average person is tired of ancient Boomers in government. Trump is the most Biden-like option, who has already proven he loses to Biden.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result


u/Individual_Holiday56 Aug 03 '23

I agree with most of what you say. Voting for trump you have to accept all his baggage that comes along with it (and there is a lot) and that’s tough for most voters. I honestly think that people that are fans of trump are in it more to piss off the left than for any real semblance of government. I agree it’s a bad idea to make trump the nominee. He’s not the most electable candidate regardless of what the polls show. We will see I guess.