r/benshapiro Leftist Tear Drinker May 02 '23

Controversy erupts after transgender cyclist Austin Killips wins women’s race: ‘Insane’ Daily Wire


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u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

It’s also a circular definition and immediately rejected by anyone with common sense or a basic knowledge of how language and communication works.


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

i think sociologists would disagree. i would like to believe i have both of those things, but i guess because a random conservative on reddit told me otherwise, i must not be!


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

Sociologists are the least respected individuals alive. Regardless, arguments from authority mean nothing to me, but thanks for the intellectual fallacy! The sound reasoning of one man outweighs the rambling nonsense of a thousand experts.

Circular definitions are dumb. Define dumb. Dumb is when people are dumb. Okay.. but what is dumb. Dump is when people are dumb.

What is a woman?


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

also, another question is why do you care? trans people make up such a small percentage. they just want to live.


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

Always “why do you care” and never “You make valid arguments. I’m much less intelligent than I believed myself to be. Maybe I’m delusional.”

I’ve answered why I care already. Scroll around and find it.


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

i don’t believe myself to be very intelligent, i just like standing up for people in my community! i wouldn’t say i’m delusional, but that’s just because i haven’t really had any proof that i am


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

Everything you have said so far is your proof. Delusional people need to be told they are delusional. We have circled back around to your previous question about medication and delusion enabling.


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

i can go tell someone they’re delusional even if they’re not. just because someone says something about someone else doesn’t mean it’s true. it’s not a delusion dear lord


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

So, in your mind… grown men can just decide one day that they are woman. They can go into female locker rooms. They can join the UFC and fracture three womens skulls. Perfectly acceptable? Not delusional?


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

no. i don’t think being transgender is a choice. so now man just goes “i am now transgender” and goes through the strenuous journey of socially and possibly medically transitioning. i’m sure there are examples of women who are obviously more powerful unfairly beating their components?


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

So, you don’t think someone has to make the choice to go through transition? Almost everything in life is a choice. Not everyone with gender dysphoria transitions. Not everyone that transitions has gender dysphoria.


u/d0wncasts0ul May 03 '23

that’s very true. i’m not a trans medicalist. it’s a choice to transition it’s not a choice to be trans. what i meant before was sometimes it’s a necessity for mental and physical health.


u/MarkyJ123456 May 03 '23

It’s extremely unhealthy physically. Your lifespan decreases. It doesn’t help mental health. I sent two verified studies showing there is no decrease in suicide ideation. Even with this… adults should be able to transition whenever they want. I don’t care. It’s your life. Your life should not be held on a pedestal above others. That’s an incredibly selfish mentality. Why should your feelings be more important than the actual rights or women?

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