r/australianplants 5d ago

Transplanting lemon and cinnamon myrtles

I have to get my myrtles out of their pots because they are miserable.

Does anyone have any advice of what I should do after I transplant them?

Is Yates dynamic lifter a good idea?



u/plantsplantsOz 5d ago

It's the worst time of the year to do it in 80% of the country. But its not great for repotting either.

  1. Make sure the plant is completely saturated - ideally submerge the whole thing in water and wait for the air bubbles to stop.
  2. make sure the ground is as wet as possible - dig the hole a little bit deeper and twice the width of the current pot, chuck in at least one bucket of water and wait for it to soak in.
  3. Place the plant in the hole and bury it slightly (you need to cover up the potting mix), give it at least a buckets worth of water preferably with seaweed solution (eg.seasol) mixed in.
  4. Keep well watered until April.

Don't fertilise for at least a month.


u/Restless-J-Con22 5d ago

Awesome, that's great thank youÂ