r/aquarium 1d ago

Hey can anyone help me ? Freshwater

Sooo i have owned fishes for 4 years now.. but i want something different like a betta or other fish. This tank is 70 Liters (18,4920437 gallons) i have owned all spiecies from tetraโ€™s , guppies ect. Any suggestions? I would like groups with fish or 1 fish, just something more challenging! Help a girl out!!!


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u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Hahahah i feel u with the poop ๐Ÿ˜” but they dont say that they are common?? And they sell plecos in every size in my special fish shop!! But maybe its the country lol. Are u sad that u took it back?


u/EMI2085 1d ago

In specialty fish shops they do sell lots of sizes, but in chain stores in the US they only seem to sell Common Plecos. And back when I got him (which was like 15 years ago) the tag said they only needed 20g, which is like 160 gallons too small, lol. I just wish the big chain stores would sell the smaller varieties, because thatโ€™s where a lot of people go for their first tanks.

I like them, but I am not sad I took him back, lol. If I had a pond I would love to have a common pleco in it. ๐Ÿ˜ But I live in the desert, so ponds are hard to do here.


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Oooooo that explainssss!!


u/EMI2085 1d ago

Hey, be sure to update us about what fish you decide for this tank! And post pictures. I would love to see once itโ€™s all set up. ๐Ÿ˜Š


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Heyy i deff will but it will take some time as i have still other fish in the tank, inwas thinking if the beta would fit in a 7,5 gal tank some ppl said yes but idk lol ๐Ÿ˜œ