r/animalid 28d ago

What is this cat? 🧱🫎 TAXIDERMY ID REQUEST 🫎🧱

Someone is selling this taxidermy wild cat and I'm trying to figure out what it is. There's no pictures of the head before anyone asks.

I'm thinking it's maybe an oncilla? But I'm really unsure It looks quite old


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u/PipocaComNescau 28d ago

Where's the tail? It seems to be just a stump? I would say Geoffrey's cat, but with that? But it doesn't look like a bobcats either, the coat doesn't match... That's really hard.


u/Mry-Mry 28d ago

I think some of the tail can be seen? Maybe in the third picture when zooming in between the back legs. Seems like a stumpy tail, thin and not too long. Like a caracal or serval tail, medium length. This cat is just confusing! lol


u/PipocaComNescau 28d ago

Yeah, it can be a very poor taxidermied serval. It lacks the big ears, the legs need to be longer too... I don't know. It throws me off!


u/Mry-Mry 28d ago

Poor taxidermy serval is kind of the most popular vote rn! Someone didn't know their proportions right and it just didn't age well!