r/UofO 27d ago

Need help from computer science major---->specializing in cybersecurity

I found a hidden partition on my encrypted drive and there is alot of unused space that is also not showing up when I browse disk management. I've reformatted it, reset the whole device and the partition persists. I can't scan it for malware because the drive is encrypted and I don't have any idea how to decrypt it so I can run an anti-virus scan. Beyond that I am totally lost on how to figure out if it is a malicious file or not. Willing to compensate for your time.


P.s. have other questions and guidance needed, particularly verifying my setup of graphene os, verifying hash file integrity (in general from an downloaded windows/ios/and android apps), onlykey 2fa key setup questions, vpn/i2p/tor questions, best practices against a directed cyber attack ( i trade crypto and experienced a dos attack on my devices which all became infected and inoperable, only after hard resetting them multiple times did some become operable aga8n. I still suspect Spyware/malware on one of them)