r/UnfuckYourHabitat 18h ago

Advice Support

I have a very bad habit of biting my nails in anxiety or stress situations I really want to badlyy remove this habit and have normal nails After biting my nails become so small .. i bite till i feel any painnnšŸ˜­ I tried my best to stop biting but ended up biting again and again


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u/Tornado_Of_Benjamins 16h ago

Simply stop biting them.

Now, I know your inevitable response: "but I can't!"

Why not?

The answer to that question is the real problem you need to be solving. Not "I bite my nails", but something more along the lines of "I don't have any healthy coping mechanisms for acute stress/anxiety" or maybe "This maladaptive behavior is triggered without me noticing, which makes it difficult to interrupt."


u/Ok_Lavishness_7681 15h ago

Yeahh have to find the solution for the core problem.. i tried meditating and relieving my stress too! But sometimes i bite them off when i am bored too!