r/TrueChristian 10d ago

How can I overcome lust.

Hello I’m a 14 yr old Male and I’ve struggling with lust for a while and I’m trying to break it. I’ve heard to break lust i need to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the desires of my flesh. How do i do that? I’d really appreciate it if you guys could share your thoughts and advice for me. Thanks!

I just want to make it clear I’m not watching corn or anything . Just need to be more focused on God Than looking at Girls and stuff


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u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

Just need to be more focused on God Than looking at Girls and stuff

Your brain is hardwired and designed to think about girls and stuff.


u/Spiritual-Alps-1513 10d ago

I know but it’s on a way deeper level at this point and I started to do things that I’m not really proud of as a child of God.


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

I know but it’s on a way deeper level at this point and I started to do things that I’m not really proud of as a child of God.

There is nothing whatsoever in the Bible that suggests nor implies that masturbation is a sin. Nothing. Zero, Zip. Nada.

Here is what the largest Presbyterian denomination says about it:

We find no evidence for any theological, psychological or medical strictures against masturbation per se. The medical myths concerning the ominous consequences that might follow masturbation (diminished intelligence, aggravated acne, impotence in normal intercourse, etc.) have long since been dispelled. On the contrary here is nearly unanimous medical opinion that no physical harm to the body is produced even by frequent masturbation.6 There is even some argument for the positive values of masturbation in re- lieving sexual tension and attendant physical discomfort in the pelvic region, in contributing to psychosexual development, and in providing a satisfactory alternative form of sexual gratification to single persons or to married persons during periods of separation, where intercourse would be inappropriate or impossible.

Masturbation is often one of the earliest pleasurable sexual experiences which is identifiably genital, we consider it essential that the church, through its teachings and through the attitudes it encourages in Christian homes,contribute to a healthy understanding of this experience which will be free of guilt and shame. The ethical significance of masturbation depends entirely on the con- text in which it takes place. Therefore, we can see no objection to it when it occurs as a normal developmental experience or as a deliberately chosen alternative to inappropriate heterosexual activity. We can see valid ethical questions raised about masturbatory practices which become or which inhibit normal heterosexual development. In most instances, however, we believe that masturbation is morally neutral and psychologically benign.

https://www.pcusa.org/sites/default/files/sexuality-and-human-community.pdf Page 14.


u/PartyPacket 10d ago

It is a sin bro what are u saying😭🙏


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

It is a sin bro what are u saying😭🙏

So says your pastor [I suppose,] not the Bible.


u/PartyPacket 10d ago

bruh lustful thoughts are considered sinful, and it's these thoughts that lead to masturbation since masturbation usually involves fantasizing about something sexual or whatever


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

bruh lustful thoughts are considered sinful, and it's these thoughts that lead to masturbation since masturbation usually involves fantasizing about something sexual or whatever

You do not know what the word in the original Greek language that is translated "lust" actually means. Unfortunately, few Christians are willing to tell you.


u/PartyPacket 10d ago

What is it??


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

The word is "epithumeo" and it means to desire something strongly, intending to get it if you can or could.

The word is also used for Godly men wanting Godly things.

But in the context of sex, it means that you are looking to have sex with the person that you are thinking about.

I seriously doubt that when you masturbate, you do it with the intention of getting or wanting a real person to have sex with.


u/PartyPacket 10d ago

Haven't you ever thought to yourself that maybe you wrong and it is actually a sin? (why am I getting deja vu)


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

I have considered it carefully, studied it thoroughly, and believe that it is insignificant in God's eyes.

If it was a problem for him he would have said something.


u/AffectionateTea1614 10d ago

Mathew 5:27-28.  🤷 if only He said something 😂 


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

Mathew 5:27-28.

Does not say, nor imply anything about masturbation.


u/AffectionateTea1614 10d ago

So your twist this time is that masturbation isn’t a lustful activity?  


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

So your twist this time is that masturbation isn’t a lustful activity?

According to the Greek word that is translated "lust," it could possibly be, but in the majority of cases, not.


u/AffectionateTea1614 10d ago

I can’t imagine working this hard to twist the scriptures to try and convince an individual that the conviction they’re  feeing isn’t “biblical”. It’s sad really. 


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

It’s sad really.

Yes. It is sad to make stuff up and claim it is God saying it.

If you don't like masturbation then stop doing it yourself. Don't lie and tell others that God says so.


u/AffectionateTea1614 10d ago

Strawman, typical.  

Agreed.  The Bible doesn’t speak on abortion directly either. So by your logic it’s fine right?  Give it a rest.  


u/PartyPacket 10d ago

Alright I see. I still think it's wrong but whatever. interesting conversation ig. Have a blessed day (or night)😁🙏


u/Byzantium Christian 10d ago

And may the Lord bless you as well!

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