r/TrueChristian 9d ago

How can I overcome lust.

Hello I’m a 14 yr old Male and I’ve struggling with lust for a while and I’m trying to break it. I’ve heard to break lust i need to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the desires of my flesh. How do i do that? I’d really appreciate it if you guys could share your thoughts and advice for me. Thanks!

I just want to make it clear I’m not watching corn or anything . Just need to be more focused on God Than looking at Girls and stuff


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u/consultantVlad 9d ago

The porn addiction isn't universal but conditional; for men in our society it develops in stages: 1. curiosity about women's bodies, 2. objectification, or sexualization of the women's bodies, 3. addiction to dopamine release while looking at erotic material, 4. numbing to porn content and switching to hardcore porn. While step 1 is normal for boys of 5-9 years of age, if not addressed, will switch to step 2 when a boy is introduced to sexual content, erotica, porn (typically by the age of 16). It is possible to prevent it from developing past stage 1, but if a man or a woman is already in 2, 3 or 4, addressing the issue becomes complicated, but possible if a person has a proper relationship with God, spouse, and his/her own body being God's creation. Association of beauty with sex creates porn addiction. Just as you wouldn't want to have sex with a beautiful sunset, the same way you shouldn't want to have sex with a beautiful woman. To do that you need to stay away from social conditioning of Hollywood and social media.