r/StarWars Mar 08 '21

Happy International Women’s Day! Without you the galaxy would be a boring place. Meta

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u/[deleted] Mar 08 '21

Holdo was a caricature of bad leadership though. Her own crew mutinied because she wouldn’t even tell them there was a plan, much less what the plan was.

I don’t think you’re doing women around the world any favors by holding up the personification of “well if you don’t already know, I’m not going to tell you” as an example.


u/Zardhas Mar 08 '21

Yes, she vehiculates the toxic philisophy that you must believe in your leaders and shouldn't ever try to question them. Very dangerous message


u/elizabnthe Mar 08 '21

You know no one talks about the fact that Poe didn't tell Holdo his plan. You might say, but he didn't trust Holdo to not ruin his plan. And yet Holdo didn't trust Poe to not ruin her plan.

It's the same, but Holdo's plan was better than Poe's (and she was shown to be correct) and she was supported by Leia herself to lead the Resistance. And that is why he should have deferred to her. It's not about not questioning leaders. It's about using your head and not your heart in leadership.


u/Zardhas Mar 08 '21

It's about using your head and not your heart in leadership

And that's exactly what the whole rest of the ST was not about


u/elizabnthe Mar 08 '21

As I said in the other comment. This is like getting upset that Han is not still suffering the exact same problem in ROTJ as ESB. Or in ESB as in ANH.

Poe is certainly still trying to work himself out as a leader in TROS but a different angle to it. We hear him state he doesn't think he can live up to Leia and he asks Finn to assist him exactly because he knows that they are better as a team and he doesn't have to be alone. But he knows to use his head because he learned from TLJ, and we see him use it. Poe prefers caution to Rey's brazen disregard for example and knows when he should quit in the dire circumstances in Exegol (though thankfully saved this time unlike at Crait).