r/SpaceXLounge May 28 '24

Fake livestreams Same as always

So sad but there are currently 300k people watching "IFT-4" streamed on YouTube. What they don't know is that it's a fake spacex channel (fairly well disguised I will give them that), and in reality they are watching IFT-1. If you get a minute, report @corp-spacex2 for impersonation on youtube. Maybe those 300k people are bots but still, sick and tired of these fake channels


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u/majikmonkie May 29 '24

Nearly all of the viewers will be bots - doesn't look like a credible feed if there's only 23 people viewing, so they'll pad the numbers with fake accounts and bots.

The legit people that are tricked by this will figure it out eventually once Elon comes on talking about how they should buy some sort of crypto.


u/rogueqd May 29 '24

Represent. I was so excited to see the SS4 launch unexpectedly moved to today when I woke up this morning. I watched 20 mins until Elons crypto BS came on, then was sad, not fooled.

I thought they'd hijacked the official channel somehow.


u/majikmonkie May 29 '24

Yep, same thing here for IFT-1!