r/SelfSufficiency Aug 02 '19

Self-sufficient cooking oil Discussion

How do you fulfill your cooking oil needs in a self-sufficient manner? Seems like there really isn't an easy way if you want it to be self-sufficient.

  • This year I don't have many meat animals
  • Vegetable oil is so much gottdamn work
  • Butter isn't year-round for me, plus it's a lot of gottdamn work
  • I'd rather not rely on bartering for oil since I want it to become a staple and not a luxury

What do you do for your cooking oil? What animals are fattiest, which vegetables produce the best, what tips or tricks have you accumulated along the way?


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u/aisforappalled Aug 02 '19

The traditional approach would be to keep a pig for lard. Some older breeds were much better for this than others.


u/constantly_grumbling Aug 02 '19

Pig fat is definitely my favorite taste-wise... I just wish they didn't tear up the land so badly!


u/JennaveX Aug 02 '19

Maybe you can consider a smaller breed...something like an American guinea hog or kunekune? The added benefit to the kunekune is I'm told it can survive on mostly pasture. I don't know anything about your land/property set up, but I've seen the kunes put into a rotational grazing system very successfully! The paddocks were large enough and the pigs were moved often enough that the damage seemed to be right in that sweet spot where it regrows quickly.


u/livestrong2209 Aug 02 '19

Yea go for the Guinea. Meat so marbled you will set your grill on fire and almost burn the barn and loft down...