r/Protestantism 20d ago

Soula Scriptura

I don’t understand this Protestant concept. If you believe soula scriptura, wouldn’t you then not go to a church where a Father or an elder explains the Bible because his words aren’t the written word of god? Didn’t Jesus choose his apostles to spread the word of god through vocalization as many of the gentiles couldn’t read? When someone is confused with the scripture they ask questions for interpretation throughout the Bible, doesn’t this contradict soula scriptura? Lastly, if soula scriptura is your belief wouldn’t one have to learn Greek or Latin and make his own translation of the written word of god as it originally appears and not translated to a common tounge to be possibly misinterpreted? Pleas help me out here I’m genuinely confused.


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u/TheRedLionPassant Anglican (Wesleyan-Arminian) 20d ago

In the words of Cranmer:

The Holy Scripture is a sufficient doctrine for our salvation: For in Holy Scripture is fully contained what we ought to do, and what to eschew; what to believe, what to love, and what to look for at GOD'S hands at length. In these books we shall find the Father from whom, the Son by whom, and the Holy Ghost in whom all things have their being and keeping up, and these three persons to be but one GOD, and one substance. In these books we may learn to know ourselves, how vile and miserable we be, and and also to know GOD, how good he is of himself, and how he maketh us and all creatures partakers of his goodness. We may learn also in these books to know GOD'S will and pleasure, as much as (for this present time) is convenient for us to know. And (as the great clerk and godly preacher Saint John Chrysostom saith), whatsoever is required to salvation of man is fully contained in the Scripture of GOD. He that is ignorant may there learn and have knowledge. He that is hard-hearted, and an obstinate sinner, shall there find everlasting torments (prepared of GOD'S justice) to make him afraid, and to mollify or soften him. He that is oppressed with misery in this world, shall there find relief in the promises of everlasting life, to his great consolation and comfort. He that is wounded by the Devil unto death shall find there medicine whereby he may be restored again unto health.

How the knowledge of the Scripture may be attained unto: And in another place Chrysostom saith that man's humane and worldly wisdom, or science, needeth not to the understanding of Scripture; but the revelation of the Holy Ghost, who inspireth the true meaning unto them, that with humility and diligence do search therefore. He that asketh shall have, and he that seeketh shall find, and he that knocketh, shall have the door open (Matthew 7:7-8).

A good rule for the understanding of Scripture: If we read once, twice, or thrice, and understand not, let us not cease so, but still continue reading, praying, asking of other, and so by still knocking (at the last) the door shall be opened (as Saint Augustine saith.) Although many things in the Scripture be spoken in obscure mysteries, yet there is nothing spoken under dark mysteries in one place, but the selfsame thing in other places is spoken more familiarly and plainly, to the capacity both of learned and unlearned.

Human reason, pastoral teaching, and spiritual experience, are all means of understanding or interpreting the Scripture, and shouldn't contradict one another.