r/Libertarian 7d ago

How Do Libertarians Deal With Monopiles Question

In wake of the Presidential Election, I have been reading and learning more about alternative ideologies. Libertarianism - particularly Minarchy - has stood out the most to me, but I cannot fathom how monopiles are dealt with. I understand that some people say that if the market is free with no regulations, then there can only ever be a monopoly by having such a good product, but what is there to stop business owners bribing smaller businesses to sell their business to them. For example, if Company A is the largest company in a sector. Then you have many smaller companies. What is stopping the owner of Company A from bribing the owners of all the smaller companies to sell their companies to Company A? Company A could then acquire all the competitors in the market, and hence a monopoly is created.

Sorry if this is naïve, but I just cannot wrap my head around it.


Edit: I just realised I spelt monopolies as monopiles, but I cannot change the title

Edit 2: Thank you for your help everyone, I understand now and the example of Thames Water in London has definitely reinforced the rest of your comments about monopolies being propped up by the Government most of the time


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u/iggybdawg 7d ago

No government bail outs when "too big to fail" companies are crumbling under their own weight, or suffering consequences from their poor business choices.


u/ItsWorfingTime 7d ago

So the top voted libertarian answer is "We don't unless they fail"?


u/marfalump minarchist 7d ago edited 7d ago

They DO fail if you don’t give them tax breaks and subsidies and grants and special treatment. And, if they don’t fail, it means they are providing a service people need, at a proper price.

Big companies don’t last forever. Sears was once America’s biggest retailer. Now they are bankrupt.

Here’s a list of some of companies listed on the DOW in the 1930s…

  • Victor Talking Machine
  • National Cash Register
  • Wright Aeronautical
  • North American Manville Corporation
  • American Brands (American Tobacco B)
  • Eastman Kodak
  • American Sugar Borden
  • Atlantic Refining
  • Hudson Motor
  • General Railway Signal
  • Goodrich
  • Nash Kelvinator (Nash Motors)
  • Liggett & Myers

How many are still around today? Large companies don’t usually last unless the goverment helps them out.