r/LeopardsAteMyFace 2d ago

Disagree with the manbaby in charge, get demonetized lol

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u/Persnickety13 2d ago

Yeah, twitter used to be the best way to keep abreast of breaking news, so I followed some news anchors and politicos. I have used it less and less the pst couple of years and I was honestly hoping Elon would lose interest in his vanity project, but it just never happened. During the election campaigns and after the election I barely checked it and finally decided to just pull the plug on that cesspool. I deactivated/deleted the account.


u/Hatedpriest 2d ago

I'm pretty sure his handlers are trying to keep him at twitter so he doesn't screw up other companies funded by him...


u/Nefandous_Jewel 1d ago

Well, it IS the only place he doesnt need a drug test to drop in on...


u/bangontarget 1d ago

only underlings have to do drug tests