r/LeopardsAteMyFace 2d ago

Indian-American Trumpies find out their side hates brown people


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u/qualityvote2 2d ago edited 2d ago

u/SiliconValleyIdiot, your post does fit the subreddit!


u/SiliconValleyIdiot 2d ago

A whole host of Indian American silicon valley investors and founders threw in their lot with Trump this election.

Now that their side has won, other Trump fans are specifically targeting them by calling them various slurs.


u/darkenedgy 2d ago

Turns out being upper class in India doesn't carry over here, who knew (everyone who didn't spend all day on WhatsApp, that's who)


u/grumulko 2d ago

Still, it's quite a tightrope you have to walk, being loathed as an idiot suck-up class/race traitor by one side, and despised by those you're sucking up to on the other.


u/wholesalekarma 2d ago

That’s not a tightrope. Those are both happening simultaneously. You mean being a loathed, despised suck-up and actually having self-respect (like even acknowledging that you don’t like having racism being directed at you).


u/The_Awful-Truth 2d ago

Hijacking top comment: "TPOT" stands for "this part of Twitter". Mostly her personal feed, I'm guessing.