r/IDmydog 7h ago

Is there a chance there's pit bull in him?




u/WhoDoesntLikeADonut 7h ago



u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/Wonderful_Pie_7220 6h ago

What it's weight and age?


u/mezasu123 5h ago

Does it matter?


u/qwertyuiiop145 7h ago


He’s too young to say for certain but pit bull ancestry is incredibly common for American mystery mutts and he looks like a bully breed mix puppy.


u/qwertyuiiop145 7h ago

(Pit bull ancestry is also somewhat common for non-American mystery mutts)


u/Suspicious_Kale5009 6h ago

If he's in a shelter, the odds are very good that there's some pit in him. Not necessarily a lot, but it's hard to tell.


u/[deleted] 6h ago



u/iHeartFerretz 6h ago

We rescued a ‘lab mix’ as well but her Embark results tell a different story! FWIW I’ve heard lab mix is used quite often by rescues - could be a ‘best guess’ or a ‘selling point.’ 🤷‍♀️


u/joshtheadmin 5h ago

I love your dog.


u/sprinklerarms 3h ago

Not sleepy Rhudy!!!


u/TheChiBanana 5h ago

I love Rhuby so much


u/SpecialBubbly1968 2h ago

Lab mix would not be a selling my point for me at all, not a fan

Best guess however makes a ton of sense because so many of them do truly look like lab mixes in the shelter business


u/triggerhappymidget 50m ago

Here's my so-called "lab mix." I figured she was lab/pit, but hen I DNA tested her she was exactly 0% lab, lol. 40% golden retriever though, so I ain't disappointed since I actually prefer goldens, haha.


u/Suspicious_Kale5009 6h ago

Unless the shelter did a DNA test, they are guessing. Lots of lab mixes turn out to have little lab in them. You can find evidence of this over at r/DoggyDNA, where everyone who posts there has a DNA test done. The number of shelter lab mixes that don't have any lab in them is surprising!

But what matters is not their breed, but the way we love them, and the way they always love us back :)


u/fisho0o 1h ago

But what matters is not their breed, but the way we love them, and the way they always love us back :)

I live in an HOA where dogs aren't allowed and it's ok. But every once in a while I see a dog outside, or I see a video, or I read something that makes me feel a little... I don't know, something, and that sentence did it. It was the word "always" that really made it.


u/GGGG98989898 4h ago

Anything black with floppy ears will be called a lab mix to get them adopted. Hell my dog looked mostly lab and way more lab than this one and was still 40% pit. https://www.reddit.com/r/DoggyDNA/comments/1hnl1hj/meet_our_almost_1_year_old_rescue_mutt_felix/

Also dogs this young don’t really have defined features usually and yours still looks markedly more pit than most I’ve seen here


u/MillieMuffins 4h ago

If you're getting a shelter dog in america that's labelled "lab mix" then you have a 100% guarantee that it's a pitbull.


u/Toadlessboy 2h ago

*pit mix. There’s a difference.


u/skylars_alt_account 2h ago

Pitbull. 90% of the time a shelter says “lab mix” it’s a pitbull.


u/CherryPickerKill 1h ago

Shelters never promote pit mix as pit mix. Of course they'll say he's a lab mix. He sure looks like one.


u/Positive_Volume1498 1h ago

We rescued a “lab mix” too lol she clearly wasn’t. We did embark and she is pitbull, boxer, chow chow, Australian cattle dog and a small percent “super mutt” which was Doberman and other guard breeds.


u/CaptivatingCranberry 1h ago

My shelter said lab mix and she’s only 7% lab according to my Embark test. Most shelters say lab mix because the chances of people adopting pit mixes are a lot lower.


u/PlayinK0I 56m ago

Looks like my lab mix. She’s a year now and she’s probably better labeled a pit mix. Snuggliest dog I’ve ever had.


u/Secret_Parking1168 6h ago

Maybe. It seems a majority of mutts from US shelters have some pitbull in them. A lot of times it is only 20 or 30 percent. He may have a few breeds in him


u/Steenbok74 7h ago



u/FutureMrs0918 7h ago

Do you think there's more pit than Cane Corso?


u/joshtheadmin 5h ago

Just get the DNA test. I posted my dog here and the overwhelming consensus was boxer. Turns out he is an American bulldog/pit/lab. There is some boxer but barely.

Looks can be deceiving and if you care, just pony up and find out.


u/Guitarsandsplits 6h ago

No. Definitely not primarily pit.


u/stillabadkid 2h ago

There's no way of knowing without genetic testing, you're asking people make a wild guess essentially.


u/talkbaseball2me 3h ago

Hi, I used to work at a shelter. “Lab mix” is code for “pit mix we can pass off as a lab mix because people won’t adopt this dog otherwise” — a lot of times due to prejudice against the breed, either by the adopters or the landlords where the dog will live that don’t allow pits, etc.

I would bet on there being much more pit in this puppy than lab. That is not a Labrador face.


u/theAshleyRouge 5h ago

There’s always a chance, if the dog isn’t a registered purebred.

If the shelter said lab mix, then he’s almost guaranteed to be a bully breed mix. I don’t see Dane Corso at all honestly.


u/leahcars 3h ago

I'd say likely. my so called lab mix has no lab at all and is a husky rottie cane Corso mix. If the dog is medium to large and black the shelter will call it a lab or lab mix. I'd say it's hard to tell because of the age but I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up as a beagle pit mix instead of a lab or something along those lines. His head is blockier than most labs I've seen and those ears come from somewhere. He could easily be a fairly large amount lab or even a completely random set of 10 breeds that ends up with a medium to large black dog with floppy ears.b


u/oldfarmjoy 5h ago

There is ZERO way to distinguish pit from cane corso in a puppy. Anyone who says differently is bullshitting.


u/CherryPickerKill 1h ago

Can't say much from a puppy mutt. I've had my own share and they all come out different even within the same litter.


u/lookaway123 5h ago



u/shortnsweet33 4h ago

The bully features can come from a variety of breeds in the bull/bully category but also from some of the molosser breeds in larger dogs. The typical bully breeds (amstaff, APBT, American bully) are most commonly the cause, but it could also be from other breeds like American Bulldog, cane corso, dogo, bullmastiff, Rottweiler, boxer, bulldog, heck even Boston terrier (there was a mix on doggy dna that looked like a pit but had none not too long ago and it was Boston lol) etc.

My guess is a good chunk of pitbull but depending on how big he gets it could be influenced by some of the larger bull breeds or molosser breeds.

It’s also possible there’s little to no lab in there. Lots of dogs can look like labs as puppies (flop ears, short thick coats, solid color, kind of boxy head) but no guarantee what they will end up looking like as adults! Often times hound/bully mixes can appear very lab like!

I suggest getting a DNA test. Don’t waste money on the cheaper ones, the most accurate ones are embark and wisdom panel (if you ignore the tiny percentages WP sometimes spits out). Take a look over on r/doggydna and search lab mix and you will see a lot of dogs who look similar to yours ending up with all sorts of combos!


u/squishydevotion 3h ago

That’s a bully first and maybe a lab second. Honestly a lot of mixes can come out looking labish even without any lab. If a dog is short hair, floppy ears, and black, the shelter will always call it a lab mix even if it’s not. There could easily be 0 lab in him.

Your dog is a bully breed of some kind. The only way to find out what type of bully would be through a DNA test. (Pls note: Embark and Wisdom are the only accurate tests available at this time. The rest are not accurate)


u/ZisIsCrazy 6h ago

Yes. He has a lot of pit characteristics.


u/Textual_Alchemist 6h ago

Most likely


u/next-step 7h ago

Likely pit amd black lab… handsome little guy


u/FutureMrs0918 6h ago

Yes, the shelter said he is a lab mix.


u/mezasu123 5h ago

Shelters almost always wrong when it comes to anything pit.


u/Otherwise_Mix_3305 5h ago

Yes—quite likely.


u/JadedShift 3h ago

Yes there probably is. Looks black lab and pitbull.


u/juolouzada 2h ago

Yes. My "lab mix" had less pitt features than yours and turned out to have 0% lab and 50%pitt

Adorable pup btw


u/katator 2h ago

His face gives me more mastiff vibes, but if he’s an American shelter dog Pit is probably in the mix


u/myasslovesgrass 1h ago

Interesting! What makes you think Cane Corso? My understanding is it’s not a common breed.


u/Sure-Position-7541 1h ago

there's no chance there's 0 pit in him lol


u/next-step 7h ago

Likely mixed and he is the cutest!!! Enjoy him❤️❤️


u/FutureMrs0918 7h ago

Yes, he's a lab mix ❤️ Trying to find out what the other parts are.


u/arosedesign 6h ago

The shelter saying he is a lab mix doesn’t mean he is a lab mix. Keep that in mind. Shelters are just guessing like everyone else.


u/Wonderful_Pie_7220 6h ago

My lab mix is like 50% pit and no lab lol


u/Senior_Shoulder9464 4h ago

My in laws “lab mix” turned out to be 100% staffordshire bull terrier lol I’m pretty sure that’s just shelters catch-all guess


u/Wonderful_Pie_7220 4h ago

Mine is a rescue 😂 when I got him tho I knew his was mostly pit just bc of his block head 😂 I didn't expect the no lab at all tho 😆


u/GGGG98989898 4h ago

My lab mix is 25% lab and 40+% APBT and Staffie, and he doesn’t really look pit at all. If they’re a shelter mutt they probably have pit


u/Wonderful_Pie_7220 4h ago

My mutt's only non bully breed is chow lol he is pit/staffie/boxer/bull dog/chow 😂

There is no denying his pittie side. He is almost 2 and is the most chill laid back dog I have ever met though 🤣


u/mezasu123 3h ago

My "boxer mix" shelter pup was pit and pekingese no boxer lol!

To be fair he really looked like a boxer mix.


u/AffectionateArt5304 3h ago

He’s 100% cute & that’s all that matters in your heart🤪. “Lab mix” is more or less usually used a catch all for something that’s a bully-mix or they have no idea… my “hound mix” shelter dog is 50% Doberman & 0% hound. Definitely do a DNA test my friend.


u/PsychologicalCow2564 6h ago

Definitely. I’d say pittie/lab


u/trinini93 2h ago

That’s a pit mix with very little lab, if any.


u/Quid_infantes_sumus 5h ago

Absolutely a chance. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was!


u/Capinjro 2h ago

Yes, 100% yes.


u/CherryPickerKill 1h ago

Might be. You'll have to wait until they grow up to know.


u/squirrelyprince 1h ago

He definitely looks like a pit x hound to me.


u/Quick-Lie-2489 1h ago

Looks like lab. I don't see pit but he's a puppy


u/Character_Map5705 1h ago

Yes. Looks like a Pit mix.


u/AVP_Cat 1h ago

I'd say yes


u/Old-Performer-7122 3h ago

Majority pit yeah


u/Mykirbyblue 5h ago

I mean, there’s always a chance. Personally, he looks pretty solid lab to me. Just based on having had a handful of lab puppies in my lifetime. Although his face is a little bit more wrinkly than most labs, so there may be something else in there. But as a puppy, it’s really hard to tell. Their features change so much as they grow.

But even as they get older it can be very tricky! I had a lab who was the biggest boxiest dog, he had a huge head and he was so incredibly strong! He was a runner and there were gaps in my fence, so I had to keep him on a long tie out when he spent time outside. And he repeatedly broke them. They didn’t last more than a week or two at a time. Got one that was supposed to be strong enough to hold dogs up to 250 pounds, which I didn’t know was even possible, but he snapped it in about two weeks. I was certain there must be some bigger stronger dog breed in him, especially since the people we bought him from were a little sketchy. He didn’t have papers or anything. And they told us that his mother was a “miniature lab“ so that made it seem even more unlikely that this big powerful dog was what they told us he was. Anyway, DNA test done and he was 100% lab! So you just never know!

So maybe when he’s a little bit older, you can come back and show us some more pictures and we can give you a better guess. Until then, just give lots of love! He’s absolutely adorable!