r/HotPeppers Zone 6a, Enthusiastic Noob Oct 05 '24

Legit question: are my plants TOO big? Discussion

Have seen several posts like this one (https://www.reddit.com/r/HotPeppers/s/uuByKV8END) of a person bringing in their 4yr old plant that looks to be about 12"-18" tall.

All of my mature plants dwarf these sizes by a couple of feet and it makes me wonder if there are pros/cons of larger vs smaller pepper plants when we're talking about plant health and productivity.

All of my plants are healthy and producing. Just curious if I should change what I'm doing or keep growing monsters.


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u/AlarmingBandicoot Oct 05 '24

Nah. It's mostly going to depend on your specific climate, sun, soil, and nutrients you give. For reference most of my mature plants are like 5ft tall with thick bushy branches after being outside about 5.5 months now (none were overwintered). Only my hab and thai hot created a smaller bushy shape instead of up and out.

Over a few years you'll notice trends of how they grow/produce depending on the pot size, location, fertilizers, etc.