r/Homebrewing Intermediate Apr 21 '24

Another reminder that Kveik is crazy. Brew Humor

Recently restarted brewing after a long break after having a kid. Had a jar of Kveik in the fridge that hadnt been touched in 2 years. Brewed a pale ale last week with it and after sitting on a stir plate for 4 hours it ate through the wort in 36 hours (~5 gallons).

I pressure transferred the beer from my fermentation corny keg to my serving keg. Left the fermentation keg fully pressurized in a spare bathroom until yesterday when I cleaned it out with just rinsing out roughly and half filled with strong star san. Brewed a wheat ale yesterday cooled it to ~110 F and pumped it into the fermentation keg. Went to go put in the yeast just now and the keg was pressurized. Got really worried about an infection, until I depressurized and opened the lid only to be greated by perfecting fine looking krausen. Apparently I didnt rinse enough, nor the did the star san get it, and my hot wort didnt do a thing to this kveik and it just ate away under heavy pressure. Just nuts.


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u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Been using Lutra for clean beers! I like it! I have some Voss to try for next batch! Voss is supposed to add some orange!!!


u/the_lost_carrot Intermediate Apr 21 '24

Yeah mine is a Voss. I’d be really interested to see how much if any difference in flavor from mine to a fresh pack. I originally bought this pack in 2019. And just saved and repitched since then.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Both of mine have been from dry yeast packs! I started making a starter and pitching half and keeping half! I’ll make a starter from the half I kept and repeat for the next batch. In theory never buying yeast again unless it gets contaminated somehow.