r/GardeningAustralia 19h ago

New lawn brown leaves in centre 🙉 Send help

Hello, hoping for some advice on new lawn.

We laid new buffalo yesterday in Perth

We did the following prep - 8cm of soil from a reputable landscaping centre - applied slow release fertilizer that was advised by supplier of the turf - laid new turf on arrival - watered it 3 times yesterday starting at 11am - rolled it 3 times with a water roller

This morning we noticed brown spots have formed, it isn't just the edges but also areas in the centre.

We are currently planning to water 4 times a day for 15 minutes. Presume because it's summer in Perth and our soil below the landscapers is basically sand, over watering would be difficult.

Any idea what this is? Thanks for any help, Im definately prone to micromanaging things :/


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u/channelgary 18h ago

Looks fine some of the turf bits are going to die off. It will take some time to really settle in and start running


u/Solid_Produce6338 18h ago

Thanks for taking a look guy!