r/GardeningAustralia 23h ago

ID and how to remove please πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŒΎ Recommendations wanted

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Hi, I’d like an ID on this ground cover, heard it’s not good for some dogs. Also ways to remove it please Brisbane.


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u/starbuck3108 22h ago

To be 100% sure you need to show us a close up of the flowers to judge petal size. Also would be helpful to show a close up of the hairs on the sheathe or you can just tell us if they're white or brown in colour.

If the flower petals are all roughly equal size then it is commelina diffusa which is native to eastern Australia. If one petal is significantly smaller than the other two it is the introduced commelina species which is not something you want. Also tell tale sign is if the hairs on the sheathe are brown.

The commelina species are not dangerous to pets. That is wandering Trad which is a completely different plant. Commelina is edible. The native species are excellent ground covers that are beneficial for bees and lizards, they are one of the best slope and erosion stabilisers and the best part is they die back in winter/dry season.


u/Pademelon1 22h ago

The native Commelina ensifolia is also rarely found in Brisbane, and it has the appearance of only two blue petals.