r/GardeningAustralia Nov 26 '24

What is biting me? 🐜 ID This Bug

A few weeks ago I got similar bites that popped up after gardening at a retirement village I work at. They went away after a few days. I went to my job yesterday again and similar thing has happened. At some point yesterday I had some black ants on me which I brushed off, Im thinking it was them. But when I google any bites fire ants come up and I'm sure it isn't fire ants. This is the fourth time it has happened now. Yes I wear gloves!! Only happens at this job. One time I know for sure it was ants as I had to go to the bathroom to make sure there weren't anymore under my shirt.

Has anyone else had similar experience? I went to the GP last time and she said folliculitis and gave me antibiotics but it's not that as there's no infection and they go down after a few days.


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u/East-Garden-4557 Nov 26 '24

I get a reaction like that from the weed Cleavers, Galium aparine. Not everyone reacts to it like that, but for me it is worse than nettles.
I wear long sleeves when weeding. I cover my hands and arms in barrier cream, wash my arms as soon as I finish gardening, and take antihistamines.


u/veganblue Nov 26 '24

I thought it was just the velcro stems!


u/East-Garden-4557 Nov 26 '24

They can cause contact dermatitis, it is not fun. I wish it was just their clinginess that bothered me.