r/FridgeDetective Oct 23 '24

what does my fridge tell you Meta

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let me hear it


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u/Nightshade_Ranch Oct 23 '24

Our body gets pissed over the sugar-free sweet bait-and-switch.

So I make sure to eat something with sugar when I drink one 💀


u/lazypuppycat Oct 23 '24

I’ve read this too! like way back when. It messes with our insulin and hunger since the mouth tells the rest of the body food is a comin


u/VravoBince Oct 24 '24

I think that's not proven but I'm not sure.


u/Competitive-Job-6737 Oct 25 '24

Idk why but it cracks me up that they think it's just a mind over matter type of thing like that. People don't realize how bad (certain) artificial sweeteners are for us or that we actually do need to consume some sugar.


u/LoxReclusa Oct 26 '24

I don't think you're interpreting what they said correctly.. They're not saying it's mental, it's physiological. Your body senses the food and prepares the chemicals it expects to need to break it down and handle the digestion, but then they aren't needed. They don't know they're not needed though, so they go to work anyway and it affects your health. It's not a mind over matter thing, it's just biology going to work.