r/FinalFantasy 1d ago

And so, the journey begins… Final Fantasy General

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I was never into RPGs but my brother convinced me to try FFX in high school and since then they’ve become my favorite genre to play. I’ve on played FFX & FFXV in the Final Fantasy series but all of that is about to change! I’m super excited to play through all of these/replay FFX.


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u/CaptainCFloyd 1d ago

Just sucks that all these ports are so terrible, except maybe the FF12 one. I wish it wasn't the case that like 99% of new players obliviously play worse versions of the games because Square Enix has never respected its own legacy and always just outsources their ports to people who don't care.


u/LunarWingCloud 1d ago

The Pixel Remasters are great and 7-9 have much needed speed up toggle

I disagree with the idea of these being bad ports


u/CaptainCFloyd 1d ago

They are mostly bad ports because they muck up the visuals of the original games, and in some cases the music and translations as well.

7 and 10 are probably the worst of the bunch.