r/ExplainTheJoke 1d ago

Please help


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u/Sinphony_of_the_nite 1d ago

It's from a Bruno Mars song where one lyric is "I'll catch a grenade for you"

The joke is that if a person seriously means that about someone, then they should do minor chores around the house without being prompted by their significant other.


u/cfgy78mk 1d ago

lol yea "I would hypothetically risk my life for you"

cool, but can you do something in reality that helps? even a small thing?


u/biffbobfred 22h ago

There was a Mad Magazine comic. A dude talking to this girl. How he’d lasso the moon. Corral the stars. Move a mountain…. As he’s saying this, it starts to rain and he keeps the umbrella for himself. Then continues - climb a tower….


u/lame-amphibian 16h ago

"Well, the thing is, the grenade would most likely kill me, so it'd be over quick...but the dishes take like, 15 minutes? Then my hands will be all wrinkly afterwards, ew."


u/PapaVanTwee 15h ago

Can’t do dishes now honey. I’m over here catching a grenade for you in Duty of War.