r/ExplainTheJoke 2d ago

Something about mushrooms?


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u/Al_DeGaulle 2d ago

There are three parts to this.

1) In folklore that sort of ring of mushrooms is known as a fairy circle. They spring up in areas that fairies have been playing or holding court. There is a tradition that if you enter a fairy circle you may be enslaved, unable to leave for years, or forced to dance until the point of exhaustion/death.

2) Cold iron is able to repel, bind, or harm various types of fairy (depending on where you get your folklore.)

3) Fiaires are also infamous for abducting very young children and leaving non-responsive simulacra in their place (which is as good an explanation of autism as modern science has provided, so hooray for old folk tales?)

Anyhow, the joke is that when the liability obsessed removed all that dangerous metal playground equipment they opened up a way for the wee folk to start wholesale child abducting.


u/4Sk1nMunch3r 1d ago

so this comment is how i find out why fairy type is weak to steel type in pokemon


u/Expensive-Layer7183 2d ago

So what I took from that is plastic causes autism. Thank you I will bring this info back to my million moms group to justify the measles death of my 8 month old.


u/samsnom 2d ago

That makes sense, I was thinking its turning kids into “fairies”.


u/ScatterCushion0 1d ago

That's one version of what a Changling was - a fairy imposter child.