r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/Moarbrains Aug 04 '22

Kind of bs, as the people in eugene are almost pathologically helpful. We have burrito brigade, cahoots, shelter care, storage, vehicle campsites, lax law enforcement, decriminalized drugs, tiny house villages, food pantry, shelter care. White bird, st vinnies, urban camping, Catholic community services, and a whole bunch of people doing drive by charity

As nice as that is, and i am sure all that gets a lot of people off the street, we still have more homeless per capita than anywhere else. I hear all the programs have a waiting list. I suspect that many people would rather be homeless in eugene than access services in a place with lower rents and less people on the street.


u/ccooksey83 Aug 04 '22

Housing should be a right. We are rich enough as a country to take care of everyone. If we give people the basics to survive (food, shelter, healthcare) some people will not work, but most will still want above the bare minimum. Some people are so scared of someone getting something they don't deserve that they will withhold help from everyone.


u/Moarbrains Aug 04 '22 edited Aug 04 '22

Sure, but who is going to pay for it? Not the people with big money or corporations.


u/GingerMcBeardface Aug 06 '22

Literally everytime someone says "but how are we going to oay foe if" the answer is "very painfully easily if we prioritized the people

We HAVE THE money. We keep the same leaders in power he keep things like the military industrial complex as the singular priority for our counrry.