r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/pirawalla22 Aug 04 '22

You are a profoundly ignorant person.


u/InfectedBananas Aug 04 '22

OK, why haven't they found a job then?

Why aren't there lines at Goodwill job centers of homeless people trying to find jobs?


u/Relative_Fee8962 Aug 04 '22

40% of unsheltered homeless people are employed.

50% of temporarily sheltered homeless people are employed.

Many of the rest have untreated mental health and drug addiction problems. With proper medical treatment, the remainder could also achieve financial independence, while the rest would likely need permanent care.

Do not forget, the homeless are people. You should help them because we need to look out for each other.

If you need another reason, then the Housing First model drastically reduces homeless populations, and is significantly cheaper for taxpayers than how we currently deal with them.