r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/Impossible-Badger-29 Aug 04 '22

You think junkies choose to keep using?


u/Seattleisonfire Aug 04 '22

Of course. They choose every time they jam a needle in their vein, whether its the first time or the thousandth time. Just likemany of them choose to stop using, typically when they've hit bottom. And just like they choose which bike or package they're going to steal, or car to prowl, or park to pitch their tent in, or doorstep to shit on.

Are you saying these people are completely helpless have no responsibility for themselves, and that have no free agency? If so, then there are no position to to have a say in how they live their lives and what they need. Which, if they've been chronically homeless for years, is the truth.


u/Impossible-Badger-29 Aug 04 '22

It's called an addiction for a reason, it can be a choice, but usually it's a lot more complicated than simply making a choice to use or not to. Your statement really just speaks volumes about your ignorance and/or prejudice on the matter.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '22

It is 100% a choice though and no modern American that made it to 6th grade has the excuse that they did not know drugs are addictive and dangerous. The only exception would be if they were forced into like so many women and children are forced into sex trafficking via drugs etc.


u/Impossible-Badger-29 Aug 04 '22

Things are never as black and white as that.


u/Ok_Flatworm_3855 Aug 04 '22

Lol if your claim had any weight at all the DARE program would have been a smashing success. It may have won some small victories but it was ultimately a failure.. drug use and OD's will continue to rise for the rest of our lives because our society is built on pain.


u/[deleted] Aug 04 '22

What claim ? I am merely saying if people want to actually solve the problem we cant just throw money at a problem when sometimes that problem does not want to or does not have the capacity to be fixed. We cant sit here and say "Hey just build stuff for free, pay for the infrastructure and the security" and all the taxpayers will be happy!

There has to be some sort of social contract or assurance that the solution is an actual solution and not just throwing money at the problem and expecting results.

You touch at something much bigger though and have to ask ourselves why are people continuing to throw their lives away with drugs to escape the pain of a first world nation with all this opportunity? We have that happening at the same time that hundreds of thousands of people are still trying to get into this country for a better life.