r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/warrenfgerald Aug 04 '22

A federal UBI would solve this problem. If we all know with absolute certainty how much money every one of us has access to we would no longer be vulnerable to claims of helplessness by people with signs asking for help. If I know the panhandler on the street corner is getting $1000/month and there are apartments for rent in El Paso texas for $250/mo I won't be as likely to say "They don't have any other options but to ask for handouts at this corner" Because once a UBI is in place we know they have other options.


u/puppyxguts Aug 04 '22

Lmao vulnerable to claims of helplessness. You can give them money or don't, that's an individual choice.


u/warrenfgerald Aug 04 '22

If we all know that on the 1st business day of every month $1000 gets deposited into every Americans checking account, and you see someone on the corner on August 3rd with a sign that says "I need money for food" wouldn't you want to ask them "what did you do with the $1000 you got two days ago?"


u/ccooksey83 Aug 04 '22

That is why you do vouchers like food stamps but for everyone. This is a problem easily solved just put in some mental work to think it through. You could do housing vouchers as well.


u/puppyxguts Aug 04 '22

I literally would not care what they did with it if it is MY individual choice to even pay attention or entertain the thought of giving them money. Hilarious how you're feeling victimized yourself because your eyeballs have to take it someone flying a sign for 5 seconds out of your day.

Also 1000 is a pittance to live off of. Quads cost 650 at least now. Groceries are anywhere from 50-90 dollars a week. Can't afford to get a car, and a bus pass is 50 dollars. Assuming they can work 32 hours a week at minimum wage would make a big difference, but housing and bills still eat into essentially half of their total income even with work, which is where we are all getting screwed anyway.

I am not against a UBI with heavy business regulation. I think it WOULD help a lot of folks and probably keep them from needing to fly signs but putting it in the way where someone with a home and money is being made vulnerable by a cardboard sign is still laughable.