r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/warrenfgerald Aug 04 '22

A federal UBI would solve this problem. If we all know with absolute certainty how much money every one of us has access to we would no longer be vulnerable to claims of helplessness by people with signs asking for help. If I know the panhandler on the street corner is getting $1000/month and there are apartments for rent in El Paso texas for $250/mo I won't be as likely to say "They don't have any other options but to ask for handouts at this corner" Because once a UBI is in place we know they have other options.


u/thelastpizzaslice Aug 04 '22

We could have a UBI with what we're currently spending on social security. Turns out like half of social security spend is just giving people cushy retirements instead of its original anti-poverty purpose.