r/Eugene Aug 04 '22

Dealing with the Homeless Crisis starter pack META

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u/TormentedTopiary Aug 04 '22

If you want to educate yourself about the nature and scope of the issue there is a new book out that examines the structural roots of the homelessness crisis.

It's called Homelessness is a housing problem. and it's a collaboration between an academic and a data journalist.

A quote from the website:

Over the course of the book, the researchers illustrate how absolute rent levels and rental vacancy rates are associated with regional rates of homelessness. Many other common explanations—drug use, mental illness, poverty, or local political context—fail to account for regional variation.


u/Revolutionary-Boss77 Aug 04 '22 edited Aug 04 '22

Is this mentioning drug abuse too? Because a lot of it has to do with it too.

Why the down votes ? I am not sure why ignoring the problem is better.

If you want to help you need to be aware of the reality . Some of them are on drugs due to childhood trauma and several other reasons


u/moocow4125 Aug 04 '22

Down votes because you're wrong. Housed people are just as much drug addicts as unhoused people, just different drugs.

Some of them =/= a lot to do with it, your words.


u/puppyxguts Aug 04 '22

Or the same drugs. Plenty of housed people who do meth, heroin, coke/Crack, prescription drugs etc


u/Revolutionary-Boss77 Aug 04 '22

I never stated 100% was due to drugs


u/moocow4125 Aug 04 '22

Yeah you just just and close your wrong statement that way for other reasons. Lol