r/Eugene Nov 06 '21

Full English/Irish breakfast? Food

Anyone know if you can get a full English/Irish breakfast anywhere in Eugene? I’m looking for the whole shebang: beans, eggs, black and white pudding, English bacon, potatoes…. Thanks!


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u/thenerfviking Nov 08 '21

This was also the guy who’s wife was organizing the Festival of Eugene that got canceled when people found all the racist stuff she said online. I should have clarified: Jimmy also performed there with his friend as part of a band. And Jimmy is an out and proud Nazi. The guy owns multiple Nazi flags, is friends with guys who have done time for hate crimes (the Laskey brothers, who attacked Temple Beth Israel in Eugene), and drives around a truck with a banner that says “Jew Lies Matter” on the back of it. When their neo nazi discord got leaked it was also revealed that Jimmy and his compatriots were trying to recruit several underage teenagers and were giving them instructions on how to lie to their parents so they could go hang out at the house of a middle aged Nazi and his wife.


u/Moarbrains Nov 08 '21

What band?


u/thenerfviking Nov 08 '21

I don’t know if they had an official name but they performed at the pint pot’s big st Patrick’s day thing a few years ago. Albert was a member of the Oregon piper’s society, I’m not sure if they still associate with him but I believe he’s a member still. He also taught classes at the Shedd but I believe that ended when they found out about his friendships with literal Nazis.
If you want some proof that Jimmy is both a Nazi and can play the bagpipes may I direct you to a video he uploaded himself in which he plays bagpipes while hanging up a Neo Nazi sign over the Highway: https://youtu.be/bzynj5Ud95E
The man is not shy about his politics.


u/Celtic_Semi_Colon Nov 08 '21

Thanks for the intel. It is good to have a face and a name to circulate.