r/Eugene 2d ago

$200 late fee on $2000/month rent

This amount seems very unreasonable to me. That’s 10% of my rent. 5% seems much more reasonable. I’ve lived here for 2 years and have never been late with rent but somehow I totally spaced making my payment until 5 days after rent was due.

UPDATE: I took some of ya’lls advice and emailed property management and got the fee waived! Thanks for all of the help :)


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u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

Pissing away $2000 a month is rediculous.

You could get a new motorhome for less than that per month.


u/seaofthievesnutzz 2d ago

and just live in a motorhome on the side of the road with no utilities?


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

There are options that could still work out less than 2000 a month where you have utility hookups...


u/danielediabla 2d ago

Do you think that if I wanted to live in a motorhome, then I would? Ever think there might be people out there that want to live in a nice place that feels secure?


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

You buy a motorhome, live frugaly, buy property, live in your motorhome on that property, build your house.

Or spend $2000+ a month that buys you nothing, where is the SECURITY in that??


u/danielediabla 2d ago

Nope. My living situation is extremely important to me. I want to be comfortable and happy. I have absolutely no way to buy an entire motorhome, let alone property or building a house. Never would live in a motorhome unless I had no choice. I lived in one half of my childhood and I absolutely hated it. So no. Also never asked for your advice on my rent and other options.


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

You posted this BS on a public forum, crying about rent and bs interest... i left a comment not knowing who or what you are... ALSO, I never asked for your reply to my comment.

so you and your rediculous rent can gfy's


u/danielediabla 2d ago

Show me where I cried about rent? Please show me an exact quote. I included my rent amount because I figured it would give people context for the late fee amount. The entire point of my post is to get other people’s opinion on the late fee amount because I was curious if it seemed unreasonably high to anyone else. Also, how tf is asking people’s opinion “BS”?? And YOU didn’t ask?? This is MY post. Don’t come on MY post replying some BS that is completely unrelated to my question.


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

This is MYYYYY post... LOL.

Shaddap, once you wrote your crappy post on reddit, it belongs to reddit.

Enjoy pissing your life away paying rent. How many hours do you work to pay that $2,000? Btw, rents going up, enjoy.


u/danielediabla 2d ago

How in the world was it crappy? Asking people’s opinion on a simple topic is crappy now? People can’t have discussions about it?

And yes I will enjoy living comfortably in the apartment that I love. It’s well worth the money to me. Everyone values things differently and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. You don’t value it, but there’s no reason to come at me just because I live my life differently than you would.


u/seaofthievesnutzz 2d ago

So instead of a 3 bedroom house you would rather live in a motorhome with your wife and kids?


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

If my plan was building a house, YES.

Not some junker motorhome. But yes, i would.


u/seaofthievesnutzz 2d ago

do you currently live in a motorhome? and if not why not?


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

do you currently go by the name Karin? And if not, why not? Youre awfully nosey.


u/seaofthievesnutzz 2d ago

so is that a yes on the motorhome? I for instance don't live in a motorhome but a studio for 600 a month. Would you suggest I live in a motorhome instead?


u/RiotsAndWarfare 2d ago

RENT is a waste of money... You are giving somebody else money, to pay THEIR mortgage basically.

I suggested a motorhome, because it's something you can buy, move, and use as a temporary home on property you purchase while you build a home.

I do not live in a motorhome. Why do you CARE so much where I live?

I made a decent suggestion to get out from under RENT.. Instead of paying 2k a month on something somebody else owns, why not spend half that on a new motorhome, and put the other half towards property? That was the point, and you people got shitty with me for even suggesting that.

The OP here, called me a bad person for even suggesting such a thing.. which is fucking ODD as fuck... but hey, fuck me right!?


u/seaofthievesnutzz 2d ago edited 2d ago

INTEREST is a waste of money, You are giving a bank money to pay for THEIR home loan. I suggest being homeless while you continue to be homeless forever cause you don't know how to build a house, don't have the money to buy land/pull permits. (bro food is also a waste of money, you just poop it all out in the end!)

I do not live in a motorhome cause I work and live in town and there aren't vacant lots where the city is cool with me just posting up a motorhome here in town.

I'm making a decent suggestion to get from under INTEREST....instead of paying all your money to interest you can live in a stick hut on an island in the Willamette river and eat people who come by. That is my point but you are getting shitty with me for even suggesting living hand to hand to mouth all while remaining carbon neutral.

Many will call me a bad person for even suggesting such a thing.. which is fucking ODD as fuck... but hey , fuck me right?

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