r/Eugene 4d ago

Any ace/spec demisexuals around here? It’d be alright to run into one or two of yous if I were out and about. Like, just knowing there are others in this community would feel validating. I wouldn’t necessarily need to hang out, but that’d be chill, too.

I’m just wondering maybe how many other asexuality spectrum individuals I might randomly find myself running into on a yearly basis. Do we have at least a percentage point around here? I bet it’s more than 1% around Eugene. Also, I am asking broadly asexual spectrum, but if you specifically identify as demi/ace I’d love to hear from you.


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u/canooingdoob 4d ago

Okay, so how do other asexual people deal with all the wild sexual things I always see happening at pride? Like I get that it’s for asexuals too, but I’m uncomfortable around anything blatantly sexual like inflatable genitals and stuff and that’s totally a personal preference… like my idea of the perfect pride parade is a disc golf outing.


u/Oregongirl1018 4d ago

PRIDE in the park is a family event. Awful judgy of you.


u/canooingdoob 3d ago

Admittedly, I’m coming from a position of ignorance. What do you call someone who is sex positive strictly with their partner in their bedroom, and mostly sex repulsed otherwise? I love seeing people have fun at pride, but there’s conflict in my mind because the whole thing is about sexuality, and my sexuality is generally non-sexual… Like, I never talk about sex, I never make comments about it, so I really am here to learn. Do you understand? I just recently figured myself out and I’m obviously confused. Not trying to be judgmental or rude, I just don’t really know how to explain. I’m super extroverted but like I shut down mostly when people start talking about sex.


u/Raudiance 3d ago

Eugene PRIDE does a fairly good job of separating the more sexualized vendors from the rest. They also release a site map every year that shows which booths are where so you have the option to avoid booths that may be activating for you.

There's also often community events leading up to and after PRIDE in the park, so you could participate in a more niche gathering.


u/canooingdoob 3d ago

Thank you for your thoughtful response. That sounds very welcoming. I appreciate this very much.