r/Eugene 6d ago


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Blurred out name so I don’t dox him. I want to see the body cam footage.


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u/Z0ooool 6d ago

I said so in the now deleted post: The body cams will tell for sure but it’s not bootlicking to exit the vehicle when the police tell you to.


u/Tight-Ad2916 6d ago

If an officer can shoot an un-armed black person and get away with that murder by saying they feared for their life and that their discharge of weapon was a trauma response(this argument has been used countless times) then it is logical to think that a trauma response by an unarmed black person would want them to stay in their vehicle where they felt safer. Using pepper spray, tazers and 3 officers to get a NON COMBATIVE PERSON to comply is EXCESSIVE force.


u/Z0ooool 6d ago

Was… was this guy shot? You are being so overdramatic here. Take a breath.

Also, maybe take a look at body cams online when someone, say a sov-cit since those morons are usually white, fail to exit a car.

It is really, really hard to get someone out of a driver’s seat. They’re dug in there like a tick and it usually takes a lot of strong guys to get them out. Plus tazers.

It’s worse when there are intoxicants involved. I only mention this because of the charges.

Now, is that what happened? I don’t know. Again, we need the body cams. But assuming the EPD is lying on a public press release where it would be major (like a national story) egg on their faces is a little much.


u/Ok_Investigator7967 6d ago

EPD press releases should not be treated as anything other than self-serving propaganda.


u/Z0ooool 6d ago

My dude, these are official press statements.

Unlike social media posts on Reddit, police departments can't just say whatever they want on official channels without consequences.

I'm not excluding some spin here -- again, let's wait for the body cam -- but if they're outright fabricating then this will be a major balls to the wall blow up and quite possibly a national story in the making.


u/ElEsDi_25 5d ago

Depts literally do use their releases and press connection in self-serving ways.


u/digitaldiplomat 6d ago

You have a lot of faith in a model of journalism and publicity that may not be applicable anymore. The incoming administration worships impunity for certain actors and certain acts and is full of people who think our society is not racist enough.

I admire your optimism, but don't have your faith in the outcome should the video show wanton disregard for civil rights.


u/Z0ooool 5d ago

Real easy to be cynical and accuse people of lying just because it doesn’t fit your narrative.


u/Sepherchorde 5d ago

You are doing the same thing. You've decided a narrative and decided it's accurate.

You haven't seen all proof, either, and practically every police department in the country has been caught in lies to cover their own hides.


u/Z0ooool 5d ago

Playing the odds that a random anon Redditer is more likely to exaggerate and face no consequences than several police, their bosses, the chief, and the PR person all lying and losing their livelihood when the body cams come out. (Hmm. Rio McWilliams must be an important guy for all this cover up.)

I gotta say, I like my odds.


u/Sepherchorde 5d ago

The frequency at which police avoid all consequences for actions that are recorded from multiple angles and after being caught lying on top of that is absurdly high. Especially when a minority is the recipient of said behavior.

That changes your odds, significantly. If you can't see that, I don't know how to get you to.

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u/jawid72 Pisgah Poster 6d ago

How do you know the person was non-combative? How do you know anything? Were you there? Do you have the video? Do you know the police were basically Nazis or were they nice? Do you know this guy was very easy going or was he drunk and belligerent? How do you know any of this other than you want to have a narrative that fits your personal political beliefs? Why don't you wait until the videos come out before you state so assuredly what happened?


u/tarjayfan 6d ago

They probably know the history of EPD...


u/jawid72 Pisgah Poster 6d ago

By your logic there are no arrests of people of color that are valid.


u/PunksOfChinepple 6d ago

A lot of people unironically hold this belief. The soft bigotry of low expectations is rampant and racist and should've ended before it began 25 years ago. Have you read Kamala's book "smart on crime"? It's race hustling and hate. 


u/jawid72 Pisgah Poster 6d ago edited 5d ago

Personally, I kind of despise the policing system in the United States because it is built on a history of white supremacy and is unaccountable for the most part. These officers basically have state sanctioned right for murder. On top of that, they can't even seem do simple arrests without often using unreasonable violence, but I haven't seen the video so I can't really state what happened.

I also believe in critical race theory as a useful tool for understanding how legal systems oppress the historically disadvantaged.

All that being said, when you are being arrested, it's probably good to comply for your own safety as well as future possible legal action against the system. But as I haven't seen the videos, I don't know if this gentleman was treated well, middle of the road or poorly. My guess is the police were dicks and that guy was a dick but I don't know because I wasn't there.


u/sanktanglia 6d ago

soft bigotry to assume that police are still shitty on average? I shouldnt expect any worse of a take from someone accusing someone of race hustling


u/The_Sunny_Bunny_Mang 6d ago

If the police statement is accurate (we need to see the footage) then yes, he needed to be removed from that vehicle. If he was intoxicated, speeding, and stopping in the middle of a busy intersection, then the police needed to do what it took to get him off the road and out of the car.

I had a DUII over 20 years ago in this town. I was hammered, I crashed into someone’s property, and I was arrested. You know what I did, I followed the directions of the officers on the scene. I thank my lucky stars every time I look back, that I turned left instead of right. Had I gone right I would have ended up on a very busy road and possibly killed myself and someone else.

I also had a friend that was pulled over while intoxicated and decided to get out and run. Do you think the EPD politely asked him to stop because he was white? Nope, they chased him down, tackled him, and did what it took to put him in handcuffs.

I agree that there is systemic racism in our country’s institutions and we need to work to combat that, but we also can’t jump to that being the reason cops had to use force to stop someone from being a danger to the community in every case either. It obviously depends on the amount of force, but again we don’t know what that looked like until we see the body cam footage.


u/ButMuhNarrative 6d ago

Congratulations on taking accountability and responsibility for your actions. My guess is you are a credit to this community; you made a mistake, owned up to it, paid your debt to society, and moved on with your life, taking the lessons forward with you.

I appreciate your post.


u/The_Sunny_Bunny_Mang 6d ago

Thank you for saying that, and yes, I took full responsibility for what I did. I went to my court dates, plead guilty, and took my sentencing (which included a "Criminal Mischief II" charge for damaging the property I crashed into). I attended all of the counseling, classes, and alcohol treatment that was required, as well as showed up to road crew and worked hard while I was there. I paid the fines that were required and dealt with being on a high risk insurance policy for many years when I started driving again.

It sucked and it was super embarrassing, and I've had to explain the charges when I've applied for jobs or dealt with certain paperwork, but I made the choice to be irresponsible and had to face the consequences. There was no denying what I had done, like I said, I was just relieved I didn't hurt anyone.

I also stopped drinking years ago. Turns out I wasn't as cool or as good at it as I thought I was.


u/ButMuhNarrative 5d ago

My brother got a DUII a good decade ago and it changed his life for the better in every measurable way. You two both talk about it in the same way. He said his biggest Takeaway was in the counseling classes there were only two types of people; those who took ownership and responsibility for their actions. And those with a never-ending list of excuses.

I have nothing but respect for you both for being in the personal responsibility camp, and I humbly wish you good health and prosperity in the new year. Much respect, sir.


u/band-of-horses 6d ago

How do they feel safer staying in the car? I mean I'm not a legal expert but I've seen enough youtube videos to know if you refuse to get out of the car, you're coming out with pepper spray, tasers and possibly a dog bite. And that does not make me feel very safe...


u/bigsampsonite 5d ago

You should bring up more what ifs....like it is gonna help your fruitless debate you are having in here. Nothing like that happened so bringing it up is a joke. You are wrong and now its time to move the fuck on.


u/ElEsDi_25 5d ago

100 downvoted for just saying a basic fact that people don’t want to hear.


u/Jthundercleese 6d ago

I'm still shocked by the amount of bootlicking liberals will do.

Cops lie.


u/Nervous-Cucumber- 6d ago

The down votes are dumb. I agree with you completely!! Tasing and pepper spray is NOT a reasonable response to someone not wanting to get out of the car!! Cops are constantly abusing their power to kick the shit out of people. We see it time and time again all over the country


u/Univited_Arbiter 6d ago

Not a reasonable response? Even when this person may have been actively endangering others by driving drunk?

Go touch grass.


u/Straight_Try_6761 6d ago edited 5d ago

And stopped in the middle of an intersection on 7th and Blair (Very busy). Creating an even more unsafe environment for other pedestrians and drivers. Edit: 7th and Washington (which IMO is worse)

But typical Eugene subreddit logic, since he is a POC it MUST be due to racist cops that just want to see all POC burn. This place is a joke, I hope the homeless continue to steal your bikes.

I have two friends that have died from drunk drivers. The amount of people just defending this dude with no evidence whatsoever besides "oReGoN's HiStOrY iS raCiSt" is crazy. If he is innocent then fire the cops and put him in jail, but if he is guilty. Fuck him and fuck you two.


u/Nervous-Cucumber- 6d ago

Drunk driving is NEVER okay and I never said it was. I don’t think their actions are okay, but it also doesn’t mean that he deserves to abused. It’s a shame no one has empathy anymore


u/Univited_Arbiter 5d ago

Necessary and responsible use of force is not abuse.


u/Cascadialiving Wildlife Protector 5d ago

Let’s hear your idea on how you get a non-complaint drunk out of a car in the middle of a busy intersection.


u/knowone23 5d ago

Pleeeeeaase get out??

No? Ok, well then off with you ya rascal.
