r/Eugene 18d ago

Alright y'all who's got either the flu or COVID? jiggly




u/dangerfielder 18d ago

Nope. Vaccine has worked for me so far.


u/MarthasPinYard 18d ago

The Covid vaccine doesnā€™t prevent sickness.

Youā€™re not immune to Covid. You can still get Covid if you had all your shots. Itā€™s just supposed to help you not die from it. Totally different than a polio vaccine.


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago edited 18d ago

It prevents infection and sickness for a short time after getting it. After around six months, that prevention becomes basically zero while protection against death remains robust. Reduced infection risk also means reduced long covid risk. This six month mark (and some reduction in protection against hospitalization in this age group) is why the CDC is now recommending that seniors get the shot twice a year.

But yes, you can very much get covid even if you've had the shot. Many vaccines are not 100% effective, they just reduce risk. Flu shot is 40-60% effective depending on the year.



u/Sovereign_Money 17d ago

Yes but BARELY BETTER than a placebo. See Kansas vs Pfizer fraud law suit


u/MarthasPinYard 18d ago

I was very sick for 14 daysā€¦

It did NOT prevent infection or sickness.


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago

It's not 100% effective.


u/Need_sun5474 18d ago

Did you get the updated Covid shot for this year?


u/O_O--ohboy 18d ago

You didn't die though, I'm guessing? Were you hospitalized? Intubated? Because that's ultimately what the vaccine is supposed to prevent: the statistical probability of a population overwhelming healthcare stability to address severe illnesses. That's the whole reason you can get the shots for free.


u/twilightmac80 18d ago

Same. Both me and my mom got both the vaccine and flu shot, haven't been sick once. Thankful for that. šŸ™


u/Loaatao 18d ago

I got both the Covid and flu vaccine on Monday. Tuesday I was sooooooooo sick. By Wednesday I felt fine


u/LalaLane850 18d ago

I do a flu shot every year and have done covid vaccine every year since it came out. This year I did them together and for the first time I had zero side effects (aside from a sore arm). I was shocked.


u/Loaatao 18d ago

Jealous!!! But last Christmas I flew back home and had covid for 9/10 days. I was okay with being sick a few days before traveling back this year.


u/GoodAsUsual 18d ago

By Friday you'll be in love


u/erika1972 18d ago

I did mine in Sept. Little early probably but havenā€™t seen sick yet this year. Fingers crossed.


u/Crowguys 18d ago

Yeah, those side effects can be a bitch. At least it's better than actually getting sick. That would really suck!


u/ReverbSage 18d ago

I never got my second dose:(


u/mrSalamander 18d ago

Second? You should be on 4-5th by now.


u/ReverbSage 18d ago

Guess I'm a bit behind the times haha

Also thanks for the down votes guys, just a lil salt in the wound while I'm sick šŸ˜·šŸ‘ lol


u/Ordinary_Marzipan666 18d ago

I hadn't gorten caught up until recently, due to flying to see very fagile immune systems. And if u aren't insured, Covid vaccines are now a bit over $200 out of pocket!


u/Aolflashback 18d ago

Free Luigi amiright


u/mynamescodey 18d ago

Idk if many people know this, but they won't even give you anything but the latest booster at pharmacies. You HAVE to see a primary care doctor to get the initial series šŸ™ƒ


u/Dan_D_Lyin 18d ago

You only need thr most up to date shot


u/mynamescodey 18d ago

I tried to get the booster a few years ago without the initial series at Safeway and they turned me away :/


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/mrSalamander 18d ago

Who toldja that. Dr Oz? RFKjr?


u/ApplesBananasRhinoc 18d ago

The worms!


u/GullibleBathroom5616 18d ago

I said this in my head like Rudy Giuliani when he said "oHh, ThE nEtWoRkS, tHe NeTwOrKs" lmfao


u/PatBuchanansDog 18d ago

I wish this was a free speech platform. The slurz would be a flowing


u/PakWire 18d ago



u/mrSalamander 18d ago

Ah yes. Complaining about free speech. Nobody is censoring you on reddit. ā€œFree Speechā€ does not mean free from ridicule if ya say something dumb. Free speech doesnā€™t mean everybody has equal opinions. Or that people have to respect when others say dumb things. Free speech ONLY means the govt canā€™t punish you for what you say. Is the govt censoring you? No.


u/equinox_magick 18d ago

Iā€™ve been censored on Reddit at least twice. Both for alluding to nature having its way with our past and future president


u/DrinkMilk_saysthecat 18d ago

Why is that? Not something I've heard and can't find any sources with this information.


u/ObiePNW 18d ago

I wouldnā€™t take medical advice from Pat Buchanans dog.


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/DrinkMilk_saysthecat 18d ago

Second link, right at the top says "This analysis demonstrated that natural immunity affords longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization due to the delta variant."

Your statement above does not qualify that you must have gotten covid to have greater immunity than what the vaccines give. The conclusion does make sense, but no it does not say that a vaccine increases the chance of getting covid after 6 months.


u/PatBuchanansDog 18d ago


u/DrinkMilk_saysthecat 18d ago

Fair response. I found the reference study. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.27.24306378v1.full.pdf

My opinion is that since it's not representative of the general population, at best warrants future study. Literally the company could have had a bunch of Covid transmission and it throws the whole study off, it's healthcare and WE do a lot of close quarters work. Besides, covid has had a lot of unknowns.

Gemini summarizing the results: This study analyzed the effectiveness of the 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine against the dominant circulating strain, JN.1, among 47,561 employees over 16 weeks. Key Findings: * Limited Vaccine Effectiveness: The study found that the 2023-2024 vaccine offered only 23% effectiveness against the JN.1 strain. This means it reduced the risk of COVID-19 infection by 23% compared to unvaccinated individuals. * Higher Prior Doses, Higher Risk: * Individuals with 2, 3, or more than 3 prior vaccine doses had a significantly higher risk of COVID-19 compared to those with 0 or 1 prior dose. * This suggests that multiple previous vaccinations may not provide strong protection against the JN.1 variant and could potentially increase susceptibility. Important Considerations: * Study Limitations: This study was conducted among employees, and the results may not be generalizable to the entire population. * Evolving Situation: The effectiveness of vaccines can change as the virus evolves. The JN.1 strain may be more resistant to the 2023-2024 vaccine compared to previous strains. Conclusion: The study highlights the challenges in achieving long-term protection against COVID-19 with current vaccines, especially against emerging variants. Further research is needed to understand the complex relationship between prior vaccinations and COVID-19 risk, and to develop more effective vaccines against evolving strains. Disclaimer: This is a simplified explanation. The study itself provides more detailed information and statistical analysis. Note: This information is for general knowledge and discussion purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Disclaimer: This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional.


u/CanHackett06660 18d ago

This is the first year I forgot to get my Flu shot in years. Iā€™m going on day 4 of barely being able to move, worst headache Iā€™ve ever had, fever and chills. My kid and wife got their shots, they are fine. Get the flu shot.


u/Marlopupperfield 18d ago

For those reading this and maybe thinking itā€™s too late to get a flu-shotā€¦ ITā€™S NOT! Typically weā€™re not even at peak flu season until January, and it can go into May/June some years. Go get it!!!


u/GullibleBathroom5616 18d ago

Did you test for covid?


u/CanHackett06660 18d ago

Twice, both negative.


u/Particular_Way980 18d ago

Two family members just got over a bad week long confirmed flu. The rest of the family got the flu + covid shots last month and are 100% ok, zero symptoms (all share the same living space). Lane county currently has the highest rate of pertussis in Oregon. Pneumonia and RSV are also rampant in town per the drs the sick ones saw.


u/Current_Run9540 18d ago

Be careful folks: I have my up to date vaccinations and caught some kind of respiratory bug that very quickly became pneumonia and then left me with bad inflammation in my bronchial tubes. Took me out for 5 weeks. Wasnā€™t ever really scary like the pneumonia cases that came out of COVID, but it was pretty rough and I was lucky to have really good short term disability coverage through my company. Take care of yourselves!


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago edited 18d ago

Sorry you're feeling sick :(

Keep getting your vaccines, washing your hands, and wearing a mask in crowded indoor areas. You can remove _most_ of your risk of getting any sort of infection by following these steps. I have been sick a total of two times since 2019, before adopting these practices due to COVID, I got sick at least once a year. These techniques work. It's not all or nothing, risk comes in degrees.

If your last covid booster was 6+ months ago it is providing basically no protection against infection or symptoms (but maintaining protection against death). If the side-effects from the MRNA vaccines were too intense, try Novavax, it didn't even give me a sore arm whereas the MRNA ones knocked me out with a 24hr fever. Novavax is just as effective. Locally, rite-aid and (I have heard) Costco carry it. You don't need a membership to use the costco pharmacy.

COVID and Flu shots are the #1 thing you can do (outside of diet and exercise) to reduce your risk of a heart attack, as heart attacks are often caused by underlying infections stressing the body.


u/NovelInjury3909 18d ago

I mask (N95)whenever Iā€™m around other people, do risk reduction like getting takeaway vs eating in, and get my COVID vaccines regularly. I havenā€™t been sick since Spring 2020 and neither has my wife! Itā€™s a challenge to incorporate airborne precautions into your life at first, but everytime I start to feel tired of it, I remember how grateful I am to be staying healthy. I hope more people give their bodies the protections they deserve, especially with H5N1 (bird flu) on the rise, which has an extremely high fatality rate. :(


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago edited 18d ago

Glad to see another masker :). John Snow made society realize we need clean drinking water, because re-using drinking water was dangerous. We now enjoy clean drinking water everywhere and don't even give it a second thought. Our society unfortunately has yet to learn that lesson about air, even though dirty air can literally kill you. https://johnsnowproject.org/

For those not following H5N1 news, H5N1 doesn't have sustained human-to-human transmission yet. But when it does, we will be in a world of hurt. Could be tomorrow, could be 20 years from now. Bird Flu has had pandemic potential your entire life. Right now, unless you are a farm worker or in close contact with a farm worker, or drink raw milk, your risk of getting bird flu is on par with ebola. If you drink raw milk, you very well may be lucky enough to end up being mentioned in a medical journal. And not because you are the author.


u/ReverbSage 18d ago

Thanks for the tips!


u/SheHasAPawPrint 18d ago

I had Covid in mid October for the first time. I have to say it lived up to its hype. I missed 6 days of work and it took 3 weeks to feel back to normal. I sure could have used the extra 10 days of sick leave we had available in 2020. 0/10 stars and do not recommend.

Getting my flu shot tomorrow. Hard pass on both.


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago

Same here, got my first infection this year. Did not disappoint.


u/SheHasAPawPrint 18d ago

Itā€™s wild to see all the downvotes on this topic. Heaven forbid you got sick from covid


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago edited 18d ago

If it makes you feel any better, it's mostly bots. Decentralized social media is solving this problem, but it takes time for people to move to new platforms. Certain topics trigger even more bots than usual, covid is one of those topics. The US govt at one time was even running bots to spread misinformation about vaccine safety: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


u/stinkydude619 18d ago

Thanks for telling me that I been lazy with getting my flu shots


u/SproketRocket 18d ago

neither, but I got hit hard with an adenovirus (cold) sore throat for over a week, viral conjunctivitis, its been rough.


u/thrownalee 18d ago

I'm recovering from COVID. I was fully vaccinated but caught it anyway right about the first of December.


u/GullibleBathroom5616 18d ago

How long were you sick?


u/thrownalee 18d ago

My symptoms began on the 5th and are still not entirely gone (lingering sinus crud and a bit of cough).


u/GullibleBathroom5616 18d ago

Dang, mine started yesterday morning šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« fully vaxxed too. Oh well, at least my entire family got it so we can still get together for Christmas!


u/ThereMightBeDinos 18d ago

Neither, but I've been sick for a few weeks. No fever, just bad congestion in face and chest. Doc says it's going around and bad this season. Not much to do except manage symptoms and check in again if I'm still sick come new year, pretty much.


u/SpringTucky101 18d ago

Just got over like a 36 hour flu bug s d it was horribly terrible


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago

RSV, COVID, Flu, and Noro are all high right now. Numbers and charts if you like 'em https://yourlocalepidemiologist.substack.com/p/up-up-and-away


u/[deleted] 18d ago

I had both at the same time last year. Never been so scared in my life.


u/lickem369 18d ago



u/ReverbSage 18d ago

Ayyy :) I haven't gotten out of bed in like 3 days haha. How about you?


u/lickem369 18d ago

Iā€™m out of bed but with a sore throat weakness and headache. The Alien invasion doesnā€™t help much!


u/ReverbSage 18d ago

For realll, welp chug that vitamin C-- good luck my friend


u/Strange-Biscuit 18d ago edited 18d ago

A good friend with cold-like symptoms tested positive for the rona.

Edit to add that we know a 5th grader with pneumonia too. Thereā€™s some crap going around. šŸ’©


u/GullibleBathroom5616 18d ago

The whole fam from Douglas to Lane got covid since this last weekend we all spent together. From 8 months to 80 years old. Symptoms ranging in severity but mostly a mild sore throat with aches. Hives, congestion, scratchy voice, and light fever for the baby, who's really had it the worst. No symptoms for the 8 year old. Every single one of us vaxxed for flu and covid. Most of us are getting better already.


u/dumpafook 18d ago

Iā€™m exactly 1 week out from coming down with the flu šŸ¤’ā€¦ and Iā€™m still very congested with a gnarly cough! It started as just a bit of sneezing and then a progressively increasing runny nose while I was at work last Fridayā€¦ otherwise I felt fine! But I wore a mask just in case but I thought it was allergies.

By that evening I was full blown sick with a relentless fever of 101-102F and so painful with chills everywhere all night. It came on so fast and lasted on and off through much of Sunday. I had to call off sick multiple days from work this past week and been laid out since! Only now starting to feel human again.

I get my flu and Covid vaccines every year.
Stay safe and healthy out there, folks!


u/Irxio 18d ago

Caught covid 2 weeks ago, which was really fun going into finals. Worst of it was only a day or so


u/Myzx 18d ago

I had a fever 2 weeks ago. Negative COVID test. It was mild.


u/BattleIntrepid3476 18d ago



u/Funkygurupsychonaut 18d ago

Partner and I have covid


u/Need_sun5474 18d ago

No, I got my shots in October.


u/FloBot3000 18d ago

My 15 to just got something but I didn't take him to the Dr. A fever for 2 days including moments of shivering and lots of blankets. And a bad sore throat for a week that pain relievers barely took an edge off of. I looked down his throat and didn't see the strep pus pockets on tonsils, the pain was right down the middle. A bad sounding cough that is finally getting better after 2 weeks.

At say 3 his fever was gone and throat was slightly improved, so we decided he was getting better and to not go to doc unless it got worse again.

My roommates son had strep last week.


u/ferngully1114 18d ago

Kid is recovering from influenza A. Rest of us havenā€™t caught it so far, knock on wood. Heā€™s wearing a mask when he leaves his room, we have HEPA filters throughout the house, and open windows when itā€™s warm enough outside. Heā€™s on day 6, so Iā€™m hoping we are in the clear.


u/tomborington 18d ago

Got both the flu and covid vaccines this year. Currently sick šŸ¤’


u/Impossible-Pattern28 18d ago

I think I am getting over it. I didn't do a test but did stay home and now wearing a mask when I go out. I had vaccines though, so it's like a bad cold. Maybe it's just a bad cold.


u/hamburgers4lunch 17d ago

I have covid rn. Stay safe yā€™all.


u/freyascats 17d ago

A few of us in my house have been sick all week, another got it a couple days after us. Not sure what it is but itā€™s miserable and we all have had our flu and Covid vaccines for this season.


u/Puddles22 18d ago

Ate a lot of bugs as a kid, my immune system is bulletproof. Never get sick, still havenā€™t gotten COVID. I am fearless.


u/Aolflashback 18d ago

Heeyyoooo! Samsies. Well, not the bug eating part, but I was always sick as a kid so I think my white blood cells have that elephant memory or something.


u/Olive_Garden_Wifi 18d ago

I got Covid back in October for the first time. I donā€™t get out much so Iā€™ve been fairly lucky considering Iā€™m not up to date on my boosters.


u/dooqbooper 18d ago

I did Friday through Sunday.


u/Hungry_Fisherman5457 17d ago

I havenā€™t gotten either vaccine for years and havenā€™t been sick for years. Coincidence? Yes.


u/kiltedcoffee 17d ago

I think I might have earlier in the week because I just felt run down for about 24 hours. A ton of people are out sick from work and a few people are wearing masks (end of the year, probably used all their sick time already)


u/2shoe1path 18d ago

Bird flu? Be careful


u/Salt-Scallion-8002 18d ago

My family is mainly NOVIDS - never known to have it! Are they ganna study us:)?


u/elementalbee 18d ago

I canā€™t get myself to get a flu or covid shot due to how absolutely miserable they make me feel. The Covid vaccine made me so ill I couldnā€™t walk more than 2-3 steps without having to sit down. I literally kept falling asleep on the floor because I didnā€™t have enough energy to get to my bed. It lasted THREE DAYS and I still wasnā€™t 100% after that. Iā€™ve had Covid twice and it was significantly less severe than what I experienced with the vaccine (just took more days).


u/letsmakeafriendship 18d ago

You may want to look into novavax. I also had pretty terrible side-effects from the MRNA shots (24 hr fever, two days of feeling yuck), novavax didn't even give me a sore arm, and studies show it's not just me who gets less side effects. Just as effective. Flu shot side effects are typically very mild, so if you are having reactions like that, it may be a potential allergy and you should talk to your healthcare provider about alternatives with different ingredients.

Your next bout with covid may be equally mild, it may be horrendously worse, or you may end up with long covid or have a heart attack triggered. Long covid can last weeks, months, or years and include everything from loss of smell to loss of mental acuity to chronic exhaustion. The number of Americans who have lost their sense of smell permanentely is the population of Oregon times two!


u/steveeq1 18d ago

Isn't it funny how everyone compares covid with the flu nowadays?


u/sandwichmaker1243 17d ago

I have yet to get Covid. Not vaccinated. I never get sick though. I think itā€™s all the whiskey I drink


u/Proud_Cauliflower400 18d ago

Get sick, get better, die. Those are your only options. Death is kinda not an option though. You're going to die. But not you Raymond K. Hessel.


u/Organic_JP 18d ago

I don't and I don't have a shot


u/Ok-Credit-7764 18d ago

I donā€™t get flu or Covid vaccines anymore. I got Covid 7 times since 2020 and I nearly died. Covid got worse for me after I got the vaccine, it was bearable before surprisingly. Iā€™m not against the flu vaccine but I had an incredibly awful reaction to the last one I got so I just gave up on vaccines. I just wash my hands a lot and sanitize my spaces. Keep a distance from people. Vaccines arenā€™t effective for everyone unfortunately. :(


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Ok-Credit-7764 18d ago

Iā€™m not against vaccines, just pointing out the fact that itā€™s not effective for everyone.


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/Ok-Credit-7764 18d ago

Even the CDC states that not everyone should get certain vaccines due to certain illnesses or other factors. Iā€™m not an idiot lol Iā€™m all for protecting myself and others but not if they make me feel like Iā€™m dying


u/Ok-Credit-7764 18d ago

You donā€™t know that for a fact because youā€™re basing it off statistics, not my individual experience and how I respond to medication as a whole. Which I donā€™t need to explain to you.


u/danielediabla 18d ago

News flash: itā€™s cold and flu season. Nothing new. Ever since 2020, people make it a huge deal. People get sick and itā€™s part of life.


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/danielediabla 18d ago

Yeah thatā€™s not true. I guarantee itā€™s a more sedentary and stressful lifestyle and poor diet that is having that effect. All of which increased since Covid.


u/[deleted] 18d ago



u/danielediabla 18d ago

Did you just use chatgpt to get your information? šŸ˜‚

That study only had 133 covid participants. And nothing in there suggests PERMANENT damageā€¦. You read ā€œlong-term changesā€ and assumed ā€œpermanent damageā€???


u/Ok-Credit-7764 18d ago

That also happens as people get older. All the kids in my family that got it were still playing and having the time of their lives lol the older folks, not so much.