r/Eugene Sep 27 '24

TIL The Eugene Library does NOT charge late fees... jiggly

Checked out a really good book from library, got busy, read half of it, lost it behind the couch, found it again, read it. Received email saying it was late and not able to check it out again, but wasn't done. Figured I'd pay the fees, so I finished it, and turned it in four days late.

The librarian informed me they don't charge late fees "anymore." I was in shock as my old library charged you from the get-go if it was late, and past $5.00, your account was frozen. I guess the Eugene library only charges you for a new book IF it's past 30 days late.

The library here is a gem regardless of what people say. I would have given them money if they would have accepted it. Support your local library!



u/uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnah Sep 27 '24

I think they also refund the charge if you turn it in beyond that date, but I can’t find confirmation of that on the website - I remember reading it somewhere though but who knows what the source was!


u/Moarbrains Sep 27 '24

I didn't mind the late fees until I found out they all go into the Eugene general fund.

Glad they are rid of them.


u/L3m0n_F1zz Sep 27 '24

Damn I paid like 60$ in late fees because I forgot to return the Scott Pilgrim comics


u/clsrat Sep 28 '24

This has become a trend along libraries and a very positive one!

This article lists some of the reasons https://action.everylibrary.org/why_are_libraries_eliminating_late_fees. They include:

Higher Book Return Rate

Fines Aren’t a Reliable Revenue

Patrons Utilize Library Resources More

Improve Negative Associations With Libraries


u/Any_Print431 Sep 28 '24

The guy told me they will renew my books for me up to 6 weeks if nobody else is trying to get the same book so I shouldn’t have to worry about late books but sounds like it just doesn’t matter how late they are lol


u/jcorviday Sep 28 '24

I believe it's 6 times, not 6 weeks. Basing this on a couple of books that ended up living with me for awhile.


u/bbytater Sep 29 '24

automatic renewals up to seven times. checkouts are for three weeks. if no one is putting a hold on what you have checked out, you can keep the book for like six months. so if you happen to misplace it six weeks after checking it out, you have like 12 weeks to find it before a bill is sent (as long as no one is requesting that title).


u/bbytater Sep 29 '24

No more overdue fees. No more reshelving fees (which is wild to have in the first place). Just lost/replacement fees and damaged fees.


u/Emergency-Soil-4381 Sep 28 '24

I remember my step daughter checked out a movie, and like many teens forgot to return it. We the parents were threatened with collections, I said to suspend my daughter’s library card. They refused. We did get the movie returned and the fees dealt with. She was not living with us at the time.


u/Westhippienurse Sep 27 '24

That’s great news! I after I went through my divorce my four year old and I moved from the big house into a tiny apartment. I completely forgot we had three books out. I got a letter saying the library was taking me to collections. I was shocked, I found the books and returned them at the customer service desk. There was this library staff member that used to work with that I used to like.  I brought my situation to their attention and they were so mean! I explained to them that I went through a divorce and move and forgot that I had these books out, I was making good on returning them. This staff member basically called me a loser and incompetent person for forgetting my library books! I left in tears and reported them to the main line. So glad they’re not there and so glad they don’t have those giant fees! I can’t remember if I got them reduced after I called that line or if I just paid the $78 late fee for three books.


u/washington_jefferson Sep 27 '24

Good thing Mr. Bookman retired when he did.