r/Eugene Sep 24 '24

Breakfast brigade trying to resume feeding homeless at Washington Jefferson Street Park. News


Breakfast Brigade, a homeless outreach group, is asking the City council tonight to restore its special use permit which allowed them to serve meals at Washington Jefferson Park four days a week. What say you?


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u/uhgletmepost Sep 24 '24 edited Sep 24 '24

What does that gotta do with it?

I've seen parents birthday parties litter with their kids and not pick up afterthemselves

Would we promote banning kids from parks? No (well reddit would it has that sorta brainrot)

One weekly event does not make a trash filled park, if anything the park is kinda the point of these sorta spaces

Edit: just realized this isn't the burrito brigade which is weekly, this is a daily breakfest group..

Hmm... maybe doing it in rotating park locations might be better 🤔


u/Zaliukas-Gungnir Sep 25 '24

Did they spend a million dollars to clean up some toddlers birthday party recently? I must of missed that. Were there rapes and assaults to go with that kids birthday party. If I remember right, that is what it took to finally chase the people who turned Washington-Jefferson Park into an environment hazard out. The spend a million dollars and close it for a year to finally get it cleaned up last time.


u/uhgletmepost Sep 25 '24

Are you talking about during the covid lockdowns when they made it into a mandatory camp?

It is totally on the city for not maintaining Law and Order and cleanliness, on a space they owned and provided.

This is also on the cops who were down a work stoppage during the time (and still are tbh) because they only got a budget increase of 13 percent instead of the 20 they wanted and cried because they didn't get to buy their fancy lil decommosioned tank. The thin skinned lil bitches.


u/m3937 Sep 25 '24

Mantaining Law and Order through Eugene Parks and Open Spaces is ridiculous, Parks and Open Spaces is responsible for cleaning the restrooms and maintaining the landscape and plant life through property tax dollars.

They are not responsible for cleaning up heroine needles, picking up garage outside of the garbage can, nor hosing down restrooms of feces and period blood.

But that’s what they’re having to do.

The City owns it, but property tax owners pay for it. We also pay for the police force.

No one seems to understand historical and demographic perspective, and how most of the people in Eugene aren’t actual property owners.

It doesn’t help that SF is shipping their homeless to Oregon with bus tickets.