r/Eugene Jul 15 '24

OCF Something to do

My bf and I moved just here a bit less than a week ago. So far, we are already loving this town and finding so much to do! Anyway, today we went to OCF. I’m seeing so many jaded comments about the fair:/ honestly, we really enjoyed it! The live music was spectacular, and it was so nice just walking and looking at things and people around. The place felt like a maze but in a fun way not in an overwhelming labyrinth kind of way. Bf and I are both on the reserved/anxious side w these event sort of things, and we’re both happy that the place just felt comforting, fun, and rly happy! Until next year, but if there’s anyone else who maybe was on the fence, I’d suggest you give it a try if you have someone close you can go with to soak it all in and enjoy the stroll!


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u/Cloud_Shaped_Cloud Jul 15 '24

This was my first year going and I had an absolute blast and cannot wait for next year!


u/washington_jefferson Jul 15 '24

Did you camp for at least a night? Assuming the day fair is the same jammed packed scene that it’s been for several decades now- I’d say it’s still something to check out if you haven’t been, and if you don’t mind paying $60.

That said, I’d be pretty shocked to hear someone say it was “an absolute blast” unless they were camping and partying at night in the in-crowd scene. If the day fair is an absolute blast, you must enjoy every little thing that the world has to offer- and that’s amazing! For example, I curse the sunrise because I just want to sleep, and you probably appreciate it for its beauty, and don’t mind waking up super early because each day presents new wonders. At least, that’s the only mindset I can think of to have a blast walking in crazy-8’s in hot, dusty, and crowded circles. That after party is pretty cool, though.


u/OppositeTooth290 Jul 15 '24

This was my first year going, invited by a friend, I had the option to camp but didn’t and had a fun time! I liked looking at the booths and people watching. I liked the little pockets with stages and the food, and all the staff were extremely helpful and friendly. It was crowded but honestly that was the worst part, and even with that I kind of expected it so I didn’t mind too much. The hippie yuppie vibe is usually not my thing, but I still had a good time regardless, even without camping.


u/washington_jefferson Jul 15 '24

I don't get the "hippie yuppie" comments that I keep seeing in this su the past few days. These are just normal Eugenians.