r/Eugene Jun 19 '24

What is it like living in Eugene? Moving

My wife might be getting a high paying healthcare job in Eugene, so we are curious what it is like to live there. I have a background in education (direct instruction, academic site management, higher ed). I'm open to other career paths, as the job prospects worry me a bit.

We also want to know how it is to live there. We lived in az for most of our lives. We've been in Texas (DFW) for 3 years. Any insight is appreciated.


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u/themetalship Jun 19 '24

Lol why a mad max movie set?


u/saucemancometh Jun 19 '24

Eugene has the highest per capita homeless population in the country just barely edging out LA exacerbated by a bunch of non local homeless who moved here because drug possession/consumption was decriminalized. Certain stretches of town have issues with tent camping on public right of way and private property. Aging infrastructure with rough road and terrible drivers who don’t know how to merge/zipper

Source: Life long resident


u/BarbequedYeti Jun 19 '24

bunch of non local homeless who moved here because drug possession/consumption was decriminalized

Can we stop with this bullshit already.? 

It has/had zero to do with decriminalizing.


u/NiNKazi Jun 20 '24

I’m not disagreeing with you or agreeing with the person you’re responding to, but do we have any evidence either which way whether decriminalization had an effect on homeless population?


u/BarbequedYeti Jun 20 '24

No. And you would have a hell of a time trying to piece it together as there are so many variables involved homelessness.  But to OP here its a single simple issue. Drugs...  If it was that easy dont you think with the 50 years and billions spent we would have solved it?  Yet here we are. 

These people saying decriminalization caused the fent issue or the homeless issue have zero evidence to support that.  Its low hanging fruit they can point to and say 'that did it!'..  

The fent issue, the homelessness will still be here after September when decriminalization is recalled.  Then these same people will have all kinds of excuses as to why its still a problem.  

There are plenty of cities that did not decriminalize and lead Oregon in drug OD's etc.  It had absolutely zero to do with decriminalizing.  It had a lot to do with there was zero done to implement addiction and mental health treatment.  It was meant to fail from the beginning. 

The war on drugs isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Its big business for prisons and law enforcement. Take that away and how are they going to pay for all their latest toys?  


u/MamaLiza14 Jun 20 '24

I don't think there's anyone saying decriminalizing caused anything. I think they're saying it made it worse because people know they won't be locked up if found with drugs. Correlation doesn't mean causation but there's a pattern


u/BarbequedYeti Jun 20 '24

I think they're saying it made it worse because people know they won't be locked up if found with drugs

But there is zero evidence to support that.  The fent issue has been growing for years.

Here is what I dont understand. The war on drugs has been running for decades with billions spent and zero results. How come no one is criticizing how unsuccessful that approach has been?  

Not a peep from people like OP about that.  Total ok with that failure and zero questions, but decriminalizing was given a couple of years with zero resources invested in it and yet they are up in arms about how its the problem..  So back to the same demonstrated failed approach and they are happy.  No questions.  Funny that. 


u/Bear_switch_slut Jun 20 '24

Add on to it that the homeless people have been traveling into and through Eugene for many years before the decriminalization. The main reason it has been more visible lately is due to them doing sweeps. The sweeps send the homeless into new areas (does nothing to get them out, btw) so now they're being seen in places they weren't before. Then the people that live in those areas are like "OMG it's getting so much worse!" It's the same problem as when the Olympic trials came, they didn't want it to look like there were a bunch of homeless, so they chased them out of their usual areas and the people in the more isolated communities are like "oh no, undesirables!" Also, very much the lack of substance abuse and mental health treatment. The whole thing was SUPPOSED to be supported by substance abuse programs, but they didn't implement that before just decriminalizing everything and surprise, surprise, there was suddenly more drug use happening. The fent issue is nationwide. Hell, Kensington in Philly is still the largest open air drug market in the country, and PA hasn't even legalized marijuana yet!


u/BarbequedYeti Jun 20 '24

Add on to it that the homeless people have been traveling into and through Eugene for many years before the decriminalization

They follow the weather for the most part.  Its been that way for eons. You want to be homeless in Detroit in Jan?  Of course not. Being homeless already sucks. Might as well suck less with the weather.  

I spent a bit of time homeless as a teen.  I was lucky it was in Az in the fall-winter.  But as summer approached, you bet your ass I was making plans to head to the coast or at least up to Flagstaff.  

Its the one thing you have a bit of control over when you have absolutely nothing else.  


u/Bear_switch_slut Jun 20 '24

Yep, the Cali to Seattle Pipeline asking I-5 and the rail lines are a staple in the West Coast homeless population. I've been lucky enough never to be houseless myself, but a LOT of my friends and acquaintances have been.


u/NiNKazi Jun 20 '24

Thanks for the response. One guess I have is that homeless are attracted to the PNW due to the mild climate.


u/OneLegAtaTimeTheory Jun 20 '24

Personally I’ve noticed a big increase in junkies in Eugene after M110. Increase in crime, trash, tents, graffiti and everything else associated with it.


u/BarbequedYeti Jun 20 '24

Ok. Then I will follow back up with you in September when it's repealed and all should be good right?  No more 'junkies' for you to see. Or tents.  That should fix it right?