r/EDC Dec 26 '13

43/M/Antivirus Researcher/SoCal - Keychain of Doom

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u/goretsky Dec 26 '13 edited Dec 26 '13


I have mentioned my keychain1 a couple of times in the past, but never managed to get it properly documented, or even a decent snapshot of it. I took this one just before leaving my office for the holidays, and it turned out okay, so I thought I would share this for now.

This is not something I actually EDC, but rather a collection of pocket tools that I have collected over the past twenty-odd years. I brought it into work one day to show a co-worker, and, well, I haven't taken it home yet. As a matter of fact, our HR department uses it as part of the orientation procedure for new employees: As part of a scavenger hunt/office-familiarization, new employees have to get a picture of themselves taken with it for points. Right now it actually consists of several smaller keychains, attached to a larger Night Ize S-biner carabiner.

A very partial listing of the things on there:

  • Bison Designs Survival Pod Keyring

  • Buck Metro Knife

  • Cl!ck Carabiner, Parachute, Ti2 Para-Biner, Ringtool and a MULTI wallet, that I all ordered through Kickstarter

  • CRKT Eat'N Tool (I think there is also a Guppy and a Zilla Tool there as well)

  • Fisher Space Pen

  • Maglite 1xAAA Mini-Mag (upgraded with LED)

  • McFeely's Pocketwrench II

  • P51 and P38 can openers

  • Peanut lighter and prybars from Countycomm

  • Schrade Key Chain Pry Tool

  • Swiss+Tech Micro-Tech, Micro-Max and Screwz-All

  • the aforementioned Atwood collection

  • Victorinox SAK (MiniChamp, I think)

There's a lot of other gadgets on there as well, and if there's any interest I would be happy to make a more detailed inventory showing how it all breaks down.

Happy holidays and New Years, all!


Aryeh Goretsky

ยนNOTE:: Does not actually contain any keys.


u/TheDrunkenChud Dec 26 '13

i hate keys and key chains. this, is my nightmare. why would you do this to yourself?


u/goretsky Dec 26 '13


It is just a way to hold all the different gear in place. I do realize that some people who collect similar things like knives have all sorts of trays and boxes and display cases for their collection, but I started this rather organically a long time ago and it just grew from there.

I don't actually walk around the building with it. Most of the time, it sits on top of that bookshelf, unless I am pulling a specific tool off because I need it, or I am adding something to the collection.


Aryeh Goretsky


u/TheDrunkenChud Dec 26 '13

Had I actually read your post first instead of immediately going into full on keychain panic attack mode, I may have relaxed a little. That said, nice collection of satan's playthings (keychain anything).