r/DebateAnAtheist 10d ago

Argument “You must believe in the truth in order to search for it.”


More often than not, an atheist affirms that they do not have a belief, or rather faith. They even go as far as to say they don’t believe in science because science isn’t something you believe in, but rather something you do. Trust, is what they say. They have trust. But trust in what? You need to BELIEVE in the truth before you can set out to uncover it. You have to have faith that the truth is discoverable. You have to have faith that the evidence to support the truth you’re setting to prove is out there.

r/DebateAnAtheist 5d ago

Argument The Atom is Very Plainly Evidence of God


This post is in response to people who claim there is no evidence of God.

Because a universe with an atom is more likely to be designed by a God than a universe without an atom, the atom is evidence that God exists.

Part 1 - What is evidence?

Evidence is any fact which tends to make a proposition more likely true. Evidence does not need to constitute proof itself. It doesn't not need to be completely reliable to be evidence. An alternative explanation for the evidence does not necessarily render it non-evidence. Only if those listed problems are in extreme is it rendered non-evidence (for example, if we know the proposition is false for other reasons, the source is completely unreliable, the alternative explanation is clearly preferred, etc.)

For example, let's say Ace claims Zed was seen fleeing a crime scene. This is a very traditional example of evidence. Yet, not everyone fleeing crime scene is necessarily guilty, eye witnesses can be wrong, and there could be other reasons to flee a crime scene. Evidence doesn't have to be proof, it doesn't have to be perfectly reliable, and it can potentially have other explanations and still be evidence.

Part 2 - The atom is evidence of God.

Consider the strong atomic force, for example. This seems to exists almost solely for atoms to be possible. If we considered a universe with atoms and a universe without any such thing, the former appears more likely designed than the latter. Thus, the atom is evidence of design.

Consider if we had a supercomputer which allowed users to completely design rules of a hypothetical universe from scratch. Now we draft two teams, one is a thousand of humanity's greatest thinkers, scientists, and engineers, and the other is a team of a thousand cats which presumably will walk on the keyboards on occasion.

Now we come back a year later and look at the two universes. One universe has substantial bodies similar to matter, and the other is gibberish with nothing happening in it. I contend that anyone could guess correctly which one was made by the engineers and which one the cats. Thus, we see a universe with an atom is more likely to be designed than one without it.

Thus the atom is objectively evidence of God.

r/DebateAnAtheist 1d ago

Argument The founsation of Atheism relies on overthinking


I am sure you guys have heard of the phenomena that overthinking leads to insanity.As a muslim i agree overthinking will make Islam seem nonsensical just like overthinking 2×2=4,you believe this without any proof because it is common sense.Atheists continue with their hyperskepticism and it just feels like they want to be right and not that they actually want to be on the right path.Even the truth,when decomposed can only decompose to an extent,for example rational people acknowledge 2×2=4 and irrational demand proof which is unjustifiable as it is a basic concept that cannot be explained.So believing in Islam is just like that because we do not come from nothing and infinite regression can't cause anything.Demanding proof to show how an infinite regression cannot cause something is ironic because that is the point, infinite regression causing something is a contradictory statement.So i request all atheists to ditch the mental gymnastics and accept that sometimes things just simply make sense,just like 2×2 being equal to 4.Thank you for reading.

r/DebateAnAtheist 24d ago

Argument I’m a Christian. Let’s have a discussion.


Hi everyone, I’m a Christian, and I’m interested in having a respectful and meaningful discussion with atheists about their views on God and faith.

Rather than starting by presenting an argument, I’d like to hear from you first: What are your reasons for not believing in God? Whether it’s based on science, philosophy, personal experiences, or something else, I’d love to understand your perspective.

From there, we can explore the topic together and have a thoughtful exchange of ideas. My goal isn’t to attack or convert anyone, but to better understand your views and share mine in an open and friendly dialogue.

Let’s keep the discussion civil and focused on learning from each other. I look forward to your responses!

r/DebateAnAtheist 10d ago

Argument If God and heaven is real, you should worship him and seek heaven


Set aside whether God and heaven are real or not for a moment. God, the creator of the universe, made a system in which if you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, you are granted eternal salvation. In other words, if you worship/glorify God and repent for your sins, you are granted eternal life free of pain and suffering.

Some atheists claim they still would not accept this gift. This seems highly unreasonable to me. Again, please, for the sake of argument, assume there is convincing evidence for the existence of God and heaven. Thank you.

r/DebateAnAtheist 14d ago



Alright you Atheist philistines! As it came to pass, you've crossed a line, and I'm here to call you out and demand some reformatory action.


Yes, it's me, your all time favorite PAGAN. True, you've nonstop insulted me, dismissed my exciting and novel approaches, pretended not to notice how my posts are ten times better and more interesting than all the rest, downvoted me a thousand times over, and temp-banned me twice. But ALAS! Here I stand still gracing you with my trademark style and humor, undaunted, playful, enthusiastic, and provocative as all get out.

But I digress. While I decided not to share the comprehensive and decisive post I'd been working on for you all (due to my most recent banning), I've nevertheless stumbled upon an interaction that has compelled me to take a stand. Perhaps the majority of you will not quite understand the alarm with which I felt it necessary to address this topic, but I'm hoping for at least a few of you, whose dignity remains intact, you might be motivated to take a pause, and exercise the courage to voice a dissenting opinion against the overconfident majority of your pals who, no doubt, will all be railing against me with accusations and excuses galore, momentarily.


It all started with my (typically hilarious) comment:

**(Stephen) Hawking also said the cockroach might represent the pinnacle of evolution.
Nothing he has to say about God has any merit after that.

Now, while this is obviously a joke, I sometimes forget that roughly 85% of all Atheists lack a sense of humor, and many of you took a fair share of umbrage at my statement, and responded thusly:

u/Ichabodblack said: (referring to Hawking's remark) What is incorrect with that statement?

u/Mkwdr said: The fact you value certain human qualities more than qualities other creatures have is just a subjective bias in terms of evolution. There are many ways which we could (pretend to) measure evolution that wouldn't privilege humans.

u/TheRealBeaker420 said: Cockroaches are pretty amazing tbh. They're ancient creatures, vital to ecosystems around the world, and they can be much more social and intelligent than you might expect. And it's kinda funny how mad you are about it.

Etc.. (along with the traditional DANA name calling, of course. In this case I was said to be a pathetic, pretentious troll) Ultimately ending in this exchange:

u/reclaimhate (me): LOL At what point do you look at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, "I defended cockroaches today. Today, I implied that a preference for Margot Robbie over a disgusting insect is just a subjective bias. That's the kind of person I am."

u/porizj : In what way is it not a subjective bias?

So... Because the answers to these questions are somehow not apparent to everyone here, I'll go ahead and take a stab at it.


My initial preamble in response to Ichabodblack: What's wrong with the statement is that cockroaches are pathetic and disgusting creatures, inferior to human consciousness by every metric, which is what Hawking was comparing them to when he mentioned them. This is not an opinion. This is a fact about objective reality.

You can believe anything you like, and it can be perfectly rational, but there's a point at which the logical conclusions of your beliefs must call into question the whole entire edifice, if they sink beneath the line of human dignity and plumb the depths of ignobility, lest we should baby-step to the H,olocaust.

This is one of those times. When a grown man of science has the nerve to stand in front of a room full of people and declare that for all we know the cockroach might be a greater success than the species that built the Winter Palace and penned Moby Dick. This is wrong on its face, because we do know. We know quite well, in fact, that we are a greater success.


Concerning the opinion that
Margot Robbie (MR)
is not necessarily superior (>/>)
to the humble Cockroach (CR)
such that: [MR >/> CR]

P1 Some ideas are ignoble prima facie

P2 Any worldview who's logic leads to ignoble conclusions should be met with severe skepticism and derision, and ought to be assumed incorrect and thoroughly audited

P3 The idea [MR >/> CR] is ignoble prima facie

C1 Therefore, any worldview resulting in [MR >/> CR] ought to be derided, assumed incorrect, and *voluntarily* quarantined for audit


By 'ignoble' we mean some combination of:

undignified - in that the holder of the opinion disgraces themselves
derogatory - in that the holder of the opinion disgraces someone else
of no value - in that holding the opinion appears to yield no clear benefit
not honorable - in that one should take no pride in holding the opinion

And let us further stipulate human dignity as the anchor point for these assessments.


So then, does the proposition [MR >/> CR] check these boxes? Obviously:

-Any person holding this view disgraces themselves, by virtue of the fact that:
-Any person holding this view disgraces MR, and by extension all beautiful intelligent women
-Holding such a view brings no clear benefit to anyone
-Any person holding this view should only do so reluctantly, if not in shame


The trick to this, and all slippery slopes, is that many steps along the way are perfectly neutral, or at least ostensibly neutral, given our criteria. Thus one might show the genealogy of our proposed view as something like:

-The diversity of species is explainable via process of natural selection (neutral)
-Natural selection is not directional (neutral)
-Therefore human traits like intelligence, kindness, courage, etc... do not necessarily represent a "higher" form of evolution (neutral)
-Therefore consciousness is most likely a chance occurrence, and isn't necessarily better than any other measure of fitness (borderline questionable, but still fairly neutral)
-Therefore Margot Robbie isn't necessarily objectively superior to a cockroach (ignoble)

This is how we get the gradual acceptance of seemingly innocuous ideas, absorbed and studied and disseminated across academic fields and social strata, and by the time we get to the despicable parts, it's already been indoctrinated, and everyone just goes along with its preposterous conclusions. In my opinion, we're talking about an anti-human sentiment, which, as far as I'm concerned, is dangerous, and ought to raise red flags for anyone here who believes in the inalienable rights and inherent value of human beings.

To demonstrate with an historical example, we can see how a similar path of benign steps have lead to a cancerous view:

-Evolution is the natural process by which animal populations diverge into distinct species (neutral)
-Divergent populations are always in competition, and the more fit populations succeed, while the less fit populations dwindle (neutral)
-Human beings are animals and as such are also subject to these evolutionary forces (neutral)
-The various human rac,es are evidence of evolutionary divergence within human populations (questionable, but not yet outright ignoble)
-Some rac,es are more fit than others (ignoble)

Please note: The fallacious reasoning behind this abominable view is not at issue. I don't think there's anyone here that doesn't understand that it's faulty. The point is that folks who were led down this path did so gradually, under the auspices of pursuing a scientific view quite neutral and harmless. It is not a valid criticism of my argument to suggest that because X view is wrong but Y view is correct, Y view is therefore not dangerous. Obviously, those holding the view X also believed their view to be correct at the time. That's the magic of it: Truth is no excuse.


I do not care if Natural Selection is true. I do not care how you rationalize or argue about the subjective nature of fitness traits, or the biases of species. It doesn't matter how much evidence you have, or what the consensus is, or what you think about reality. Lots of people have done lots of terrible things with mountains of evidence to back them up. If you don't understand why it's bad to have come to the conclusion that human beings are not objectively better than cockroaches (and clearly, some of you have come to this conclusion) I feel sad for you. Anybody reading this who has their wits about them, I implore you to come to my defense. We should never seriously entertain anti-human values even in the name of truth.

This issue merits serious consideration and each and every one of you are accountable.

Now tell me how bad religion is.


**Unfortunately, I do not know the exact source for the inciting quote. I'm paraphrasing for effect, but Hawking said something along the lines of consciousness being a fluke and the cockroach perhaps being representative of a more effective strategy of fitness. It was on a VHS tape I had, he was accepting an award or giving a speech or something. IDK Ultimately, I don't think having the exact quote is too relevant to the topic of discussion here, but that's how I remember it.

r/DebateAnAtheist Nov 19 '24

Argument Is "Non-existence" real?


This is really basic, you guys.

Often times atheists will argue that they don't believe a God exists, or will argue one doesn't or can't exist.

Well I'm really dumb and I don't know what a non-existent God could even mean. I can't conceive of it.

Please explain what not-existence is so that I can understand your position.

If something can belong to the set of "non- existent" (like God), then such membership is contingent on the set itself being real/existing, just following logic... right?

Do you believe the set of non-existent entities is real? Does it exist? Does it manifest in reality? Can you provide evidence to demonstrate this belief in such a set?

If not, then you can't believe in the existence of a non-existent set (right? No evidence, no physical manifestation in reality means no reason to believe).

However if the set of non-existent entities isn't real and doesn't exist, membership in this set is logically impossible.

So God can't belong to the set of non-existent entities, and must therefore exist. Unless... you know... you just believe in the existence of this without any manifestations in reality like those pesky theists.

r/DebateAnAtheist 16d ago

Argument Christian here. You can't ask "Who created God?"


Asking who created God is an insanely hypocritical question. If you ask ANY THEIST: a Christian, a Muslim, a Sikhist, even a Satanist they will all tell you that the god they worship is not bound by space or time and therefore has no beginning. Whenever you ask who created God, you're asking "Who created the thing that has no begininng by definiton?" Thats like asking who ate the food that never came out of the fridge.

r/DebateAnAtheist Dec 02 '24

Argument Saying "I don't believe in God because there's not sufficient evidence" is circular or contradictory reasoning


All Epistemology is based on belief and is incomplete in its bare existence, if so, any upholdment of skepticism is either begging the question or contradictory. God, being the creator of all, can reasonably be considered beyond the realm of phenomena and real. That's a rational belief to hold and is good psychologically--and the effects reach beyond the individual and into other fields like sociological, ethical and scientific advancements. The materialistic ideology of the last 60 or so years, in contrast, has been disastrous.

r/DebateAnAtheist Oct 15 '24

Argument Atheism is Repackaged Hinduism


I am going to introduce an new word - Anthronism. Anthronism encompasses atheism and its supporting cast of beliefs: materialism, scientism, humanism, evolutionism, naturalism, etc, etc. It's nothing new or controversial, just a simple way for all of us to talk about all of these ideas without typing them all out each time we want to reference them. I believe these beliefs are so intricately woven together that they can't be separated in any meaningful way.

I will argue that anthronism shamelessly steals from Hinduism to the point that anthronism (and by extension atheism) is a religion with all of the same features as Hinduism, including it's gods. Now, the anthronist will say "Wait a minute, I don't believe there are a bunch of gods." I am here to argue that you do, in fact, believe in many gods, and, like Hindus, you are willing to believe in many more. There is no difference between anthronism and Hinduism, only nuance.

The anthronist has not replaced the gods of Hinduism, he has only changed the way he speaks about them. But I want to talk about this to show you that you haven't escaped religion, not just give a lecture.

So I will ask the first question: as and athronist (atheist, materialist, scientist, humanist, evolutionist, naturalist etc, etc), what, do you think, is the underlying nature of reality?

r/DebateAnAtheist Aug 07 '24

Argument OK, Theists. I concede. You've convinced me.


You've convinced me that science is a religion. After all, it needs faith, too, since I can't redo all of the experiments myself.

Now, religions can be true or false, right? Let's see, how do we check that for religions, again? Oh, yeah.


Let's see.

Jesus fed a few hundred people once. Science has multiplied crop yields ten-fold for centuries.

Holy men heal a few dozen people over their lifetimes. Modern, science-based medicine heals thousands every day.

God sent a guy to the moon on a winged horse once. Science sent dozens on rockets.

God destroyed a few cities. Squints towards Hiroshima, counts nukes.

God took 40 years to guide the jews out of the desert. GPS gives me the fastest path whenever I want.

Holy men produce prophecies. The lowest bar in science is accurate prediction.

In all other religions, those miracles are the apanage of a few select holy men. Scientists empower everyone to benefit from their miracles on demand.

Moreover, the tools of science (cameras in particular) seem to make it impossible for the other religions to work their miracles - those seem never to happen where science can detect them.

You've all convinced me that science is a religion, guys. When are you converting to it? It's clearly the superior, true religion.

r/DebateAnAtheist Nov 10 '24

Argument The claim that "there is no evidence for god" is useless unless it is supported with evidence.


Else, regardless of whether theists' evidence for god is good or not, the universe or something we observe may be true evidence for god, for example that thing may have been and may only be created and sustained by god.

Therefore iff that claim is demonstrated with evidence, then it can be taken as a basis for actions, else it should be discarded.

r/DebateAnAtheist 11d ago

Argument The atheist position is very dumb and makes no coherent sense


So correct me if I’m wrong but this is the atheist position

  • I don’t believe in god

And this position is backed up by reasons they counter for theism and that they can’t find evidence for god

But what I’m finding really really dumb is that atheists have a contradiction within their position that they fail to address

Atheists believe in existence, the concept that we are within existence and living our day to day lives as humans

But by their “no god” logic, they can’t logically believe in the fact that there is an existence that is currently happening

Because believing in existence would mean that you believe that something beyond your control or human control is happening (which is logically undeniable)

For example, they believe that birds fly, universally, and this is out of their control and not within their control. Much like many things around us, we barely have any control over things.

Usually the word used to describe the term over this phenomenon of lack of control is “Nature”

But the fundamental idea of “nature” is believing in a supernatural power.

Something that is not man made or not within our control is inherent

But something that happens that is inherent or not within our control cannot be logically be explained by anything other than a higher power (like as in literal terms, “a power that is higher than us”)

And if you disagree with this then give me a logical explanation for “nature”

Unless you were to say that things create themselves, which goes against the laws of our universe and is easy to understand at a basic level that you did not create yourself, your parents procreated but that doesn’t explain how the intelligent design of your brain was put together, they didn’t do that they just procreated.

Or unless you say that things have always existed but this also goes against the laws of nature considering that things are changing all the time

If something is out of our control then it’s “nature”

But nature itself is a higher power. (Because it’s a power that is out of our control)

Believing in a higher power that results in acts of nature, is believing in god

This ties into the very definition of god by different religions,

Or at least this is at the basic level the definition of god

God has not been universally been defined but one way of defining it is “believing in a higher power”, so anything that resembles believing in the concept of nature ties into this and atheists believe in nature

So essentially if you believe that existence exists, and if you believe in nature then you believe in god.

So the atheist view of saying “I don’t believe in god” doesn’t make any sense

Also for anyone that says “who created god”, we believe that god is uncreated. But this is not something that can work logically within the realms of our universe since all things have a beginning and an end and are ever changing

Edit: so I agree I messed up on my definition of “natural” and “supernatural” but this doesn’t take away from my concept which is that “nature” describes a concept that can be framed in the lens of god, and I think it is a term that proves someone believes in a higher power controlling the universe and making its creation (in other words, by my definition, a god)

r/DebateAnAtheist Jun 15 '24

Argument Demonstrating that the "God of the Gaps" Argument Does Constitute Evidence of God's Existence Through Clear, Easy Logic


Proposition: Without adding additional arguments for and against God into the discussion, the God of the Gaps Argument is demonstrably evidence in favor of God. In other words the God of the Gap argument makes God more likely to be true unless you add additional arguments against God into the discussion.

Step 1 - Initial assumption.

We will start with a basic proposition I'm confident most here would accept.

If all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science, then there is no reason to believe in God.

Step 2.

Next, take the contrapositive, which must also be true

If there is reason to believe in God, then there is natural phenomenon which cannot be explained by modern science.

Step 3

Prior to determining whether or not all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science, we have two possibilities.

1) If the answer is yes, all natural phenomena can be explained with modern science, then there is no reason to believe in God.

2) If the answer is no, not all natural phenomena can be explained with modern science, then there may or may not be a reason to believe in God.

Step 4

This leaves us with three possibilities:

1) All natural phenomena can be explained by modern science and there is no reason to believe God exists.

2) Not all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science and there is no reason to believe God exists.

3) Not all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science and there is reason to believe in God.

Step 5

This proof explicitly restricts the addition of other arguments for and against God from consideration. Therefore he have no reason to prefer any potential result over the other. So with no other factors to consider, each possibility must be considered equally likely, a 1/3 chance of each.

(Alternatively one might conclude that there is a 1/2 chance for step 1 and a 1/4 chance for step 2 and 3. This proof works just as well under that viewpoint.)

Step 6

Assume someone can name a natural phenomena that cannot be explained by modern science. What happens? Now we are down to only two possibilities:

1) This step is eliminated.

2) Not all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science and there is no reason to believe God exists.

3) Not all natural phenomena can be explained by modern science and there is reason to believe in God.

Step 7

Therefore if a natural phenomenon exists which cannot be explained by modern science, then one possibility where there is no reason to believe in God is wiped out, resulting in a larger share of possibilities where there is reason to believe in God. Having a reason to believe in God jumped from 1/3 possible outcomes (or arguably 1/4) to just 1/2 possible outcomes.

Step 8

Since naming a natural phenomenon not explained by modern science increases the outcomes where we should believe in God and decreases the outcomes where we should not believe in God, it constitutes evidence in favor of the proposition that we should believe in God.

r/DebateAnAtheist Dec 03 '24

Argument Dark Matter


We cannot see dark matter but we think it exists because we see its effect. This is the same reason people think there is a god. Look at situations like people recovering from surgery. Those who attend church regularly recover much more quickly. This is documented through scientific research. Sure we don't know for sure there's dark matter. And sure we don't know for sure that there's a god. But when people live their life as though there is a God they have tapped into something that produces these outcomes. I cannot be as simple as a placebo effect or someone would find something else to believe in that produces these outcomes. As simple as meditating daily to have comparable outcomes and people would obviously do that. But no one finds anyway to produce the outcomes aside from participating in religion. Not only do people recover from surgery more quickly they have benefits across the board.

. Lower blood pressure: A study of 5,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly had lower blood pressure than those who didn't (40.6% vs. 32.1%). (Source: "Church Attendance, Allostatic Load and Mortality in the United States" by Marc A. Musick et al., 2004)

. Faster recovery from surgery: A study of 200 patients undergoing cardiac surgery found that those who were religious had a faster recovery rate than those who weren't (64% vs. 41%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Recovery from Cardiac Surgery" by Kenneth I. Pargament et al., 2001)

. Lower risk of mortality: A meta-analysis of 42 studies found that religious involvement was associated with a 29% lower risk of mortality. (Source: "Religious Involvement and Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review" by Tyler J. VanderWeele et al., 2016)

. Lower rates of depression: A study of 2,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly had lower rates of depression than those who didn't (12.2% vs. 20.3%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Depressive Symptoms in a National Sample" by Christopher G. Ellison et al., 2001)

Lower rates of anxiety: A study of 1,000 adults found that those who practiced mindfulness and meditation (common practices in many religions) had lower rates of anxiety than those who didn't (22.1% vs. 34.5%). (Source: "Mindfulness and Meditation: A Systematic Review of the Literature" by Stefan G. Hofmann et al., 2010)

Higher rates of well-being: A study of 3,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly reported higher rates of well-being than those who didn't (63.2% vs. 45.1%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Well-Being in the United States" by W. Bradford Wilcox et al., 2012)

Higher incomes: A study of 1,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly had higher incomes than those who didn't ($43,800 vs. $34,400). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Economic Well-Being" by Lisa A. Keister, 2003)

Lower rates of unemployment: A study of 2,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly had lower rates of unemployment than those who didn't (4.3% vs. 7.1%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Labor Market Outcomes" by W. Bradford Wilcox et al., 2015)

Higher job satisfaction: A study of 1,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly reported higher job satisfaction than those who didn't (63.1% vs. 45.6%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Job Satisfaction" by Lisa A. Keister, 2008)

Higher rates of volunteering: A study of 2,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly volunteered more hours per year than those who didn't (134 hours vs. 51 hours). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Volunteering" by W. Bradford Wilcox et al., 2015)

Higher rates of charitable giving: A study of 1,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly gave more to charity per year than those who didn't ($2,300 vs. $1,200). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Charitable Giving" by Lisa A. Keister, 2008)

Higher rates of social connections: A study of 2,000 adults found that those who attended church regularly reported higher rates of social connections than those who didn't (63.2% vs. 45.1%). (Source: "Religious Involvement and Social Connections" by W. Bradford Wilcox et al., 2012)

r/DebateAnAtheist Nov 13 '24

Argument Atheis selalu memenangkan Alquran.


Saya direfer sama seseorang reditter untuk pergi ke sini, karena menurut dia, ini adalah tempat yang tepat untuk menguji tuduhan atheis yang menganggap agama itu dongeng. Tidak saintifik. Tidak ilmiah.

Pertanyaannya, emang atheis pernah menyaksikan dengan nyata, bahwa alam semesta terjadi dengan sendirinya dengan cara-cara saintifik dan ilmiah?


Kita gak pernah lihat dan menyaksikan argumen atheis manapun yang meyakinkan untuk menunjukkan alam semesta terjadi dengan sendirinya.

Itu artinya Alquran menang (surah attur 36) karena alquran menyatakan bahwa atheis tidak yakin dengan pendapatnya. Maka di saat mereka menuding agama itu dongeng, tidak saintifik, tapi di waktu yang sama mereka menyatakan bahwa merekapun gak bisa membuktikan alam semesta terjadi dengan sendirinya.

Tenang, saya tidak mengklaim ini, saya senang dengab atheis yang secara fair, bisa membuktikan bahwa alam semesta terjadi dengan sendirinya secara saintifik sesuai dengan preferensi mereka.

Saya telah menunggu bertahun-tahun, tapi emang saya gak pernah menemukan atheis yang seyakin itu, bahkan sudah pernah sampai saya bawa dia ke perpustakaan UI untuk mendukung pembuktian itu pun mereka gak mau. Ini bukan salah saya. Ini bukan bentuk intimidasi dari saya, karena atheis sendiri yg meminta bahwa argumen itu harus saintifik dan ilmiah. Maka kalau mereka ingin hal yang seperti itu, maka kita perlu pengujian itu.

Dan satu hal, saya gak ingin orang atheis bilang pula, kami gak tahu teknisnya seperti apa, karena kita tahu bahwa "tidak tahu itu" adalah kalimat tidak yakin, dimana artinya itu justru menguatkan kemenangan alquran.

Dan satu hal lagi, di dalam argumen ini, saya tidak meminta atheis untuk menguji keberadaan Tuhan, jadi saya gak minta mereka minta bicara soal Tuhan, karena Tuhan itu bukan preferensi mereka, jadi saya gak akan memaksa mereka berbicara soal itu. Saya di sini secara fair, hanya ingin menguji argumen mereka sendiri yg menyatakan alam semesta terjadi dengan sendirinya, dengan nyata, dengan saintifik, ilmiah, bukan dongeng. Jadi fokus saja pada apa yang menjadi preferensi kalian.

r/DebateAnAtheist Sep 12 '24

Argument One's atheist position must either be unjustified or be justified via foundationalism--that is why it is analogous to the theists position


In several comment threads on various posts this theme has come up, so I want to synthesize it into one main thread.

Here is an example of how a "debate" between a theist and an atheist might go..

A: I do not believe in the existence of any gods

T: Why not?

A: Because I believe one should only believe propositions for good reasons, and there's no good reason to believe in any gods

T: why not?

A: Because good reasons are those that are supported by empirical evidence, and there's no evidence for gods.


Many discussions here are some variation of this shallow pattern (with plenty of smug "heheh theist doesn't grasp why evidence is needed heh" type of ego stroking)

If you're tempted to fall into this pattern as an atheist, you're missing the point being made.

In epistemology, "Münchhausen's trilemma" is a term used to describe the impossibility of providing a certain foundation for any belief (and yes, any reason you offer for why you're an atheist, such as the need for evidence is a belief, so you can skip the "it's a lack of belief" takes). The trilemma outlines three possible outcomes when trying to justify a belief:

  1. Infinite regress: Each justification requires another, leading to an infinite chain.

  2. Circular reasoning: A belief is supported by another belief that eventually refers back to the original belief.

  3. Foundationalism: The chain of justifications ends in some basic belief that is assumed to be self-evident or axiomatic, but cannot itself be justified.

This trilemma is well understood by theists and that's why they explain that their beliefs are based on faith--it's foundationalism, and the axiomatic unjustified foundational premises are selected by the theist via their free will when they choose to pursue a religious practice.

So for every athiest, the "lack of a belief" rests upon some framework of reasons and justifications.

If you're going with option 1, you're just lying. You could not have evaluated an infinite regress of justifications in the past to arrive at your current conclusion to be an atheist.

If you're going with option 2, you're effectively arguing "I'm an atheist because I'm an atheist" but in a complicated way... IMO anyone making this argument is merely trying to hide the real reason, perhaps even from themselves.

If you're going with option 3, you are on the same plane of reasoning as theists...you have some foundational beliefs that you hold that aren't/ can't be justified. You also then cannot assert you only believe things that are supported by evidence or justified (as your foundational beliefs can't be). So you can't give this reason as your justification for atheism and be logically consistent.

r/DebateAnAtheist Oct 17 '24

Argument God is the only logical option and it's impossible to argue against


God is real

This is a truth claim. Before we prove it as true, let's go on a relevant tangent.

Due to the law of excluded middle only one of the following two statements are true:

A: Truth is Objective

B: Truth is not Objective

If statement B is true, then God is as not real just as much as He is real.

If statement A is true then in a Godless world we must ask why would what we experience be in any shape indicative of what is real?

Why exactly is reason a valid methodology for reaching the truth?

Because it works

This is the most common answer I get and it's begging the question, learn your abstract thinking atheists, it's the greatest tool God has given us.

We can't know

Puts us at the same position as "Truth is Subjective"...unless

We assume it


Because it makes us feel better

That's it, there's no other answer you can base it off of...well except one, but before we get there, just so we are on the same page, the above statement is nonsensical asI can just choose to not believe in anything or to believe in anything on the basis of what feels right. Science will be real when it can help me, God will be real when I need spiritual satisfaction and coherency is unneeded when this world view is sufficient for me.

God is real because only when an intelligent form chooses to give us senses which correspond to some part of the reality, can we really know if we are given senses which correspond to some part of the reality.

This is the only logical position you can adopt, you can of course choose to disregard me and opt out of logic altogether but then please stop calling theists the illogical ones.

r/DebateAnAtheist Oct 05 '24

Argument These are easily some of the worst arguments that I've heard from an atheist.


I will be rebutting some of the dumbest atheist arguments that I've heard in my life, and I will be attacking them with venom.

#4- The Problem of Divine Hiddenness.

This is probably one of the worst arguments against the existence of God that I have ever heard. "Why would an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good God keep himself hidden from me? If he wants to have a relationship with me, why doesn't he just show himself?" It seems every time I think about it, more and more problems show up.

The first problem is that there are times where God did show himself to the world, and yet you still don't believe. God appeared to us in human flesh, some 2000 years ago, in some insignificant eastern province of the Roman Empire, under the name Jesus of Nazareth. But you still don't believe. Remember Paul? Anyone? The reason why Christianity persists to this day is largely because of his conversion, which wouldn't have happened if Jesus hadn't appeared to him while he was on his way to Damascus.

The second problem is that even if he appeared before you right now, you would brush it off with some naturalistic excuse, because I'm certain some of you don't believe in the supernatural, and as such, you won't allow for a supernatural explanation.

The third problem is that if you make this argument, you are no better than a Young-Earth Creationist. "I personally don't see him, therefore he doesn't exist!" That's like a Young-Earth Creationist saying "I personally didn't see evolution happening over millions of years, therefore evolution doesn't exist!" Things exist, even when you can't see them. I didn't think I'd have to explain this, but here we are.

#3- We don't get to choose our beliefs!

Yes, you do. If you've decided to follow the evidence wherever it leads, that is a choice that you have to make. And yes, choosing to follow the evidence is the same thing as adopting beliefs that are backed up by evidence. If you plan on following the evidence wherever it leads, then come across a belief backed up by the best evidence, and choose not to accept that belief despite the evidence, then you are not following the evidence. Plain and simple.

Also, if you don't get to choose what you believe, then it logically follows that you don't get to choose what not to believe. Given that atheism is a lack of belief in the existence of God, I must ask you this question. If you did not choose to be an atheist, then who made that choice for you?

#2- How can an all-just God punish me for using my free will the way he doesn't want me to?

My guy, God is all-just because he punished you for using your free will in the way he doesn't want you to! I'm assuming that you'd rather have that than him punishing you because he intentionally hardened your heart and made you reject Jesus Christ, because that is the only other option. If he did that, then he'd judge you for something that is essentially his fault. However, if he did the former option, then he'd judge you for something that is your fault. That's just. I mean... do I really have to explain myself further?

#1- If God created the Universe, then who/what created God?

Yep, this is the worst one. You know that the Abrahamic God is defined as being eternal. You know that if someone or something created God, then that would technically compromise his eternity. So how is this even a question? No one created God, because God is eternal.

And don't say that I'm misunderstanding your arguments, because you have made your arguments pretty clear. I don't mean to come off harshly, but the stupidity of these arguments upsets me. I know that you guys can do better than this.

r/DebateAnAtheist Aug 08 '24

Argument How to falsify the hypothesis that mind-independent objects exist?


Hypothesis: things exist independently of a mind existing to perceive and "know" those things

Null hypothesis: things do not exist independently of a mind existing to perceive and "know" those things

Can you design any such experiment that would reject the null hypothesis?

I'll give an example of an experiment design that's insufficient:

  1. Put an 1"x1"x1" ice cube in a bowl
  2. Put the bowl in a 72F room
  3. Leave the room.
  4. Come back in 24 hours
  5. Observe that the ice melted
  6. In order to melt, the ice must have existed even though you weren't in the room observing it

Now I'll explain why this (and all variations on the same template) are insufficient. Quite simply it's because the end always requires the mind to observable the result of the experiment.

Well if the ice cube isn't there, melting, what else could even be occurring?

I'll draw an analogy from asynchronous programming. By setting up the experiment, I am chaining functions that do not execute immediately (see https://javascript.info/promise-chaining).

I maintain a reference handle to the promise chain in my mind, and then when I come back and "observe" the result, I'm invoking the promise chain and receiving the result of the calculation (which was not "running" when I was gone, and only runs now).

So none of the objects had any existence outside of being "computed" by my mind at the point where I "experience" them.

From my position, not only is it impossible to refute the null hypothesis, but the mechanics of how it might work are conceivable.

The materialist position (which many atheists seem to hold) appears to me to be an unfalsifiable position. It's held as an unjustified (and unjustifiable) belief. I.e. faith.

So materialist atheism is necessarily a faith-based worldview. It can be abandoned without evidence since it was accepted without evidence.

r/DebateAnAtheist Aug 19 '24

Argument Argument for the supernatural


P1: mathematics can accurately describe, and predict the natural world

P2: mathematics can also describe more than what's in the natural world like infinities, one hundred percentages, negative numbers, undefined solutions, imaginary numbers, and zero percentages.

C: there are more things beyond the natural world that can be described.

Edit: to clarify by "natural world" I mean the material world.

[The following is a revised version after much consideration from constructive criticism.]

P1: mathematics can accurately describe, and predict the natural world

P2: mathematics can also accurately describe more than what's in the natural world like infinities, one hundred percentages, negative numbers, undefined solutions, imaginary numbers, and zero percentages.

C: there are more things beyond the natural world that can be accurately described.

r/DebateAnAtheist Jul 08 '24

Argument The Moby Dick Problem - Determinism Requires Intelligent Design


1 - I hold Moby Dick up as an example of work created by intelligence. I picked this because it is a superlative example. A poem written by a five year old is also a work created by an intelligence, and would likely work just as well for this argument. The same can be said for the schematics of a nuclear reactor, or any information that humans have used their intelligence to create.

2 – The important aspect of Moby Dick, the feature we most attribute to the book, is the information it contains. The physical printing of the book itself may have also been an act of intelligence, but we recognize that intelligent creation is evident in the story itself; not just the physical form of the writing but the thing that is written. Indeed if every book of Moby Dick is destroyed but someone still has it on .pdf, we understand that .pdf still has Moby Dick on it. Hopefully, everyone can understand the idea of Moby Dick being defined as information as opposed to some specific physical form.

  1. Merely changing the format in which information is stored does not change the fact that information exists. As per the above example, Moby Dick on paper or digitally, either way still holds the same information. I want to examine this phenomenon a little closer in terms of “coding”.

  2. I define “decoded information” as information presented in a easy format to understand (relative to the complexity of the subject matter). For example, information like a novel is “decoded” when presented in its original written language. Compare with say astronomical data, which might be “decoded” as a spreadsheet as opposed to prose. The sound of a song is its decoded form, even though we are good at recording the information contained in sound both physically and digitally.

5 - Those physical and digital recordings then are what I define as coded information. Coded information is any information not decoded. It is information that could be presented in a different way that would be easier to understand. The important thing to consider here is that it’s the same information. The information in the original publication of Moby Dick holds the same information in my digital copy.

  1. So what is the relationship between coded information and decoded information? To obtain decoded information you need three things:

1) The information in coded form 2) Orderly rules to get from the coded version to the decoded version, and 3) The processing power to do the work of applying all the rules.

If you have these three things you can decode any coded information. There should also be a reverse set of rules to let you move from coded to decoded as well.

  1. For example, an easy code is to take every character, assign a number to it, and then replace the characters with the assigned number. You could do this to Moby Dick. Moby Dick written out as a series of numbers would not be easy to understand (aka it would be coded). However the information would still be there. Anyone who 1) had the version with the numbers, 2) had the rules for what number matched what character, and 3) had the ability to go through each one and actually change it – all 3 and you get Moby Dick decoded and readable again.

  2. As another example, think about if Moby Dick were written today. The words would be coded by a machine following preset rules and a ton of processing power (the computer). Then the coded form in binary would be sent to the publisher. The publisher also has a machine that knows the preset rules and has the processing power to decode it back to the written version. The information exists the whole time, coded or not coded.

  3. Awesome. Now let’s talk about determinism. Determinism, at least in its most common form, holds that all of existence is governed by (theoretically) predictable processes. In other words, if you somehow had enough knowledge of the universe at the time of Julius Cesar’s death, a perfect understanding of physics, and enough computing power, you could have predicted Ronald Reagan’s assassination attempt down to the last detail.

  4. So we could go as far back in time (either the limit approaching 0 or the limit approaching infinity depening on if time had a beginning or not) – and if we had enough data about that early time, a perfect understanding of the rules of physics, and enough processing power we could predict anything about our modern age, including the entire exact text of Moby Dick.

  5. Note that this matches exactly what we were talking about earlier with code. If you

1) have the coded information (here, all the data of the state of the universe at the dawn of time) 2) The rules for decoding (here, the laws of physics) 3) And the processing power…

…You can get the decoded version of Moby Dick from the coded version which is the beginning of time.

  1. To repeat. If you knew enough about the dawn of time, knew the rules of physics, and had enough computing power, you could read Moby Dick prior to it being written. The information already exists in coded form as early as you want to go back.

Thus the information of Moby Dick, the part we recognized as important, existed at the earliest moments of time.

  1. Moby Dick is also our superlative example of something created by intelligence. (See point 1).

  2. Thus, something we hold up as being the result of intelligence has been woven into existence from the very beginning.

  3. Since Moby Dick demonstrates intelligent creation, and existence itself contains the code for Moby Dick, therefore Moby Dick demonstrates existence itself has intelligent creation.

r/DebateAnAtheist Oct 21 '24

Argument The “Big Bang” and Our Limited Ability to Comprehend Divine Power


To preface, I’m Roman Catholic and it’s been interesting reading some of the conversations here. Just thought I’d share a few of my thoughts and receive some responses.

When broken down to its fundamental structure, the physical universe as we know it is composed of space, time, and matter. Atheists believe that the universe began with the Big Bang and a single, extremely dense mass of all matter that has ever, and will ever exist in the universe, exploded and expelled its contents across the universe. As I understand, the consensus among atheists is that we don’t know what created the density of matter in the first place, or what caused it to explode (or get more dense to cause it to explode). Without divine order and design in this process, I have a few issues with this theory.

Space, time, and matter (spacetime) all had to come into existence at the same instance. If not, every law of physics, to our understanding, MUST be wrong. For example, if there was matter but no space, where would the matter go? If there was matter but no time, when would the matter come into existence? I believe this points to divine power.

God, at least as Christians believe, is not in our dimension. He is outside of space and time, thus he is not limited to it. If he’s eternal, then the creation of all space and matter has an explainable starting point. It’s therefore plausible to conclude that time, as we understand it, came into existence together, since all 3 must exist simultaneously. This leads me to my second point.

All of this does not seem believable because it is LITERALLY beyond human comprehension. And that’s the point. After all, a God who is not infinitely more intelligent and powerful than we are is not a God worth worshipping. In other words, our understanding of the physical universe is limited to what God has allowed us to understand. If it were the same, or even close to the same, we would all be equal with God.

We cannot even begin to understand how God, in another dimension, not limited to any of the basic laws or principles of our universe, created everything there ever has or will be. And just because we will never be able to understand does not disprove God. Humans have a drive to find the explanation for things we do not understand. But it’s impossible to explain something that we cannot even comprehend or imagine.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

r/DebateAnAtheist Oct 19 '24

Argument The only reason the field of Science/Physics exists is because there is a blueprint to the universe


Without the universe having this underlying blueprint that is consistent and predictable there would be no science. Einstein and Newton did not create these laws, they only observed them. Without these laws existing and being consistent, all the physicists in the world would be jobless.

These laws are so precise that there is even an exact “speed limit” to the universe.

The founding fathers of Physics are basically reverse architects who dedicate their lives trying to find the blueprint that was used to “build” the universe. They look through the perceived randomness and find patterns that lead to predictions and finally fixed laws. If there was absolutely no order within the randomness that would mean the field of intelligence that is science and physics cease to exist.

I’ve heard that science can exist comfortably without the need for God but my counter argument is that science only exists because there is a fixed design. No design, no science

r/DebateAnAtheist Aug 18 '24

Argument Theres no such thing as an atheist given they can't believe in objective truth


If you are am atheist and believe that the universe is just matter and our thoughts are material, then atheism is just neurons firing in a brain and soundwaves/symbols on paper. There is no objective truth only an organism observing its enviroment, heck theres no language, theres not anything given theres no objective truth. So why is an organism that observes that god is real any different to an organism that believes there is no god? But these arguments asume objective truth/standard hence a god, and that they are not just symbols on a screen.

Either there is objective truth beyond the material therefore god, or there is no objective truth. You can't use objective truth as a materialist atheist, your believe system will always be subjective therefore you can't really debunk a religious person who is also being subjective.

tl;dr - Material atheists would have to admit that atheism is just neurons/soundwaves/symbols with no objective meaning.