r/DCGuns 29d ago

C&R Question

I just got my C&R FFL and live in DC. Do I have to register the C&R with the city? Even the people at firearm registration counter were unsure.


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u/Late_Requirement_971 29d ago

I would assume that this hell hole of a district doesn’t honor your Type 03 and would force you to do a transfer through a local FFL. But I have no idea if that’s really the case.

Either way, I think it would still need to be registered with the district unless it was an antique (which you don’t need a C&R license for, anyway)

I have one (lived in a freer state) but it expires in January. I was planning on letting it expire, but if it actually is useful here, I’d renew/apply for a new one.

I hope someone knowledgeable offers their opinion.


u/dovk0802 28d ago

Just renew as normal and mail the CLEO copy to MPD HQ.
Getting folks to ship to you might be a challenge but you can go to shows and buy to your hearts content then as long as DC legal, you can register it like any other gun you already own