r/CyclePDX Dec 01 '24

Selling Used Parts?

Modifying and replacing components on my Tarmac. I don’t want to deal with hassle of packing and shipping - where’s a good place to list my no-longer needed parts for sale? To give you an idea of stuff I’m looking to sell: Ultegra crankset (12-speed), Specialized carbon fiber handlebars, etc.


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u/chimi_hendrix Dec 02 '24

Lately it seems like all my Craigslist stuff has sat unloved for weeks. Had much better luck on eBay… though there are fees to consider and also the income gets reported to the IRS since recently. (Not gonna bump me into the next tax bracket but I did sell a couple $800ish frames and a couple grand in other spare parts…)

There’s also the Unpaved / OMTM Bazaar Google Group, plus their Discord. Sold a few things there


u/tomcatx2 Dec 02 '24

Google groups via email are still a thing? I did a lot of selling and community sharing on the CR list and iBob, but those seem to have run their course.


u/chimi_hendrix Dec 02 '24

Well, yes and no. A lot of the Unpaved / OMTM activity has moved to Discord but the “Bazaar” offshoot still gets a few posts every week.

Honestly I find the Discord to be a cluttered mess, but it seems to be what “the kids” are “into” “these days”. Why replace threaded conversations with a flat chatroom / IRC type experience? It’s a nightmare trying to find something you saw a few months ago or whatever and there’s no rhyme or reason to how and where people contribute. /rant