r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] A quiet gathering of the world's Uranium producing Market Economies which aren't the USA


Greetings, friends.

PM McMahon and his Australian Liberal government have gathered us here to talk about Uranium. Specifically, we are met to discuss Uranium mined outside of both the Communist-Marxist bloc, and the USA. Most estimates have that as three roughly equal shares in terms of deposits, but we are by far the smallest of the three by extraction quantities. We are here as both Uranium producers and the very large mining firms extracting it internationally.


  • Canada
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • South Africa
  • Japan


Two main forces are currently preventing Uranium Minng from being deeply profitable amongst us:

  • The Communist bloc using non-market forces to supply Uranium, mainly from Kazakhstan, to nuclear plants in Communist countries. About this little, if anything, can be done.
  • The USA banning the import of Uranium from other countries, and flooding the market with cheap Uranium, resulting in spot prices of around $6 per pound (1960s to present). The USA has also made plans for building its own reactors based on a pricing model counting on the price staying this low. They are betting at being able to buy our Uranium at low prices, amongst other things, as they cannot hope to meet market demand by themelves.

There is a third issue Australia would like you to consider, which is whether our Uranium is used in the production of nuclear weapons. Anyone buying our Uranium must abide by this requirement or not trade with us. We wish you to consider your own contribution to this discussion.


The Point

Australia believes that the market price of Uranium can comfortably rise from $6 per pound to almost an order of magnitude more than that ($30-60), creating great opportunities for profit for mines and mining firms. Global demand is high, and production is expensive.

We wish for you each to consider the following proposals:

  1. We each commit to investing more in Uranium production and setting prices together, aiming to negate the flood of cheap American Uranium on the market, resulting in a hefty profit. The main way we'll do this is slow down distribution of the product by stockpiling it together, and releasing it to the market in ways that ensure its price stays high.
  2. We emphasise this is private companies rather than States taking action, and do our best to remain quiet. This won't be popular with the Americans.
  3. We come to an agreement about the scope of our intent. We can probably get the price up to $30-60 per pound if we work hard enough, but the effects will be obvious enough to raise suspicion. If we were to aim at more like $18-24, then it is more likely we will be successful.

Your contributions welcome at this early stage.

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] The Francophone Is Ringing - European Frontier


The Francophone is Ringing

January-March 1972

Find your name! All of these are private between France and just those nations involved. If your nation is not mentioned, do not be shy from reaching out to us in the comments. We are very negotiable and will trade openly.

European Frontier

Too many Americans exist on this continent! Our goals with Europe will remain to be rapprochement with the nations of the East, continued fence sitting that is sure to upset the United States and more EEC measures.


The Romanian Government has reached out to Renault concerning a joint-cooperation agreement, of which we are very agreeable for! The ideal scenario is France provides technology and global market reach, meanwhile Romanians provide the manufacturing, local and Eastern European experience and labor, all with the goals of creating exportable but affordable quality compact cars/utility vehicles for Romania that will expand into the Eastern European markets!

Such an endeavor will not render Renault subservient or vice-versa, but in fact will operate the new subsidiary "Aigle Royale Roumaine Societe des Automobiles" or simply "Aigle R.R S.A." It is simply known, at least in France, as "Royal Romanians." The full agreement may be witnessed here! (This post has been generously and wonderfully made by Romania!)

This Agreement, entered into as of January 28th, 1972, by and between:

The Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania, acting through its state-owned enterprise, Dacia Automobile Plant, hereinafter referred to as “Dacia”; Renault Société Anonyme, a corporation organized under the laws of the French Republic, hereinafter referred to as “Renault” and collectively its subsidiary thereby known as "Aigle R.R."; Collectively referred to as “the Parties,” establishes a joint venture for the production and development of automobiles within the Socialist Republic of Romania.

  • The joint venture shall be 60% owned by Dacia and 40% owned by Renault, comprises equal representatives from both Parties, shall oversee strategic decisions.

  • Day-to-day operations shall be managed by Dacia, with Renault providing technical advisors in key areas.

  • This Agreement shall remain in force for 15 years, with an option for renewal upon mutual consent.

Renault thereby will license production of the Renault 12, branded henceforth as simply Dacia 1300, will be responsible for delivery of machinery, tooling and critical components for the production line as well as technical expertise ranging from sending engineers to support production, quality control to training programs. The endeavor shall have a goal that, within five years, 70% of vehicle components shall be sourced locally. Renault shall assist Romanian suppliers in meeting quality and technical standards.

Ambitiously, the expansion aims to produce 50,000 units by 1977 with scalability based on market demand.


  1. Purpose

    • Produce vehicles in Romania using Renault tech, (starting with renault 12, branded as Dacia 1300 (this is historical just much earlier))
    • Modernize Romania’s automotive industry and expand both parties’ presence in domestic and intl. Markets (esp. Eastern Europe)
  2. Ownership & Management:

    • 60% owned by Dacia (Romanian Govt.) and 40% by Renault
    • Joint Committee oversees strategy; Day2Day operations managed by Dacia with tech support from Renault
  3. Contributions:

    • Dacia: Provides facilities, labor, raw materials, and local distribution (+COMECON)
    • Renault: Supplies designs, machinery, tech expertise, and training
  4. Localization Goals:

    • 70% of vehicle components to be locally produced by 1977, achieved by Renault training local Romanian suppliers
  5. Financials:

    • Renault invests $50mil in tech and equipment
    • Renault gains 5% Licensing fee of Dacia’s net revenue
    • Export profits split 60% Dacia 40% Renault
  6. Production & Exports:

    • Target: 50k cars annually by 1977
    • Focused Markets: Eastern Bloc + non-aligned and developing countries
  7. Training:

    • Renault trains Romanian engineers and workers in France
    • Technical staff stationed at Dacia for five years to ensure quality control.
  8. Duration & Dispute resolution:

    • 15 year agreement, renewable
    • Disputes solved through 3rd party arbitration under ICC (Intl. chamber of commerce) rules

Projected outcome: Romania gains modern auto capabilities while Renault expands its market reach.




With recent ties and following the publication of the 1972 Madrid Accord, France is hopeful to meet with both President Tomás and Caudillo Franco sometime later this year concerning how France may approach this Madrid Accord and extend her own support, both diplomatically and strategically in sowing relations that has ostracized the Spanish State for the better part of 40-years.

There is much intent that France wishes to do, especially more in regards to move forward, but seeing the two Iberian nations work together is nothing short but inspirational and France wishes to both mend ties, but also reassure that Spanish and Portuguese nations that this maneuver will certainly not isolate them from France.

Both leaders have been invited to attend Paris in August of this year. Upon this itinerary is the possibility of joining the EEC along with the rest of Europe.



Following our discussions and negotiations, the French Foreign Legion will open its training facilities to select members of the Belgian Armed Forces. We will be taking such an offer and opportunity at it's fullest potential! The training program will consist of the following of an initial training program for select Belgian volunteers at Legion bases for a period of 6-12 months, ranging from the French Territory of the Afars and the Issas Desert Warfare, Guiana Jungle Warfare and Corsica. Mountain Warfare

The entire exercise will prioritize counterinsurgency exercises, airborne operations as well as rapid deployment in stressful environments, yet this cannot extend to solely the enlisted. Select officers will also be chosen and trained in much of the same manner with shadows by a joint advisory board of French and Belgian officers. This will help coordinate, merge and more importantly, maximize the efficiency and training programs of this Special Force.


United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Norway

We will reach out to these nations and ask if there is any hesitation to the possibility of their ascension into the EEC at this time. As we all know, referendums are underway all over Europe to allow their memberships and both if these nations are also willing to join themselves. We inquire if this is the path that these nations are still interested in so that we may prepare accordingly!

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] The Francophone is Ringing - Middle Eastern Branch


The Francophone is Ringing

January-March 1972

Find your name! All of these are private between France and just those nations involved. If your nation is not mentioned, do not be shy from reaching out to us in the comments. We are very negotiable and will trade openly.

Middle Eastern Branch

Our office is committed to maintaining our pro-Arab stance and unless there is significant development from the State of Israel, we shall be openly maintaining our arms embargo on the nation. Our government does believe in the idea of a Jewish State, but not at the cost that we are witnessing across the scale that Israel has. The larger goal is assisting the autonomy of these nations in the common fight that they have, or at the very least, assist these countries and their militaries to a point of self-sufficiency and personal safety.


Following a recent change of tune, the French Foreign Ministry has reached out with reported success regarding the future of French and Syrian relations. In exchange for investments and local acquisitions, France has begun to offer Syrians the following and given Lebanon's permission, we will be using it through shell companies through Lebanon to Syria to create more of a gap, one that will safeguard both French interests through the use of Islamic middlemen, as per the requirement from Syria.

  • A small cadre of Syrian officers of no more in the amount of 550 at a time to visit France to begin learning from French Officers upon French Doctrine

  • Acceptance of Syrian cadets into French Military Academies

  • A university exchange program wherein French citizens may apply for Syrian institutions and Syrian citizens may apply for French institutions

  • Acquisition of select Syrian olive oil companies (Zarzour Oils) as well as a 53% ownership following a cash purchase of the Charkiet Phosphate Mines within Syria of up to $65m

  • Tolerance of French expansion into Syrian Pharmaceuticals

These allowances will certainly mend any rifts we have between France and the Syrian Arab Republic, assuming they were to accept of course! Many Syrians go abroad to study after all, and it is in our interest to formalize their status and be able to protect them in case the need arises.



Lebanon on the other hand has always been not only reciprocative to France, but they remain as one of France's staunch and fiercest allies in the region, as such, it is only suitable that we reflect this. Our chief goal is a stable and happy Lebanon and we believe through our diplomacy, we can ensure this and keep it that way through the following,

  • Through officer exchanges and academy admissions, France aims to modernize the Syrian military while fostering stronger bilateral military ties.

  • Intelligence Sharing, as operatives from France will move to Lebanon and begin to train and help prop up the Lebanese intelligence agencies onto a similar level.

  • University Exchange Programs to allow Lebanese students to come to France and vice-versa

    • Such an exchange program will highlight careers in military sciences, police sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, and cultural studies with opportunities for special fundings to be allocated for projects that focus on addressing various regional challenges
    • Lebanese students will be encourage to immerse themselves in French culture and the language, hoping to foster deeper ties that will last generations

We will also offer exclusive military contracts to Lebanon if they so wish and will open up interested members of Lebanon's Armed Forces (with their permission) into the French Foreign Legion to create a small unit dedicated within Lebanon. (This is not full French basing, just French Foreign Legion who will, with permission use a Lebanese Base for training)



Reflected like Lebanon and Syria, France is also expanding its education and academic ties to the United Arab Emirates

  • France to establish a special expedited visa for UAE natives to seek education in France.

Aside from the academia, France has also expanded military support to the Arabian Emirates in the form of modernization programs with the MAS-49 Semi-Automatic Rifles and the MAT-49 Submachine guns. A sale of 15,000 MAS-49s, MAT-49 and FM-24/29's with an additional 100 AML-60-12's, 5 AMX-RACAT (Radar Surveillance) and 4 AMX-13 DCA 30 (SPAAG version with a retractable radar and two 30mm cannons fitted)

We will also be establishing and sending Two Companies of the 28e régiment de transmissions of the French Armed Forces to the UAE to assist in the installation and maintenance of the DRFV 13A Radar System (Air Defence) system, to be operated by French soldiers with UAE Military Liaisons.

This is certainly an escalation in French support in the nation, but one such that the President is committed on.



Following negotiations, we hope that with the Yemeni state we can acquire significant fishing blocks for the prices of $5m off the coast of Yemen in the Aden Sea inside of Territorial Waters in addition to a contract to construct and privately own three out of the projected five berths at the Port of Saqatri in exchange for this endeavor.

The hope is to both develop and corner in on the market within South Yemen while remaining at a distance respective of the ongoing conflicts within the region. The cost of the port is projected to be $16m, assuming South Yemen would accept, French architects are more than willing to begin its construction.

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] The Francophone Is Ringing - African Desk


The Francophone is Ringing

January-March 1972

Find your name! All of these are private between France and just those nations involved. If your nation is not mentioned, do not be shy from reaching out to us in the comments. We are very negotiable and will trade openly.

The African Desk

The African Desk is committed towards rapprochement with our former colonies and the expansion of French influence and the language with these independent nations, not for the purpose of the "French sphere", then at the least to ensure these nations are not falling into the trap that is this "East vs. West" game. Washington and Moscow must leave the continent. We shall maintain our policy that these nations deserve the upmost autonomy and respect. We are not looking to create some new surging colonial empire, but rather wish to enter into the region with transparency.

(A lot of the other contents we were going to have here, but they're their own diplo posts now)


Following extensive negotiations with Ethiopia, we would like to simply use this as a forum to confirm our joint-mining operations and expansion into Ethiopia's uranium deposits, as there will be additional investment into the Bisha Mines with French mining company Eramet, who hope to both hire and train locals as well as French citizens in this endeavor. Such an agreement carries broader deals involving deeper strategic items between Ethiopia and France respectively - this is only the first step on a very important relation between each other!

We will also work with Ethiopia by sending geological surveyors to reveal deposits, of which that Ethiopia has agreed that we will jointly mine between both of our nations with equal ownership!

Awaiting Signature



France acknowledges her own faults. Much like a parent who does not like to acknowledge their own problems, we will constantly remind you "there is no book on being a good parent." We can simply try our best and hope that it works, but we must admit we have been lacking in the Malagasy Republic, for that we apologize.

As an immediate start, we will raise our foreign aid to Malagasy from $3m a year $5m a year for the next 4 years until this famine is solved, as well as provide 850 agricultural specialists and architects to assist the Republic in its current ongoing famine and drought.

Our first goal and priority in Malagasy is drought mitigation measures and to assist the education and to lessen the effects of this famine. To facilitate this further, we will also be sending 2,500 French doctors, nurses and volunteers from the Médecins Sans Frontières to ensure that this is treated with the upmost care.



Having forged strong relationships with the Republic of Zaire, France would very much like to expand on this. We already have the "Lingua Francia" program where we are investing in nations that seek to maintain the French language, but we would like to offer a specific program for the Republic of Zaire.

This will be a cultural and university exchange program, wherein French citizens may attend Zairian schools and vice-versa, in addition to specialized scholarships for Zairian youth who wish to enter the STEM fields, with more priority towards medicine and engineering of up to $12,000,000 every year for select students who both qualify and apply.

Further, France will offer an educational investment of up to $3,500,000 for the Zairian Ministry of Education which we hope will be seen as a little step-up!

These terms are of course negotiable beyond this.



We know our relations with Algeria has not been the best, but we would like to reach out to this nation, sit down and discuss with them the right and best ways to move forward together in the global community. Naturally, a start would be the acceptance and acknowledgement of the Harki Genocide that France is willing to recognize alongside Algeria is they are interested, we feel that this is a big step and even bigger one for France to normalize relations with Algeria.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] [RETRO] Founding of the Organization of the Islamic Conference


March 4th, 1972

After 5 days of deiberation, the Organization of the Islamic Conference has been officially founded.

Only one delegation, Turkey, refused to sign the document citing conflicts with her own constitution and secular state.

Turku Abdul Rahman, the Secretary-General of the Organization, has called it a watershed moment in the history of Islam.

The Charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference has been published.

The next OIC Conference of Foreign Ministers (the main legislative body) shall meet in December of 1972, with a location still being discussed.

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Shanghai Communiqué


February 29th, 1972


CBS News, 7:34 PM EST

Yesterday morning, President Nixon returned from his week-long state visit to the People’s Republic of China. President Nixon met with a plethora of state officials, including Chairman of the Communist Party of China Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai, amongst other state officials while travelling across China in his visit, becoming the first President of the United States to visit mainland China in an official state capacity. Furthermore, in the first American diplomacy with Mainland China since 1949, the United States and People’s Republic of China have issued a joint document regarding the future of Sino-American relations. While the American Embassy of China still resides in Taipei, the People’s Republic of China has replaced the Taipei Government as the representative of China in the United Nations, it is to be seen as to how the future of Sino-American relations continue to develop after this landmark visit.


The Communiqué, jointly published by the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China, acknowledges that there is only one China, and that the island of Taiwan is an integral part of the Chinese nation. Furthermore, the document explains aspirations for the increase of bilateral trade between the People’s Republic of China and the United States. Both nations shall encourage economic and cultural ties mutually, and pledge to continue the mutual progressive growth of relations in the future. Additionally, and finally, the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China shall diplomatically cooperate to establish peace and relax tensions in East Asia and the globe.

r/ColdWarPowers 5d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Believing in Bangui (and Fort-Lamy)


February 1972:

Central African Republic:

Since Centroafricain-Spanish relations were established in 1964, little has come of the relationship between Bangui and Madrid. That changes today.

After receiving a Spanish delegation in the capital, the Centroafricain Government has accepted a generous offer from Spain to establish 15 Jesuit mission schools across the country to teach numeracy, literacy, Christian values and the Spanish language, in addition to allowing a Spanish embassy at Bangui. In exchange, the Bokassa regime has confidentially agreed to support Spanish sovereignty in the Sahara in international forums such as the United Nations (UN) and Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

A small team of geologists and mineralogists from the Asturian company of HUNOSA will additionally travel to Bangui to support prospecting and training efforts in the developing Centroafricain mining sector.

On a separate note, President Bokassa has also received the keys to a private villa in Tenerife overlooking the Atlantic, courtesy of the Spanish Government.

After receiving support for a personal introduction from the Bokassa regime, the Spanish delegation will next travel to Fort-Lamy in Chad to meet with Bokassa’s close ally, President François Tombalbaye.


On arrival in Fort-Lamy, the Spanish Government offers the Tombalbaye regime support in its ongoing war against insurgent groups. More specifically, Spain offers to establish a 12-man security intelligence and military training team, to advise the Chadian Armed Forces and operate out of a dedicated Spanish embassy in Fort-Lamy.

In exchange, Chad will confidentially provide the same support to Spanish sovereignty over the Sahara as the Central African Republic in the UN and OAU.

r/ColdWarPowers 5d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] South Yemen - China Treaty of Friendship, 1972


January 10th, 1972

The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen and The People's Republic of China, today, have announced a treaty of friendship, a sign of continuous relationship of the two Communist nations, and perhaps, sign of the eternal revolutionary efforts in Middle East, as well.

  1. In anticipation of the efforts of internationalism, global revolutionary, and friendship, the two nations will mutually establish embassies and forging a diplomatic relations.

  2. As well, the two nations will mutually establish economic relations, of export and of import alike.

  3. And to further note, the military friendship of the two nations will be forged to assist those who fight for the people abroad, such as for example, Dhofar.

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Sino-French Agreement on Trade and Mutual Understanding


MARCH 1972

Sino-French Agreement on Cooperation and Friendship

Signed in Beijing, March 8, 1972

In recognition of the enduring and historic friendship between the People's Republic of China and the French Republic, the spirit of mutual respect, anti-imperialism, and shared commitment to the international struggle, the two parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement of Cooperation and Friendship. This agreement aims to strengthen the bonds of solidarity between our two nations and advance our shared goals for peace, sovereignty, economic development, and the liberation of all oppressed peoples of the world.

Article I: Recognition of Sovereignty

  1. The French Republic formally recognizes Taiwan as an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China by the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
  2. France immediately commits to severing all official diplomatic relations with provincial authorities and ceasing all arms dealings with the province.
  3. Both parties acknowledge their roles in shaping a just, multipolar world order free from imperialist hegemony.

Article II: Economic Cooperation

  1. Both parties agree to establish a mutually beneficial economic partnership based on equality, non-interference, and respect for each other’s sovereignty.
  2. The People's Republic of China will classify the French Republic as a preferential trade partner and ease restrictions on French consumer goods and technological products while reducing export restrictions on raw materials, including but not limited to soybeans, wheat, copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, uranium, and rare earth metals.
  3. France agrees to classify the People's Republic of China as a preferential trade partner and facilitate importing of Chinese raw materials. Depending on mutual agreement, payments for French consumer goods will be accepted in raw materials or French.
  4. Both parties commit to establishing joint ventures in energy, machinery, and nuclear technology. France will assist in transferring advanced technologies, particularly in atomic energy, heavy industry, and telecommunications, and provide training and expertise to Chinese scientists and engineers at French research facilities, including the Marcoule Nuclear Site and the Saclay Nuclear Research Center.

Article III: Technical Cooperation

  1. The People's Republic of China and the French Republic will enter a long-term partnership in scientific and technical research, focusing on nuclear energy, heavy industry, and environmental sciences.
  2. China will send delegations of scientists and researchers to French institutes to advance knowledge and exchange expertise in nuclear technology, including nuclear power generation, safety systems, and fuel cycle technology.
  3. Both parties agree to establish joint research centers to further the development of nuclear energy and to enhance China’s capacity to build and operate atomic plants under Chinese management.
  4. France will assist China in establishing domestic capacity for nuclear reactor development. It will also help install, operate, and maintain Chinese atomic energy facilities and ensure the transfer of all necessary technologies.

Article IV: Military Cooperation

  1. Both nations agree to engage in peaceful military cooperation, particularly in defense technology, military modernization, and the exchange of military expertise.
  2. France agrees to provide China with the necessary licensure for the acquisition and use of French military equipment, including naval helicopters, search and rescue variants, and anti-submarine models. This licensure will be contingent upon the sale of 18 SA-321 helicopters, which will be built in France, along with an additional 8 helicopters to be assembled with French parts. Following this, the remaining helicopters, based on the Z-8 model, may be produced domestically within China.
  3. Both parties affirm their commitment to peacefully defending their sovereignty and pledge to support each other’s right to self-determination, free from foreign intervention.
  4. The People's Republic of China and the French Republic agree to hold regular consultations regarding mutual defense interests and strategies for safeguarding peace and security in Asia and Europe.

Article V: Cultural Exchange

  1. The People's Republic of China and the French Republic shall foster more significant cultural and educational exchanges, promoting mutual understanding between their peoples.
  2. Both nations agree to support establishing exchange programs for students, academics, artists, and cultural institutions, focusing on promoting socialist values, anti-imperialism, and artistic solidarity.
  3. China will provide scholarships for French students and researchers to study in China, particularly in Chinese history, language, and socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  4. France will host Chinese delegations in arts, music, literature, and education, further strengthening cultural ties between the two nations.

Article VI: Diplomatic Cooperation

  1. Both parties reaffirm their commitment to peaceful coexistence, mutual respect for sovereignty, and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.
  2. China and France will collaborate on the global stage to promote the developing world's interests. They will advocate for the liberation of all oppressed peoples and establish a just and multipolar world order.
  3. The People's Republic of China and the French Republic shall engage in regular diplomatic exchanges to address international issues, including the struggle against imperialism, the prevention of nuclear proliferation, and the defense of human rights.
  4. France reaffirms its commitment to supporting China’s rightful place in the United Nations and other international organizations. It recognizes the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of the Chinese people.

For the People's Republic of China:
Premier Zhou Enlai
Ambassador Huang Zhen

For the French Republic:
President Georges Pompidou
Foreign Minister Maurice Schumann

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago



The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, or COMECON, has been an active participate in the fight for Socialism globally. Providing assistance in industrialization, humanitarian aid, and other economic boons, it has provided much to its members. However, it has also been used as the main organization for the USSR to gain support for other nations by pooling member funds together.

Notably, the Eastern Bloc nations have been heavily supporting the Democratic Republic of Vietnam with funding to keep their country operational for a decade now as they have fought their war with the US and South Vietnam. This has either been in direct funding or in material. And once again, the bloc continues to support the DRV for 1972, with the following totals:

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: $400,000,000

Czechoslovak Socialist Republic: (Will be determined when sheet is available)

German Democratic Republic: $90,000,000

Polish People's Republic: $85,000,000

Socialist Republic of Romania: $40,000,000

In total, that is a further $615,000,000 (will be updated) worth of humanitarian aid and material to support the DRV. With the hope of a peace treaty by next year, the bloc is hoping that the DRV can move to reconstruction of the nation after how war torn it was left by US forces during the conflict.

r/ColdWarPowers 3d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Senegal - C.A.R Joint Training Exercise


With the Cold War raging on, Senegal sees the need to make friends, and it seems there is a perfect nation for this task. The Central African Republic, rapidly building itself up to becoming an Equatorial African power, seems to match Senegal in stability and policy, and so, the two nations have agreed to joint military exercises to take the first step towards friendship.

President Senghor remarks, 'In a fast-changing world of rivalries and intrigue, companions are needed to come out of this Cold War unharmed. We have chosen one of the most stable countries to become acquainted with, and here is to hopefully more cooperation between our two states.'

This doesn't seem like the first step of diplomatic relations between these two growing states, and their united dislike of communism will let them bond even more.

r/ColdWarPowers 5d ago




Educational Institutions Monthly, Jan-Feb Edition 74.

Haile Selassie University is looking for educational institutions overseas to expand its inter-scholastic opportunities: after successful partnerships with Oxford and the University of London, additional schools, particularly ones with a history of academic excellence within the United States, Canada, NATO countries, and Japan, will be sought after. This would come both in the form of exchange programs, allowing students to study abroad for certain subjects as part of degrees in their home school, as well as curriculum exchanges offering classes that previously haven’t been offered within the home school.

In particular, schools with an emphasis on STEM education will be pursued, such as various institutes of technologies or otherwise those with strong engineering programs, due to the developmental needs of Ethiopia. HSU will also launch a dedicated associates degree for teachers and schoolmasters of small-scale schools to assist with the English literacy push.

Milestone: Literacy (1/x)

r/ColdWarPowers 2d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] The Saudi Donations (1972)


Once again the Islamic world is asking for our financial support.

King Faisal has pledged to deliver. We will be donating $75,500,000 sum of money to anti-poverty programs, mosques and madrassas, freedom fighters, among other things across the Islamic world.

Due to confusion let me be clear: unless specifically stated, these are not donations directly to your government. These are donations to Islamic charities and the like. While you can do posts about coordinating with Saudi money to, say, fight illiteracy that is fine, but this shouldn't be construed as direct foreign aid gifted to your government (I.E. don't put it on your budgetary sheet).

The following list shall be divided by country.



$2,750,000 Total

  • Mosque and Madrassas Upkeep: $1,750,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,000,000



$4,500,000 Total

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $1,500,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,500,000
  • Gift to the Tunisian Government: $1,000,000



$14,000,000 Total

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $5,750,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $2,000,000
  • Al-Azhar Endowment: $4,000,000
    • The oldest and most prestigious Madrassa in the Arab World. Money is gifted mainly as scholarships to students with $2,500,000 being earmarked as scholarships. The rest is to spent by the university as it pleases.
  • Scholar Tours: $2,250,000
    • As a part of the Saudi Arabian Scholarship Association while also direct intervention on behalf of the government, Saudi Arabian scholars will go tours lecturing about a variety of topics, but mostly constrained to theology. The scholars for this years, "Scholar tours," shall be: Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al ash-Sheikh, a member of the famous Al ash-Sheikh dynasty of Wahhabism, and, a former student of Al-Azhar University, Abu Turab al-Zahiri. Money shall be used to buy speaking venues as well as conduct advertisements for them.



$6,000,000 Total

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $1,250,000
  • Humanitarian Aid: $2,250,000
    • Saudi Arabia shall disperse funds to various Islamic charities to provision resources for various villages in North Sudan, focusing around the nation's capital of Khartoum and to the north of it. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has specifically asked for foodstuffs and other aid to be distributed at mosques to develop a, "Sense of community," but these are only requests, not demands.
  • Proselytization: $2,500,000
    • Money shall be spent to fund Islamic schools and holy men to preach to the nation of Sudan. While certainly some efforts will be targeted in Christian South Sudan, House Saud has specifically said they should balance that with targeting areas around Khartoum or north of it. Specifically Salafi or Wahhabist men will be elevated over more, "Moderate," preachers. This shall bring in new ideas to the Sudanese people.



$3,000,000 Total

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $750,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,000,000
  • Humanitarian Gift to the Somalian Government: $1,250,000
    • Saudi Arabia has given a gift of $1,250,000 to the Somalian government, with the only condition that the money be spent for humanitarian purposes. Of course, no one is checking the books...



$1,750,000 Total

  • (Sunni) Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $500,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $500,000
  • Humanitarian Aid for Palestinian Refugees: $750,000



^Offer of aid may be rescinded by the Syrian gov.

$1,500,000 Total; Saudi Arabia also demands controls to ensure the money gets to proper recipients

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $500,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,000,000



$3,000,000 Total

  • (Sunni) Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $2,000,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,000,000


North Yemen

$4,000,000 Total

  • (Sunni) Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $500,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $4,000,000
  • Inter-faith Dialogues: $500,000
    • Given the Zaidi majority in North Yemen, and their crucial alliance with Saudi Arabia against the atheists in South Yemen, the Royal Court in Riyadh has been hesitant to project its Wahhabist beliefs on their ally. That still does not mean the Saudis will not ignore their religious convictions entirely. Inter-faith dialogues are to be established between Zaidi Muslims and Sunni Muslim clerics, in a hope to improve relations and build a more stable North Yemen. Progress..?



$5,000,000 Total

  • (Sunni) Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $1,000,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,000,000
  • Humanitarian Aid in Dhofar: $3,000,000
    • Working in semi-conjunction with British policy in their, "Hearts and Minds," campaign in Dhofar, House Saud has given millions to help in this effort. Money has been given to (Sunni) Islamic charity groups and mosques within the region of Dhofar to help improve food and fresh water availability among other things.



$25,000,000 Total

  • Mosques Upkeep: $4,000,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $8,000,000
  • Humanitarian Aid: $3,000,000
  • The Madrassa Program: $10,000,000
    • Pakistan is already overflowing with Madrassas (or Islamic universities). King Faisal, himself a pious Muslim, has, however, viewed them loose and sometimes ineffective. As such, King Faisal has announced a five year program giving endowments of $10,000,000 to various madrassas around Pakistan. For the first two years all of the money shall be focused on constructing and expanding madrassas in Pakistan and the final three years shall be offering scholarships to prospective Pakistani (and Saudi) students.



$5,000,000 Total

  • Mosques and Madrassas Upkeep: $3,750,000
  • Literacy Campaigns: $1,250,000


r/ColdWarPowers 4d ago

DIPLOMACY [EVENT] [DIPLOMACY] The 1972 Madrid Accord


The 1972 Madrid Accord

In February 1972, Portuguese Prime Minister Marcelo Caetano travelled to Madrid for high-level talks with Spanish Prime Minister Luis Carrero Blanco. The meeting came on the heels of an abortive attempt in 1970 to formalise a secret protocol on extradition and information sharing between the two Iberian dictatorships. That earlier effort foundered due to last-minute hesitation on the Portuguese side, despite the Spanish government's enthusiasm.

Determined to avoid a repeat of that diplomatic fiasco, Caetano arrived in the Spanish capital with a clear agenda aimed at reinvigorating "peninsular solidarity" in the face of mounting internal and external pressures. In their private discussions, the two leaders frankly assessed the deteriorating strategic situation. Caetano emphasised his fears that even ostensibly friendly Western powers failed to grasp that the territories of ultramar were integral parts of Portugal, not mere colonies to be casually jettisoned. Carrero Blanco expressed understanding, pointing to Spain's own difficulties in the Sahara and the unreliability of European and American support.

Building on these shared frustrations, Caetano and Carrero Blanco readily agreed on the need for enhanced bilateral co-operation. They approved a series of concrete measures long advocated by Madrid, including a revived extradition accord to target subversives, regular intelligence sharing between the DGS (formerly PIDE) and its Spanish counterpart, and co-ordination of border controls to prevent opposition movements from using either country as a safe haven. Joint anti-guerrilla training was also approved with respect to insurgencies in the Spanish Sahara.

At Caetano's request, Carrero Blanco pledged robust diplomatic backing for Portuguese positions at the United Nations and other international forums, vowing to block any criticism of Lisbon's colonial policies. Caetano reciprocated by offering full support for Spanish claims in North Africa. The two further agreed to co-ordinate closely in responding to any attempts by foreign powers to pressure either regime on internal matters.

To lend maximum visibility to their renewed partnership, Caetano and Carrero Blanco decided to issue an unprecedented joint communiqué articulating a shared peninsular vision. The declaration stressed the indissoluble bonds of history, faith and civilisation between Spain and Portugal, presenting them as united in defence of Western values. It sternly warned against any interference in Iberian affairs, affirming the right of both nations to maintain the political systems best suited to their unique circumstances.

In a dramatic break from protocol, the two leaders then held a joint press conference, fielding questions side-by-side. Carrero Blanco delivered a lengthy statement extolling centuries of Spanish-Portuguese friendship and the sacred duty of both governments to resist extremism. Caetano followed by highlighting the countries' role as guardians of Europe's southern flank and their determination to safeguard Christian civilisation in Africa.

During the question period, Caetano and Carrero Blanco tag-teamed queries from journalists, reinforcing each other's points. Asked about criticism from European parliaments, Carrero Blanco dismissed them as having no right to dictate to two proud nations. Caetano chimed in that Portugal's presence in Africa defended the West, whether it was appreciated or not. On whether Portugal could sustain its military efforts, Caetano said the alternative was a Soviet foothold, while Carrero Blanco interjected that Spain would not allow its brother to stand alone.

The joint appearance electrified the Portuguese and Spanish press. Coverage proclaimed a new era of Iberian unity. Caetano's command performance drew particular acclaim, with commentators hailing his transformation from a reserved academic to a forceful statesman on the world stage.

The most significant outcome was the web of security co-operation measures approved behind closed doors. A formalised intelligence-sharing protocol would facilitate a joint crackdown on dissidents. Dozens of militants would soon find themselves ensnared as the DGS and Spanish authorities ramped up co-ordination.

Caetano returned home confident the Spanish alliance could help resist international isolation. With Carrero Blanco behind him, he felt equipped to pursue his agenda of controlled modernisation in the colonies, dubbed "autonomia progressiva." The rollout was slated for summer 1972, starting with Angola. It was a gambit Caetano hoped would split nationalist moderates from hardliners, facilitating a political solution on Portuguese terms.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Friends Who Phosphate Together...


April 1972:

Behind the closed doors of European, Middle Eastern, South American, Asian and above all African negotiating rooms, Spain has mounted a quiet campaign to normalise its position in Africa (i.e. the Spanish Sahara). Already, friends have been won in Lisbon, Paris, Bangui and Fort-Lamy, while numerous conversations continue elsewhere.

The latest domino to fall is that of the enthusiastic Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has mounted an unprecedented campaign of global development assistance funding and state-organised, privately-funded foreign direct investment. In short, Japan has developed an insatiable appetite for global resources as it celebrates its fourth year as the second-largest economy on the planet.

Of particular value to Japan's rapidly developing markets is phosphate, which has numerous economic applications across fertilisers, food, cosmetics, electronics, rust proofing, fire proofing, insecticides and medicines. Coincidentally, the resource is also abundant in the Spanish territory of the Spanish Sahara, where the state-owned firm Fos Bucraa is already exploiting the material.

Not one to pass up a good opportunity, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has secured a lucrative deal for Japan's expressely created Nippon Spanish Phosphate Company (NSPC) to take up a 50-50 stake with Fos Bucraa in its mining facility at Bou Craa. This will come alongside an initial NSPC investment of $10 million in the joint venture, funded from Japanese Government reserves and banking investments. A further $5 million investment with be made by the Japanese Port of Kobe to enhance phosphate export facilities at the Port of Laayoune, presumably to include connective rail upgrades.

Finally, the Spanish Government has also granted the new JAPEX subsidary, ESPEX, exclusive rights to survey the Spanish Sahara for oil reserves, with oil production rights to be negotiated in case of the discovery of commercially viable reserves.

Naturally, in order to maintain these economically significant investments, it will be incumbent upon Tokyo to support Spanish sovereignty over Spanish Sahara going forward.

r/ColdWarPowers 4d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Japanese-Indonesian Agreement on Trade and Development 1972


On the surface someone might expect the relationship between Japan and Indonesia to be one of hostility. Only thirty years ago Japan had occupied Indonesia during the Second World War, oppressing the people during its short occupation. Suharto however sees Japan as a valuable ally, aiding us in expanding the Indonesian economy and modernizing the nation. Recently the two nations have worked together in order to reach an agreement of mutual benefit:

1.) Japan will provide the total of 121.56 million in Official Development Assistance for 1972.

Grant Aid: $7.08M USD Purpose: Institutional resilience, and targeted expenditure to ensure domestic stability. Fund will be managed by MOFA and can be drawn upon with request.

ODA Loans (0.5% interest): $110M Purpose: Infrastructure development and critical staple agriculture production. Infrastructure will focus on clean drinking water, plumbing access, and rail development. Agriculture will be focused on priority landowners capable of exporting to Japan, and/or necessary for domestic stability. We will also provide upgrades to Jakarta International Airport for enhanced import/export services and security.

Technical Cooperation: $4.48M Purpose: Training and development in sustainable agriculture practices, and training in export processes.

2.) Indonesia will further open up its market to Japanese Consumer Goods and allow Japanese Corporations to open up factories so that they may provide goods at more competitive prices. These goods will primarily be Japanese air conditioners, vehicles, clothing and food. It intends on lowering tariff rates on these goods so they may be more affordable and improve the standards of living throughout the country.

3.) Indonesia has agreed to provide Japan with the export rights for oil, rubber, nickel and copper, including exploration and extraction. 75 kilometres worth of land in the Sumatra region has been set aside for Japanese corporations. This should help the Japanese manufacturing industries while developing our own resource sector.

4.) Indonesia commits to having Japan as their first choice provider of development and priority trade partner. They also intend to offer their support to Japan in the United Nation and other multilateral forums.

Indonesia is proud to maintain such positive relations with Japan and believe these recent developments will be of great benefit to both nations. Though many Indonesians have grown to see Japan as a friend, there are some whispers from the regimes critics that this is not the first time Suharto has co-operated with the Japanese.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY][RETRO]Support for Our Compatriots


March, 1972

Following agreements with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the Soviet Union will be supplying vast supplies of equipment to help restock their military for their upcoming southern offensive as well as provide sums of food, material, and medical supplies. This has been a standard resupply effort that we continually complete.

However, as part of the resupply effort, the USSR has also finally authorized a limited deployment of modern AA systems for the North Vietnamese. Specifically, 24 ZSU-23-4 "Shilka" and 1 2K12 Kub Missile System will be provided on loan to the DRV. These come with restrictions, however, due to the threat of Chinese spies gaining access. The Kub battery will be fully manned by Soviet personnel and security forces, stationed to help protect Hanoi. Meanwhile, each Shilka, which will be split up into groups of 12, will be manned by 3 Soviet PVO personnel each, who will train Vietnamese Personnel and otherwise be security.

To complete this, Equipment has started to be shipped via train to Vladivostok, where they will be loaded onto AN-22 Transport Aircraft. These transports will fly over North Korea before taking a long route in the various Chinese Seas to then arrive in Hanoi. We hope this will sufficiently protect these transports from Chinese eyes

r/ColdWarPowers 3d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Lebanese-Singaporean Memorandum of Understanding on Banking Cooperation of 1972


Memorandum of Understanding

Between the Government of the Lebanese Republic and the Government of the Republic of Singapore

The Governments of Lebanon and Singapore, recognizing the importance of strengthening bilateral economic and financial ties, have agreed to facilitate cooperation in the banking sector.

  1. Support for Bank Audi in Singapore: The Lebanese Bank Audi will establish a new branch in Singapore, with the Singaporean government assisting in the necessary regulatory and licensing processes.

  2. Support for UOB in Beirut: The Singaporean United Overseas Bank (UOB) sets up a branch in Beirut with the Lebanese government assisting and providing guidance on regulatory compliance and the approval process.

  3. Regulatory Cooperation: Both governments will promote financial stability and foster cross-border banking activities between the two signatory countries.

  4. Strengthening Bilateral Relations: This cooperation aims to enhance trade, investment, and financial services between Lebanon and Singapore, benefiting both nations’ economic growth.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] See you in Senegal


May 1972:

As tensions mount over Japan's decision to invest in Spanish Sahara's phosphate reserves, Spain has notched another diplomatic victory in the face of Morocco's expanionist campaign in Sahara.

Following a calculated introduction by Spain's Centroafricain allies, the Republic of Senegal has agreed to receive a military liaison team numbering ten Spanish Army officers to assist in developing the Senegalese Army's warfighting capabilities. In exchange, Dakar has confidentially pledged to join the Central African Republic and others in supporting Spanish sovereignty in the Sahara in international fora such as the United Nations and Organisation of African Unity (OAU).

The diplomatic upgrade comes at a pivotal moment, as (state-sponsored) protestors in Morocco target the Japanese embassy there and Morocco issues a statement announcing its intention to bring the issue to the OAU, hosted locally in June.

Meanwhile, Spain continues its efforts to ensure its newfound allies disrupt efforts by Rabat to establish a Greater Morocco by conquering the Spanish Sahara and likely parts of Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco. This growing diplomatic front was even joined by South Yemen, which issued a statement of its own, largely in support of Japan.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY][ECON] USSR - PDRY Continuous Cooperation on Economy


May 1st, 1972

Despite, or perhaps, being the solely communistic Middle Eastern nation (Marxism-Leninism), the USSR and South Yemen have strong relationship to each other, and thus it is not strange to see South Yemen's economic development, that includes infrastructure and exploration of new resources, are supported by the Soviet aid. The latest development in the economic cooperation sees the South Yemen's oil discovery funded by Soviet Union and railway projects that connects Aden governorate to and from Lahij and Abyan governorates, which more detailed below :

Oil Discovery

The oil discovery exploration will be undertaken in Shabwah governorate, and the Soviet Union will both lend financial assistances and partial expertise assistances, a joint discovery with Yemeni experts. Approximately $20.000.000 has been provided for the project.

Railway Projects

To Aden, and then connects Lahij and Abyan. It is estimated that the projects will cost $50.000.000 between 3 to 5 years, and for the first year the USSR has lent $20.000.000, $15.000.000 next year, and the rest $10.000.000 on the next 2 years. Barring any obstacles, the project hopefully will be finished by 1976.

Additional Notes

The $20.000.000 is for both the railway and oil, so it will be distributed partly.

r/ColdWarPowers 1d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Lebanese-Spanish Agreement on Increased Cooperation of 1972


The Republic of Lebanon and the Spanish State have reaffirmed their commitment to deepening bilateral relations through enhanced cooperation in the following areas:

1. Banking Sector Development: Both nations will collaborate in the banking sector, with Lebanese financial institutions, including Bank Audi and other smaller banks, being encouraged to expand their presence in Spain through the establishment of new branches.

2. Intelligence and Security Cooperation: Spain will support Lebanon’s ongoing efforts to reform its intelligence services by deploying five security intelligence advisors to Lebanon. Additionally, both countries will enhance collaboration through intelligence sharing to address mutual security concerns.

3. Diplomatic Cooperation: Lebanon understands the Spanish political and security concerns regarding the ongoing events in Africa while maintaining official neutrality on the matter. Lebanon is committed to provide discreet diplomatic support to Spain on the matters concerning the status of Spanish Sahara.

4. Tourism: Recognizing the potential for mutual benefits in tourism and cultural exchange, the two countries agree to promote tourism and to establish new direct flight routes between Beirut and the Spanish cities of Madrid, Barcelona, and Malaga.

5. Defense Collaboration: Spain has agreed to provide Lebanon with up to 5,000 CETME Model 58 rifles, limited quantity of other equipment and ten additional Army personnel to assist in training. These resources will be used to improve the capabilities of the Kataeb Regulatory Forces.

r/ColdWarPowers 5d ago

DIPLOMACY [MILESTONE] [DIPLOMACY] Madagascar, Did You Copy Ethiopia's Homework?


A few days after the January/February edition of Education Institutions Monthly is published, the President of the University of Antananarivo makes an announcement.

The University of Antananarivo is happy to announce that we are seeking partnerships for study abroad programs. Our colleges are all run according to the French standard, allowing us to declare with great pride that we are among the premier educational institutions throughout all of Africa. We are willing to host students for certain classes so long as they meet the University of Antananarivo's educational standards, and are eager to grant our budding young students the opportunity to experience the world beyond Madagascar while expanding their scholastic horizons.

Given the current student protests and unrest in the country, detractors say it may be a way to 'ship out' troublesome students, while supporters say that it gives a chance for the best and brightest in Madagascar to potentially escape the country until things return to normalcy.

r/ColdWarPowers 3d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Albanian-Syrian Relations


Albanian-Syrian Relations

Albanian Foreign Ministry Announcement - January, 1972

Albanian Foreign Minister, Nesti Nase, has proudly announced that the Albanian People's Republic has officially recognized the Syrian Arab Republic. Syria has been formally invited to open an embassy in Tirana. Similarly, the Foreign Ministry has reached an agreement with Syria on the location of an Albanian embassy in Damascus. According to plan, the Albanian embassy will be scheduled to open at the end of the year for typical diplomatic and visa services. Albania looks forward to a warm relationship with its new neighbor.

r/ColdWarPowers 3d ago

DIPLOMACY [SECRET][DIPLOMACY] The Germany-Yemen Secret Agreement for Cooperation


The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (henceforth PDRY) and the German Democratic Republic (henceforth GDR), after a fruitful discussion of partnership and collaboration, have agreed on a secret agreement, which included the followings :

  1. The GDR will assist PDRY in the trainings of PDRY's intelligence agency and her agents and staffs in the art of counter-intelligence and espionage.

  2. The GDR will assist PDRY in the modernization and familiarity on intelligence equipment, that includes information, communication, assassination, and disguise.

  3. The PDRY will provide stipend and housing for the involved GDR officers.

  4. The GDR will partially aid in PDRY's espionage operations, providing the know-how only.

Signed, Prime Minister Ali Nasir, Prime Minister of PDRY

r/ColdWarPowers 3d ago

DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] Japan-Vietnam Agreement on Cooperation and Friendship


The Republic of Vietnam and the State of Japan, after much fruitful and constructive discussion, have managed to reach upon the following blueprint for initial and deepening cooperation between our two nations;

  • Japan will provide the Republic of Vietnam with $37.5 million in grants to provide immediate fixes and investment in critical infrastructure, industry, and economic capability. These funds will be managed by MOFA and can be drawn upon at request.

  • Japan will provide Overseas Development Aid loans at 0.5% interest to the sum of $50 million, $10 million and $5 million for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974, to go towards infrastructure development, agriculture production (rice, poultry, fish), and industrial capability. The details of such projects will be expanded upon in the upcoming National Development Plan.

  • Japan will provide $1.5 million in technical assistance and training to Vietnamese nationals, including through a program of education exchanges, scholarships, and personnel training at various levels.

  • Vietnam will undertake to grant Japan Most Favored Nation status, without prejudicing any pre-existing arrangements and relationships and preferential access to Japanese firms

  • Vietnam will undertake to overhaul of its regulatory environment and business principles in line with the latest modern standards


Tran Van Lam, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Vietnam