r/CitiesSkylines Jun 13 '23

CS2 will not have bicycles at launch News

CO has confirmed on twitter that CS2 will not have bicycles at launch.

Personally this is a huge dissapointment as bicycles have become such a core feature of CS1 especially after the recent updates that made more roads with bike lanes available in the game.



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u/liebenmin Jun 13 '23

if they did reserve bicycles for a dlc, i, at least, hope they will come in an expansion focused on pedestrians and walkable cities or mass transit. i'd like to see utility cycling integrated with other car-alternative systems, instead of added as just an afterthought.


u/Jccali1214 Jun 13 '23

I'm just flabberghasted because this feels like it should be BASE GAME. Millions of people get around by bike - including in Finland - and we can't even build our cities to reflect that at release??
So now they remove a core feature that should be in the base game and make us pay more money for it?? Feel's criminal y'all


u/radialomens Jun 14 '23

Reminds me of Sims 4 not having toddlers at launch. It came later in a free update (that paired with a family-related DLC iirc) but still, the game was so incomplete without that


u/Jccali1214 Jun 14 '23

Oof, broski, don't even get me started on how EA screwed up that franchise. Though plenty note that there are parallels that Paradox is doing...