r/CitiesSkylines Apr 04 '23

No multiplayer in Cities Skylines 2 Discussion

So Colossal Order have answered a few question which were submitted for month of March. The most intresting one was this one when asked if there will be mutiplayer in CS2? And the reply indicates for now there seem to be no multiplayer option as it would take too much time and resources.



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u/AdonisBatheus Apr 04 '23

Completely understandable, I don't think anyone expected it to have any. HOWEVER...I would really enjoy it as an addition. Not online play with dedicated servers, just peer-to-peer. I would love to build wild cities with my friends or boyfriend.


u/Not_Felryn_Btw Apr 04 '23

peer to peer and take a page out of simcity's books where each player also runs their own city (or they can control 1 city. options are good!)

could become primary trading partners or something along the lines.


u/AssociatedLlama Apr 05 '23

I'm kind of fascinated by the idea of players completely dumping their problems on their neighbours, or purposely leaving the border areas of the city polluted and crime ridden so it bleeds over to the next region.


u/Not_Felryn_Btw Apr 05 '23

ah so like the GTA as it is now? how other cities dont fund homeless support so it all falls to Toronto!